New Dawn of the New!


If you ask the Holy Spirit to be your mentor you will be blown away with the magnificent, amazing, luminous teaching of Truth that will flood your being! If you ask the Father to father you, be prepared to be astounded by the flood of Love into your being!!! It is the New Dawn of the Great Day of the Lord. It is the rising of the Light in the darkness. Note that it is not leaving the body to find light; not leaving the planet to find light; but the Light of Lights arising in the darkness of planet earth by rising in you and me!

This morning everything came together for me; all the disparate pieces of tapestry knit together to create the most beautiful Art of New Creation that I cried tears of Love, jumped for Joy, and deeply rested in alive Peace!

I couldn’t figure out why I had received two magazines for the last year. If you know me you would laugh, because the two magazines where: Fortune (I had no interest) and Essence (I am not black). Yesterday I got my answer in the mail: I got RENEWAL notices: Renew ESSENCE and Renew FORTUNE!!!! Yes, God was letting me know that today God’s Essence and God’s Fortune were both being restored in my being!!!


I have seen the numbers 111 over and over again in the last few months. Today as the microwave dinged after 1:11 minutes of reheating my coffee, God turned my bible to Psalm 111 and this verse knocked my socks off! “Praise for God’s Wonderful Works” “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who practice it” Psalm 111:10. Awe and reverence for the Lord, fearing God and nothing else, being in awe and reverence of the Wonderful Works of God, is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is given for those who have a good understanding of the truth of God from practicing the Presence of God! I was floored because sitting on my coffee table the last two weeks is the 10 CD series Practicing the Presence of God! Fear only God and nothing else. Do not fear people, situations or things. Fear only God and you NEVER have to fear again for God is only Love and only Good! Even Jesus said, “Don’t call me good, only God is Good.”

Do not fear. I bring you good tidings of Great Joy!!! Good News of Great Joy is now here! The good news is the gospel Truth, not the distorted truth of religions who became dead through the lack of the Spirit of God or the lies and deception of counterfeit spirituality that tried to use magic apart from Love; works apart from the Love of God. Do not fear little flock! I was given these words today from Psalms 116-119:

  • How do you recover from illness, restore dead marriages, be made whole and free?
  • Call on the name of the Lord: “O Lord, I beseech thee, save my life!” “Sozo my life, Shalom my life!” (heal, make whole, restore, rebuild, regenerate, complete, deliver, set free, make perfect, bring peace, love, joy and harmony)
  • Only one sacrifice is required now: Thanksgiving!
  • Everything else but thanksgiving is Already Done!!! It is finished except for us giving thanks for the finished work, the finished excellent outcome. It is a done deal!
  • Worship, Praise, and Give Thanks for Victory!!!
  • Sing the Victory Song!!! The door is wide open. The open door is Jesus. Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom. We opened the door and as we stepped through, we gave Jesus our sins and Christ gave us his righteousness and kingdom of light to live in. The keys opened the Gates and the seven spirits from the Throne of God entered our body and we transformed into righteous, holy, whole, perfect sons of the Living God!!! (Romans 9:26).


The old heavens and earth were our first three energy centers in our physical body. The new earth is our fourth energy center at our heart. This is our new transformed body; the temple of the Living God on earth; the new Jerusalem; Zion; the city of the Sun; the NEW EARTH!!! The new heavens on earth are energy centers 5 through 12!!! Above the new heavens and new earth is the Throne of God: 13 and to infinity! The Glory of God is above the new heavens!!! We are connected through our roots in Love; in Christ; in the Mother of God and through our branches in the new heavens and at the Throne of God above the new heavens, the before-now-unknown 13th Heaven above the Heavens!!! All that was invisible is now visible because of the enormous sacrifice of Jesus, Love made manifest! The Sacrifice is Done once and for all; all that is required of us, the only sacrifice now, is to give THANKS!!!! This is the deal of the century! This is the greatest deal in all of history! This is the greatest gift that mankind has ever or will ever want, need, or receive. Receive the Gift! Receive the Grace! Give Thanks!!!


“Lift up your cup” (Psalm 116:13) and let it be filled as you give thanks!!! Energy center 13: Lift your cup and let if be filled with Joy!!! Holy Laughter!!!! Great Joy!!!! Give Thanks!!!!!

