
“Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of the Lord?'” John 11:40. If you believe in Jesus you will see the glory; if you move to the next step and know Christ, you will do the works that Jesus did and even greater things!!! To know Christ is to know God the Father. To know the form of God is to know the formless, invisible God. If you have seen the Son, you have seen the formless, unseen Father. “Jesus said, ‘I know God and I keep his word'” John 8:55.

These two things are the key to the manifest, visible presence or glory of God here on earth: know God and think, speak and know God’s words that are always goodness, life-affirming, gentle and loving. The words of God are positive words that lead you to greater peace, fullness of joy, unconditional love, abundant life and harmony. The powerful Word of God cuts through all disease, disorder, and denial and brings us to wholeness, oneness and freedom in God.

Words come from the heart. “What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart” Matthew 15:18. If your heart is transformed by the glory of God, your words will be of God. A heart full of hurt,wounds, offense, blame, resentment, bitterness, anger, pride, hubris, arrogance, self-righteousness, judgment, condemnation, partiality, depression, anxiety, fear, or doubt will issue forth words of darkness which are the voice of the enemy or adversary.

If you are ready to let go of the hurts, wounds and darkness from living in the world, you can receive the glory and grace of God. “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you” Isaiah 60:2. If you are willing to let go of the pain, suffering, shame, and guilt, Christ will give you his Light. “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light” Ephesians 5:14.

If you are emptied, surrendered, and hungry for God, you will be filled with the glory of God! “Let light shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God…we have this treasure in earthen vessels to show that the transcendent power belongs to God…that the life of Jesus may also be manifested IN OUR BODIES” 2 Cor 4:6-10. Christ will become fully formed in our being.

The Glory is a fullness or tangible presence of God that manifests in our body and in our life. The Glory comes as a palpable change in the atmosphere. The air becomes dense, full, weighty, and filled with light, so that God is palpable and discernible to our physical senses. Our body becomes relaxed, uplifted, dense, more weighty, sunk down into the arms of the Mother, feeling at “home”, peaceful, more alive, vibrating at the speed of love, and resting in the everlasting arms. In the presence we taste and see the goodness of God! Our lower body becomes weighted, grounded, sunk and heavy into Christ and love, while our upper body rises, lifts, uplifts and becomes light and flowing in the Spirit of God! Our body becomes a bridge between heaven and earth, while existing in both realms at once!!!

Glory is the Hebrew word “chabod” meaning weightiness, substance, heaviness, the cloud and pillar of fire, the light that filled the temple, and the visible, tangible presence of God as Shekinah. It is evidence of the unseen as the invisible becomes visible; it is real substance that transmutes and transfigures and brings the abundant Life of God to our being.

The glory of God as a cloud, led the Israelites while they wandered in the wilderness; the pillar of fire guided and protected them by night. When we stop wandering in the wilderness of our life and stop fearing the night or darkness, the Glory of God, the cloud and pillar of fire, can enter our body. The Presence of God can progress from leading and guiding us, to being in us, and acting through us. The glory of God can become manifest in us as the gift that transforms our being and life. In return, we give the gift back to all we come into contact with. In giving, we receive even more! In sowing the grace and glory of God to others, we reap even more! In God there is always more! Don’t quit loving the things you mistakenly made your idols, just begin loving God more! Return to your first love, God! Don’t battle the darkness, just turn on the light! Don’t get down on yourself, remember who you are in Christ! Give up your old identity completely and receive your new identity from Christ!

“Christ in me must increase, but the “I”, or ego, in me must decrease” John 3:30

The glory of God is the change of atmosphere when the manifest Presence of God is made known. It is visible splendor, luminous radiance, majesty, beauty, shining glow of bright Light, glorious gleaming effulgence, theophany, Christophany, the appearance of God in many forms or a visible manifestation of the power and presence of God on earth. Words are not adequate to describe the glory of God. It is an experience, not theology. It is a direct experience of God with our senses that we taste, see, hear, feel, sense, or smell.

When our spiritual senses open up in the Presence, we can see the angels, hear celestial music, hear the voice of God singing in us, see heavenly colors, see the golden realm of Christ, feel the melting warmth, be embraced in Love and lifted in Light, smell the fragrance of roses or heavenly scents, see the ineffable beauty of the heaven realms, and see manifestations of the Holy Spirit such as water, fire, breath of life, wind, sound, doves, or brilliant lights.

