Behold, I make All things new!

“Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5). All things are possible in God right now. In right relationship with the Source of all creation, all things are possible and all things are made new! It is already done. All things of heaven are already given to us on earth. Christ already fills the whole earth. We need only willingly receive and maintain the relationship from our end. The relationship of oneness, wholeness and freedom is already done on God’s end! Behold the old things have passed away; all things are brand new each moment! The only limitation is our willingness to receive!

John said in Revelation 1:9 “I John, your brother, share with you in Jesus the kingdom and the tribulation” We are in the beginning time of the end times. The end is already the beginning; the beginning is already the end of the old. Our battle is within our own being to overcome the illusory ego power, conquer the separate self and obtain self-mastery. The battle has already been won on the outside, but the battle must be individually won on the inside! Our external world is just a reflection of our insides! Choose to turn from the world’s beliefs and receive the lavish free gift of grace now!

The end of ego control is the beginning of the new era of peace and reigning through being identified with our higher self, our Christ being, the Living One! The Living God is One and is in all created forms! Christ fills all things, all the time! Receive the Light in right relationship now!

The mystery is the Living One, formless Spirit, in the many, and the many forms are in the One being already! The heart can understand; the mind gets overwhelmed. The mind experiences the tribulation if it identifies with the duality of the ego. The heart experiences the kingdom of God when it identifies with Christ. Our body, emotions, mind, soul, and spirit experience rapture when we willingly receive all that the Living One has already given us!!! It is already done. Will you receive it?

Behold, I make all things new! Will you be made whole?

Behold, I make ALL things new! Follow the ancient path of the heart now!

Behold, I make all things NEW!!! You can be recreated each moment by the Living One now! Will you receive regeneration?

Behold, I make all things new! Be made new! Be brand new now! Will you receive the free gift?

Adonai, Living One, renew our mind now, renew our heart now, renew our body now, renew our life now!!! Be renewed and enter the kingdom of heaven on earth now!

From Orthocath: “St. John of the Ladder says that the uncreated light of Christ is “an all-consuming fire and an illuminating light.” St. Gregory Palamas observes: “Thus, it is said, He will baptize you by the Holy Spirit and by fire: in other words, by illumination and punishment, depending on each person’s predisposition, which will bring upon him that which he deserves.” Elsewhere, The light  of Christ, “albeit one and accessible to all, is not partaken of uniformly, but differently….St Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain explained this by describing God as fire. To those who approach the fire with fear, love and respect, it gives light and warmth; but to those who approach it carelessly, it is a scorching flame…Hell is God Himself no less than Heaven is God Himself, and whether we experience the one or the other depends on whether we want God’s love or hate it.”

Reject God’s Love or accept it now!!! Receive the gift of lavish grace or reject it. The choice is yours!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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15 Responses to Behold, I make All things new!

  1. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    Reblogged this on Hodgepodge 4 the Soul and commented:
    Oh! I can’t wait! 😀


  2. We just need to claim the gifts the Lord would give us. This is a wonderful reminder of what is happening here, on this planet, right now.


    • yes, all the gifts are given but we have to open them to receive the contents!
      its not a giving problem, its a receiving problem if we don’t have peace, joy and love!


      • Oh, yes, indeed. Balance in all things was one of my first lessons. I was taught through experience that we must learn to give without expectation, and to receive without hesitation. Easier said than done, believe me.


        • I love this “give without expectation, receive without hesitation” thank you!
          believe + receive = become (formula in Case For Christ)
          believe everything is possible
          receive infinite grace, love and union
          become whole, free and one with All That Is: Divine Reality or Source of God!
          ahh! 🙂


          • My unseen Teachers knew that (in the beginning, anyway) I had a simple mind…so they gave it to me in elementary school terms. All that I was taught still applies today, however. As I have learned and developed, the truth remains the Truth. Amen…


  3. theworshipwarriorbride says:

    A wonderful reminder of Jesus’ second coming…indeed we are living in the last of the last day.

    Everything will be made new and as we wait for that promise to happen, we must ask God to give us new hearts now. 🙂


  4. I see you like colors, and bright at that. There is a Negro spiritual I once tried to sing: “There is a balm in Gilehad to cure the wounded soul…” Beautiful! Do you know it?


    • Yes, I do! I see vivid colors in expanded consciousness and have read NDE descriptions that describe brilliant other-worldly colors in heaven!
      I do know the song, amartingarcia, and I love the reference in Revelation 3:18 where the Spirit of God says “I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see” It seems the balm heals the “wounded soul”, clears our perception, and opens our spiritual eyes so we can see the truth that we are already whole!
      thanks for your comment!


  5. Pingback: Behold, He Comes In The Clouds | New Heaven on Earth!

  6. Pingback: New Normal | New Heaven on Earth!

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