Be filled with Goodness, Beauty, Truth, Life and Love!!!! Be filled with God!!!! Be filled with the Spirit of God!!!!!!! Sing the song of Victory!!!!!!! This is the song of the Triumph of Divine Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God’s Victory is in me and I am in God Victorious! The stone that was rejected has become the cornerstone, the head of the corner! The upper “V” and the lower “V” come together at the new earth, the new glorified body, at the fourth or heart energy center to create a diamond of God’s light. The cornerstone is in our heart center, uniting us with the head, and transformed by the renewal of our mind into Christ Mind!!! Divine Success!!! “The Lord gave us his Light and there is no more darkness” Psalm 118:27. Give Thanks!!!!

“How do we keep pure once we have been purified?” (Psalm 119:9). Guard your purity by the Word of God, the sharp two-edged Sword of the Truth of God. When Jesus was filled with the seven-fold spirits of God, making him a Son of God, he was led to the desert by the Holy Spirit to be tempted before he could publicly minister. How did he fight the temptation? He didn’t have to fight at all because he simply, naturally spoke the Word of God; words that carry all the Power, Presence, Light and Victory of the Living God!

The Word of God is written on your heart, remember, and use it to cut to the truth of every situation, to pierce through the darkness, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and the lies/deceptions to the Light of Truth!!!

Receive the New Birth! “From the womb of the morning, like dew, your youth will come to you” Psalm 110:3. “Drink from the brook by the way” Psalm 110:7. Drink of the Living Water and you will never thirst or hunger again! Let the water begin your aging backwards: becoming new every morning; becoming younger and younger every day!!! Drink the Living Water and let it stream from your heart, your new earth, your new body of God on earth!!!!

Do not fear; do not worry; do not dismay; do not waver! The new has come! All you must sacrifice is THANKSGIVING!!! I will fear no evil for Thou are with me. Practice the Presence of God and know that God is with you ALWAYS and for ever and ever more. Amen!!!

“Light rises in the darkness” Psalm 112:4. We do not have to go anywhere or do anything but give thanks. “Thank you Father that you have risen your Light in the darkness of my life and world. Thank you Father for the gift of your Son. Thank you Jesus for dying to everything old in the world so I could rise with you to new life, a new glorified body, a new earth in my heart, a new cycle of Love, a new feminine understanding of God, a new righteous spirit and a new ascended creation that is renewed every morning here on the new heavens and new earth within my being!” Let there be Light; newly created Light every moment!!!!

Receive Essence! Receive Fortune! Receive the Spirit of God! Practice the Presence of God! Be the Love you were created to be!!!!


The gospel is the good news of great joy! The gospel is the only Real Power to transform your entire life and world. Do not accept cheap imitations! Do not accept counterfeit religion! Do not accept counterfeit spirituality! The True Power is the finished work of the cross accepted by you and me. The Power of the gospel is real, visible transformation!!! Behold, I make all things New!!!! Be sozo-ed! Be shalom-ed! I am thine, sozo me! I am thine, shalom me! I am thine, overwhelm me! I am thine, Shine me!

Allow the apocalypse within you right now: let God reveal himself in you! The word apocalypse means “reveal.” Allow the tribulation (distress of separation from the Living God) to end now (Romans 2:9). The tribulation is judging and condemnation of God, human beings or any of God’s created beings. The tribulation is caused by believing the lies and deception of the darkness. Remember “Light rises in the darkness” Psalm 112:4. Do not any longer see the darkness. See the Light and it will rise in the darkness! No longer battle the darkness, just turn on the Light!!!!

Chrysolyte-7th-Rev 21-20

Ascension is the rising of the Light within your body, bringing glory, honor and peace to your being (Romans 2:10). Let there be new Light!!! The result is all actions and doings begin to arise from your being: Love. Everything you say, feel, think, imagine or do begins to arise out of your being Light, being the Love of the Beloved!!!!

Approve what is excellent! Be a Light in the darkness until all becomes light! Embody the Knowledge of God and embody the Truth of God! Embody the Spirit of God; embody the Spirit of Truth and Life!!!! (Romans 2:17-21).

Make your next breath, the Breath of Heaven on earth! Thank you God! You are AMAZING!!!! Thanks Be To God!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to New Dawn of the New!

  1. Guess what time I clicked the publish button for this message? 1:11 of course! God you are Awesome! Thanks be to God!!!


  2. Pingback: What Is Your Citizenship? | New Heaven on Earth!

  3. Pingback: New Laws Are Not The Answer | New Heaven on Earth!

  4. Pingback: Third Day | New Heaven on Earth!

  5. Pingback: Heaven Kisses Earth | New Heaven on Earth!

  6. Pingback: Glass Ceilings | New Heaven on Earth!

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