“See with your eyes, and perceive with your heart, and turn for me to heal you” John 12:40

The glory of God can be described as the: Golden Light Of Revealing Yeshua: GLORY! The golden light of realizing Yeshua is the manifest tangible presence of God here on earth! Christ was, is and is coming as the Light, “the true light that enlightens every human being” John 1:9. Whether it was, is, or is to come, depends on our state of being. If you let go of your old identity, humble your ego, surrender the past, let go of personal will, and let the Spirit of God purify your heart, you will see the glory of God on earth now. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” Matthew 5:8. If you allow God to refine, purify and make you white, you will feel the glory of God manifesting in your body. You will be transformed and equipped for living a grace-filled, glory-filled, miraculous, abundant Life here on earth!

Glory is the word “gory” with an “l” standing for light entering the wound! Whatever gory situation in your life, if you give it to God, Christ will give you light to replace the darkness. God will replace your emptiness with the powerful Presence of God!  God will replace your brokenness with healing and wholeness in every area of your life. The battle of life is already won! The battle within is yours to give to the conquering King! It is already finished, if you will just believe, know and turn so you can be healed. Let go and let God be God in you! Let there be light!

The Shekinah Glory Presence is the immanent, Presence and Power of the invisible God made manifest in form here on earth now. It was in the Ark of the Covenant and it is still to come for those who have not yet turned their hearts to God, don’t yet believe or haven’t yet let faith (evidence of the unseen) become real so they can turn from belief to KNOWING. When you know God, the “is” or “isness” of God becomes manifest now. The Glory of God IS now here for those who have turned, believed, returned to God and allowed the gift of grace to reveal the Presence here now on earth!!!

“Arise, shine, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” Isaiah 60:1

Shekinah is the feminine Hebrew word for the manifest presence of God. The revealed Presence of God on earth is the feminine of God, the divine feminine, God the Mother, the aspect of God that is in form. God the Father is formless, transcendent, invisible, unseen, still, silent and rest. God the Mother is in form, in the world, immanent, visible, seen, movement, words, and flow. Christ is the invisible God made visible on earth. Christ is the form of God that represents the formless transcendent God. Christ is the anointing of God that is also upon you and me when we have given up our mistaken identities and turn and return to Christ to be made whole once again! “The anointing which you received from him abides in you” 1 John 2:27

The only thing you are lacking is union with Christ. Identify so completely, so unconditionally, that it is no longer you who live, but it is Christ who lives as you. Allow Christ to be fully formed in you. The son of man become the son of God within you, as Jesus demonstrated by dying in the Son of Man body, and rising as Christ in a Son of God physical body. Transfiguration is the first step. Resurrection and ascension will follow as your capacity to hold the Light of God increases. You unite with God in consciousness and you see yourself glowing from the inside out. The supernatural touch of God, whether thunder-clap or gradual dawning, is always accompanied with a glow (Oswald Chambers).

“Be aglow with the Spirit” Romans 12:11

Transfiguation is a foreshadowing or a taste of permanent union. Alchemy or transmutation is permanent when you unconditionally identify with Christ. “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” John 14:20. “We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” 2 Cor 3:18.

Our body is regenerated into Christ’s glorified body.  “Christ is all, and in all” Colossians 3:11. When you doubt, ask yourself “what part of ALL do I not understand?” God supplies every need. What part of EVERY do you not understand? All things are possible with God. All things are possible!!! Our true north is God. If you have any other destination as your north, you have missed the mark!

English: Blue Morning Glory Close-up

Blue Morning Glory Close-up (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

St Francis would stay up all night praying “Who are you, God? And who am I?” Ramana focused on “Who am I?” which will get you to the same result. Focus on this question until you get the answer, and then watch it manifest into form. “God calls into existence the things that do not exist” Romans 4:17. God calls our divine nature from death to life; from invisible to visible; from formless to manifested form if we turn and allow faith to become real to us. Faith is the EVIDENCE of the unseen, the SUBSTANCE of hope. It is tangible and palpable, just as God is made visible in the Shekinah Glory Presence on earth! The Light of God is made visible in the world and in our body! Let there be Light!!!

Jesus said, “Come and See”: First Come; turn to God. Secondly, See the Shekinah Glory. Give all your burdens to God. In return, receive the Light of the Shekinah Glory. Lastly, identify so completely with Christ that it is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you, as you. “Christ is all, and in all” Colossians 3:11. Only ONE thing is lacking in human beings: union with Christ, the presence of God on earth, the form of God on earth. Christ is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). You reach union with the formless Father God through going through the form of God on earth in your own body made one with Christ Spirit.

