Full Of It


Are you full of it? Are are puffed up with knowledge? Are you full of yourself? Are you full of $@#!?

Or are you full of Christ? Are you full of Real Love? Are you full of Light? Are you full of Joy? Are you full of Peace that surpasses understanding???

If you live in old Jerusalem, representing the old earth and Hagar the slave, you are full of the world: conditioned, manipulated, lied to, used and deceived. You are not free; you are living like a harlot, a “ho”: you do not know who your Real Father is; you are not Married to the Real Spouse: you are living in sin: wrong being. You don’t know your Real Identity. You live on the horizontal time line of the old world: you regret the past and are afraid or worried about the future.

If you MOVE to New Jerusalem representing the new heavens on earth now (NHOEN), you represent Sarah: free, one with Our Father, married to our True Spouse: the Maker of heaven and earth. You become “ho! ho!” (Zechariah 2-6) or joyful!! You are full of Christ!!! You are full of all the fullness of God!!!! You are full of Life and Life more Abundant!!!!! You are full of Perfect Love that casts out all fear!!!!!! You are full of Light and no darkness at all!!!!!!! You have risen above the old earth and its lower emotions/thoughts/vibration by allowing Jesus to draw you up with him to sit in heavenly places. Your place of the skull no longer contains death; your skull is full of the risen Christ!!!


When you bring the vertical line of the risen Christ/descended Spirit to your horizontal timeline, you move from old world real estate to the eternal new NOW of Mt. Zion in New Jerusalem: the  NHOEN!!! You go from a blind faith, an unbelieving belief, to KNOWING the Truth of God in your physical body (embodiment or incarnation)!!! The Holy Spirit comes down the vertical timeless line from above the heavens out of God to intersect your entire body with NOW: the Present of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The vertical timeless line of God comes as fire to pierce your mind, heart, soul, spirit and body to remove the old and replace it with the Spirit of the Most High: the Spirit of Truth!!!! The fire without the Spirit just burns you! The fire of God empties you so you can be filled with the Holy Spirit!!!

The horizontal old earth time line is the length and breadth of the world. The vertical new heavens on earth is the height and depth of God that pierces the horizontal time line and brings the New Eternal Now: the NHOEN to create the new earth!!!! It is Christ’s finished work of the cross of Jesus; it is the new Tree of Life that gives abundantly and is never out of season!!!!!!!

“That you being rooted and grounded in Love, may have the power to comprehend the breadth and length AND height and depth, and to know the Love of Christ which surpasses knowledge that you MAY BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD” Ephesians 3:18-19

Transform from being full of it to being Full of Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Of Me Loves All Of You

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Full Of It

  1. Holly Ice says:

    I’m full of light and love, so I’m full of the positive ‘it’ Being in the Colorado mountains helps me feel it even more! Love beaming out in all directions to you and all, Holly

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Christine says:

    Yvonne, you know my story and how much our stories mirror each other. It will be 7 years ago tomorrow that the Lord emptied me of me, and filled me with Him. It was a gift to me, and not something I did, but happened as I read the New Testament as if for the first time, as the Spirit led me into all understanding. Since that fire burned out all the crap and conditioning, judgement, regret, fears and filled me with L-O-V-E and L-I-F-E, with Him consummating and bearing the Christ in me. It put all physical experiences and feelings to shame and for naught. All of a sudden I knew, I was “not my experiences” and all my ties to my past and future were gone. I was in the NOW, and saw God in everything and everyone, shimmering like an undercurrent, brimming and bursting to be born into manifestation.

    However within the end of the first year, I faded back to be more within my “baseline” of life and life energy. His Presence is still with me as far as knowing He is with me and protecting me, and I can see His answers to me sometimes immediately and obviously. My husband still says he has never seen anyone so obviously answered imn prayers.

    Sometimes though, fear and doubt creep in. I feel my flesh take over, I react from my flesh. I do not usually think without pre conceived notions or conditioning. I know I am not in the FLOW of NOW. I know intellectually God is there and everywhere I used to see Him, but its not a heart knowing. Sometimes I get into a “zone” especially when I read the Scriptures, but not always. Sometimes I go weeks at a time without doing so and having no interest. The zeal just isn’t there, the magic isn’t, the life isn’t, sometimes I even despair, if temporarily.

    I have been searching in vain for how to return to Him, to have Him closer in me than my own being, that I know He is in me looking through my eyes. I have asked, I have prayed, I have invited, I have tried to surrender. I have tried to give up my self – voluntarily and consciously this time, even with knowing it was involuntary at least in the fact it was done unconsciously 7 years ago. My walls just fell as I read. Now though, no matter what happens or what I do, or what I don’t do. Its not my doing I know, but I can’t “not do” either.

    I just don’t know how or what to or not to! And with so few truly knowing and understanding the Truth without the taint of manmade underdtanding, I can’t even really speak with anyone who even knows what I’m talking about without misunderstanding or having wrong notions.


    • Thank you for sharing so deeply, I honor you. The Holy Spirit is the Counselor, Comforter and Counsel so ask for new, fresh Wisdom and Revelation. In my experience I am conscious of the key of staying in right relationship to God; the relationship being foundational for right being/identity which allows me to let the false dissolve in the Light of the Truth. We can’t let life’s experiences speak louder to us than the Truth of God. I consciously choose to be reborn each morning with a clean slate so that no matter is going on or has transpired the day before, or how I may feel or not feel, I make my cup of french-pressed coffee, take my bible, journal and devotional tools outside in nature, immerse myself in the sky, trees, ocean, listen to the sounds around me, notice the sensations in my body, be aware of my breath, drink in the beauty or wildness of weather, savor the coffee, read inspirational words, and then raise my bible to the sky and let the new eternal flow of Light and Spirit flow in and through me. I just empty and connect and allow myself to be absorbed into God. I drink the Water of Life anew and I physically receive the Light. I then receive/feed upon a section of the old testament and one from the new which always gives me new insight no matter how many times I may have read a particular passage; it is always brand new and reveals deeper and deeper levels.

      No matter what is present in our experience, when we shine the Light of our Awareness (knowing we are one with God), it all dissolves into nothingness that is fullness of the Presence of God when we are in right relationship with the Living One. Nothingness without the Living One is empty; stillness and silence with the Living One is full. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes anew, afresh to you to reveal a new level. For those who love God, everything works together for good. It is in the darkest moments that God has shined the most Light in me and revealed more and more of the mystery of Christ in us.

      Resist nothing! Bring the Light of Awareness, focused attention to the place in your body where you are experiencing any lack, limitation, negative emotion or distorted thought or physical pain and it will dissolve in the Light of Christ. When we think the issue or problem is outside of ourself we are at the control of life/thoughts/emotions/situations; we give our power away. But when we find the issue in our own physical body and bring the Light of Awareness by focusing on it with the Truth, it dissolves. Let it all dissolve in the Light of God’s Love. Things are only a problem if we think it is; nothing is greater than God. May God bless you richly!


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