Being and Knowing


Wow! Do you feel the new possibilities in the air on this first day of Miracle March?

There has never been a time like this! There has never been a moment in time when there is more promise, more hope, more potential and more infinite possibilities available for everyone!


March 1, 2013 is the spring of all springs into the new eternal now; the march into miracles! Awaken to the new frequencies, new vibrations, new energy, new Life and new Love from the Most High!!! Open and Receive!!!!


The meteor crashing in Russia brought major heavenly Light of God to earth! The lightning hitting the Vatican represented the Light of God removing the old religious spirit and bringing the the Truth of God that can no longer be hidden or secret. The old hidden darkness has been revealed by the mass infusion of God’s Light! The old distorted ways must give way for the new Wave of the Spirit of God!!! Let there be Light!!!!


The kingdom of God is here on earth now. The kingdom of God is within human beings now. The keys to the kingdom: Wake up! Be still and know that I am God! Be the human being that God created you to be: the image and likeness of God!!!


Identity is the key developmental stage to reach now. You must surrender your old identity to step into the new eternal now. Nothing false can enter the kingdom of heaven on earth! False identity is the biggest stumbling block. If you do not know who you really are, you cannot enter the new heavens on earth!


What is our true identity? We are christed-beings, anointed with the Spirit of God, resurrected in consciousness, ascended in awareness, and we are the embodiment of the Spirit of God here on earth now!!!

Beliefs were only meant to carry us through the darkness of the last 2000 years. Faith is the evidence of the unseen and the substance or assurance of hope. NOW it is time to SEE the UNSEEN!!! NOW is the time of miracles!!! NOW is the time of limitless being and unlimited possibilities. EVERYTHING is possible with God. ALL things are possible with God. Nothing is impossible to those who KNOW that God is within their body!!!


“Christ is all and in all” Colossians 3:10-11

“In that day you will know that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you” John 14:20


There is nothing that can separate you from knowing God except your own mind! There is nothing that can keep you from infinite being except your own fears, doubts and conforming to the world instead of allowing God to renew your mind. When our mind is raised to the ascended Mind of God, we mystically, powerfully, miraculously TRANSFORM!!! Easily, effortlessly, with grace and flow, we surrender our false being and  willingly ALLOW the Spirit of God to fall on our flesh and transform old matter to divine being!!!

Coastal view, Abel Tasman National Park, South Island, New Zealand. Image shot 01/2005. Exact date unknown.

Now is the time! Now is the place! Now is the spaceless-space in the innermost heart where eternity lives within you. Now is where God is present and active in you and as you. Now is the place of miracles! The Presence and Power of God is only in the Now! Awareness of the “now,” the place where Christ was, is and is to come, is the new heavens on earth in your being!


The book of Revelation starts with the word “IS” because right now, Christ is here within you, but you just do not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Wake up!!!


“To him who Loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be the glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. He comes with the clouds, and every eye will see him…I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who IS and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” Revelation 1:5-8


What is a cloud but the fullness of potential for rain, in the form prior to rain! Allow the full potential to descend upon your being. Then let it rain within you until you are full of ALL the fullness of God!!! It is possible NOW. Now is the confluence of past, present and future right NOW and right HERE in your body. Only the Father knows when the second coming is because it depends on each of us surrendering our old conditioning and false being; asking, and willingly allowing the cloud to come upon us.


  • Ask
  • Seek
  • Knock

If you do not A.S.K. (ask, seek, knock), you will not have. The key to March Miracles is to FIND God within your being!!! Allow the bright crystalline cloud to descend upon your body. Be still and know that I am God. Humble yourself like a little child to enter the kingdom of God. Let the Spirit of Truth arise out of the stillness and silence within you. Let go of what the world has taught you; let go of your old knowing.


Be born again from above! Let the Spirit of Truth teach you anew out of the space of not knowing. Beyond words, thoughts and beliefs is the Spirit of God that will fill you with Divine Wisdom, Divine Understanding and Divine Knowledge that goes beyond what the world has known or taught. Allow the inner guidance, teaching, leading, reminding, counseling and instructing from the Holy Spirit enter your innermost spiritual body.


Find within your infinite being the True Knowing of the Spirit of Truth within you! The truth is we are infinite beings with unlimited possibilities. Miracles occur in the new eternal now! Go back to before the beginning of creation and know it again for the first time! We are made in the image and likeness of God! We are clothed in the white Light of God! We are refined gold and purified silver! Allow the crystalline Water of Life to flow above, in and through your body! We are a tree of life in the garden of the new heavens on earth now! We are flowing with the River of the Waters of Life of God!

Waterfall-plitvice in Croatia

The only thing that can keep the Truth from being true within your being is YOU! It is all already given on God’s part. Only you can limit your receiving all that God has already given you! The sacrifice has already been done, and I fall to the ground crying in awe and wonder every time I realize what has been done so I can live in the garden, a watered tree in paradise, here on earth.

