Good News

Our body is the vehicle, container, vessel and temple for Infinite Wisdom, Unlimited Intelligence, and the Powerful Presence of risen Spirit and Risen Life.


“Your past is retained only by your thought. It is not the incident but the memory of it that causes the effects of it today. The moment it is dropped from your consciousness, it is gone from the only place it every existed” Eric Butterworth



The past is gone. Long live the risen now! All life is risen! Rejoice and give thanks!



Our spirit rises to reunite with Risen Spirit and we rejoice. God is Spirit. We are spirit in a earthly instrument. Walk in newness of life. Arise, shine! The kingdom of God is within you!



Spirit is Life. Spirit is fullness of life, infinite life, abundant life, and risen life within you now. Spirit is energetic power and presence that is within you now. Witnessing or seeing the unseen Spirit in the visible (faith) makes you well, whole and free. The kingdom of God is at hand.



The way: find your inner spirit

The truth: God is spirit

The life: knowing God’s Spirit and your spirit are already one



All the power and presence of the cosmos: omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Life essence, is within every 70-100 trillion cells within your body. Rise and be renewed, regenerated, restored and made whole! Let the fountain of Life flow unobstructed within you now! How can it get any better than this?



“I’m in a New York state of mind” becomes I’m in a risen state of mind! Be filled with the knowledge of God’s Will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. The power and presence within us is able to do abundantly far more than we could ever ask or imagine.



He is risen! She is risen! It is risen! We are risen! Rise! Rise, all “ah”s, all “ha”s, all “ho”s, all “hu”s, all husits and whatsits and hasits and hosits!!!



Arise, shine!!! Allow your inner loved child to arise!!! Good news indeed!!!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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5 Responses to Good News

  1. omwaombara says:

    It is indeed new Heaven on earth. The picture of the innocent child smelling the sweet sunflower portray such sweet innocence. Somehow flowers always move me by their beauty, the beauty of God’s creation, so exotic, so wonderful, so free. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. They inspire and give hope. Peaeful thoughts. Great photos too. May you continue experiencing the new Heaven on earth and thanks for sharing.


  2. Your welcome! Flowers express such Divine Beauty and Light of God. Was at Liberty Station today and a beautiful rose garden with huge, fragrant rose blooms. I just kept circling the garden and putting my nose in all the blooms; such a heavenly scent (heaven sent!).


  3. Pingback: What Are You Planting In Your Garden? | New Heaven on Earth!

  4. Pingback: Wings of Love | New Heaven on Earth!

  5. Pingback: Wings of Love in the Body Temple | New Heaven on Earth!

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