Mary chose the better way than Martha. Mary chose the ONE thing: intimate, personal relationship with Jesus! The only thing lacking in you is union with Christ; unconditional identification with Christ. The way is our form uniting with the formless; the truth is God in my body, in my inner being; and the life is the Life of God manifest and made visible in my being. The kingdom of God is within, in the midst of us (Luke 17:21). Open your eyes and See!

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened…and know what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us…the body of Christ, the fulness of him who fills all in all” Ephesians 1:17-23

“Seek first the kingdom and right relationship with God and ALL these things will be yours as well” Matthew 6:33

“Truly, truly, I say to you, she who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will she do” John 14:12

There is only one thing you lack…come, take up the cross and follow me. Come to Christ in your innermost heart. Take up the cross: the vertical connection of human beings with the Most High and the horizontal union of polar opposites on earth. Follow Jesus from a human being identified with ego or a separated fallen self, to total, complete, unconditional identification with Christ. This is the divine marriage, the spiritual marriage where we become a lamb to become married to the Lamb. We become the wife of the lamb, the Bride who marries our Maker to become one with God as Jesus was one with God. This was Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21 that we be one, and is now possible in 2012 as the collective consciousness of earth has risen enough to reveal the promises of God guaranteed to human beings. Romans 4:16 says, “The promise rests on grace and is guaranteed to all”

I am! I am that I am! I am unconditionally identified with Christ. I am united with God in marriage. I am aglow with the Spirit. I am experiencing the Shekinah Glory Presence of God now here on earth. I am simultaneously living in the dual 3D world and the 5D new heaven on earth now (NHOEN). I am one with God. I am filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19). I am sovereign with spiritual authority and made in the image and likeness of God having dominion over all things of the earth (Genesis 1:26). I am very good (Genesis 1:31). I am the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). I am the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). I am perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). I am holy as my Father is holy (1 Peter 1:16), I am whole and healed! I am one with the Father as Christ is one! I am filled with the light of God! I am filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19)! I am beloved of the Beloved! I am!!!

The Bride and the Spirit say, “Come” (Rev 22:17). The call of God is the Beloved wooing you, courting you until there is no more competition from other suitors and you surrender all in marriage with the One! Give your all in marriage to the invisible, formless God. “Your Maker is your husband” (Isaiah 54:5). Harmony is the result when you become the Bride to the divine Bridegroom!  Physical, earthly marriages cannot be whole and harmonious until the Maker is your spouse first! A glorious banquet awaits (Luke 14:15-24; Matthew 22:1-14)!

“Set your mind to seek God with your whole heart” 2 Chronicles 19:3,9.

The promises of God are true. Do not distrust, doubt or waver. “Be convinced that God is able to do what he promised” Romans 4:21

Satisfy our deepest heart longing, Beloved; fulfill the greatest need of our souls, God!

Glory, glory hallelujah! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. I have seen the second coming into my life. Will you turn your heart, Come and See? When Jesus and the Father come to you and manifest themselves to you, they trample the vintage of the grapes of wrath and replace them with the ripe grapes of the new wine. They alchemically transmute and transfigure your body into a new wineskin, a new temple for the Holy Spirit in your body. They loose lightning and thunder to shake out all that is not of God, burn the dross, refine the gold, cleanse and wash with the Living Water and fill you with Shekinah Glory Light. The trumpet sounds, the high-pitched ringing sound of the manifest Word of the Living God starts to sing in your body, and if your soul answers “yes” your feet are made jubilant and you walk in the light of glory. The beauty of Christ, like a lily, is manifest in your life, you become the fragrance or aroma of God. The glory in your heart transfigures your body and you die to the past and are raised into freedom, oneness, wholeness and a brand new identity. Truth marches on, in you, and through you to benefit all. Glory, glory hallelujah!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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19 Responses to Glory!

  1. This is an inspiring blog post. Thank you for the pingback. May God bless you. 🙂


  2. These photos are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing. 🙂


  3. Kate says:

    …beautiful bursting of light and glory…being one with the Great Sun,in the fire of unconditional love…
    Thank you for sharing this celebration of Light


  4. Pingback: How to be Exalted | New Heaven on Earth!

  5. Pingback: One Spirit | New Heaven on Earth!

  6. Pingback: Identity | New Heaven on Earth!

  7. Pingback: Presence of Presence | New Heaven on Earth!

  8. Pingback: New Identity: don’t be a do-be, be a Be-do!!! | New Heaven on Earth!

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