Greenness Waterfalls

Tune out of the world’s old thought forms and tune in to the new heavens on earth divine thought forms. Change the frequency of the radio broadcast of K-LACK and tune into God’s frequency transmission of K-GOD at K-LOVE and K-LIGHT. You can stay listening to the radio broadcast of the old world and old human doing, OR you can change the channel to K-GOD and begin to attune, align and harmonize with the higher frequencies of God. Agree with God!!! Be in one accord with God. Be included in God’s chord! Join God’s symphony orchestra with your unique vibration and start singing and playing the new Song of the new heaven on earth now (NHOEN). Your range has been in the lower frequency ranges of earth without God. Now you can raise with Christ to the Higher Frequency ranges of the new heavens on earth in your body.


The new heavens are in your body in the energy centers 4 to 12 (heart center to higher multidimensional selves). The new earth is energy centers 1 through 3 IN your body (below the heart)! The seven old energy centers in your body are purified, seven times like silver, to allow the promises of God to unfold, be revealed and expand into 12 open energy centers in the new heavens on earth in your body. The Holy Spirit, the whole Spirit of God, descends into your body of seven centers, purifies like silver, transmutes lead to gold, and expands your being to 12 open, vibrant, crystalline, bejeweled energy centers! This 12 jewel-toned brilliant energy field of God, clothed in the white light of the Most High, is the Bride! Here comes the Bride of the Lamb!!! I know you want to be a Bride too!!! The bride, the wife of the Lamb becomes one flesh with God!!!!

“The promises of the Lord are promises that are pure, silver refined in a furnace on the ground (in your body), purified seven times” Psalm 12:6

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth…I saw the new body coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride…Behold, the dwelling of God is with humans” Revelation 21:1-2

“Come, I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb (YOU and ME)” Rev 21:9

“Having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel…clear as a crystal…with twelve gates with twelve angels…twelve foundations” Rev 21:11-14

“The body is pure gold, clear as glass (crystalline). The foundation is adorned with every jewel: jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth and amethyst” Rev 21:18-27


The new heavens on earth in our body is twelve new, refined, purified, angels or spirit-filled energy centers; a multidimensional being that is fully connected to the heart of the Father above the highest heavens, and the heart of the Bride/Bridegroom in the new earth form (Jesus descended and ascended to FILL ALL Ephesians 4:10)!


“Then he showed me the river of the water of Life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the human body; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit; and the leaves of the tree for healing” Rev 22:1-5


We are the new heavens on earth in our body! We have the River of the Waters of Life flowing above, in and through our being IF we have surrendered to God, become like a little child (humble, open and trusting), and allow the Spirit of God to embody our human body; to be born anew from above!!!


We bear the fruit of God’s Higher Love continuously, the eternal harvest of NOW, when we are trees of life with our roots in Christ’s Love and our branches above the heavens with the Father and flow with the feminine Holy Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, the Whole Spirit of God!!! We lack nothing when we are on the tree of life with Christ as the Vine and we are the branches! We are infinite beings of Light when we are clothed with the Sun and Shield that is the Lord God, the Most High, the Living God, the Almighty!!!


“The Lord God is a sun and a shield; he bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the human being who trusts in thee!” Psalm 84:11-12


Are you a tree of life in the garden of the new heavens on earth now? Is your holy, whole body connected to God by being rooted in Love and by your branches being bathed in the Sun of God? Is your vitality sourced from God or caffeine? Is your energy field open and embodying the 12 bejeweled rays of God’s Light, the protective Shield of God that cannot be tarnished or hurt? Have you allowed the Sun of God’s Love to burn away all that is rust or impurities in your physical body to reveal the refined gold of your new being? Have you allowed the River of the Waters of Life to purify, cleanse, clear obstructions and blockages in your being and transfigure the crystalline hidden treasure, the hidden splendor of the Son of Man within you? Have you been born again from Above? Have you allowed yourself to again take root downward and bear fruit upward on the tree of life?

If not, why not???

Source: F12anky photobucket

Source: F12anky photobucket

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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10 Responses to Being and Knowing

  1. james says:

    Glad i found this site, it is always timely and RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!! Dump the old paradigm and get a new one here today! March is going to bring in the first month of Nisan, that is when the Mother pours out her latter rain! Yippee! Let’s all get drenched together! “Be glad then, children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the LATTER rain in the first month”, Joel 2:23.


  2. WOW! Sister.. I really enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing this… Bro Pat 🙂


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  4. Pingback: Be Still and Know that I Am God | New Heaven on Earth!

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  6. Pingback: Pass Over Now | New Heaven on Earth!

  7. Pingback: New Life | New Heaven on Earth!

  8. Pingback: Inspired Wellness | New Heaven on Earth!

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