Welcome Holy Spirit!


In the trailer for the upcoming documentary Holy Ghost, Lenny Kravitz says “the Holy Spirit to me is God’s Presence here on earth”

Being conscious of living, moving and being in the Presence of God’s Spirit on earth, is heaven on earth! The most awe-inspiring awareness is the Presence of God within and all around us! Breathing, we consciously breath in the Holy Spirit! Walking, we are walking in the Presence! Moving, we are moving in the dense, still atmosphere of Presence! Being filled with the Spirit of God, we are being the presence of the Presence, enfolded in the Presence, and resting in the Presence!

Consciously aware of the Holy Spirit, we release more and more Presence into our life and those we encounter! Realizing the Presence we walk in Joy! Being filled with the Presence we humbly walk in awe and wonder!

Ordinary life becomes extraordinary Life! Simple, natural things become supernatural! Awe becomes awesome! Wonder becomes wonderful! Love becomes lovely! Human beings become the sons of the Living God: the image and likeness of the Most High! Those separated or divorced become new brides of God! The orphaned or adopted become full children of the Heavenly Father! The old becomes new! The low become high! The shallow become deep! The rivers of our body overflow with liquid Love that spills over our banks and floods the earth!

The Spirit of God is abundance: unlimited, infinite riches and unending supply of Goodness! Welcome Holy Spirit!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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10 Responses to Welcome Holy Spirit!

  1. Akriti says:

    This is a really nice post. The sentiment beneath it is well heard. I like it.
    Nice job 🙂

    I’d really appreciate if you could spare a few minutes and tell me how you feel about –

    From The Heart Of A Child ğŸ˜¦

    It’s a heart rendering picture of a child . I need more and more people to tell me how they feel about it .


  2. Francis Philip says:

    Hmm. Be careful. Many don’t know God really…though they may say they do.


    • thank you for your comment! Could you elaborate? What is your discernment process? I know that a good tree can only produce good fruit so I pray for transformation through renewed minds!


      • Francis Philip says:

        I can elaborate later. It is very good of you to ask. It is good to discern rather than to simply assume that we experience/know God. Very good.


      • Francis Philip says:

        Let’s start here with a lesson in Discernment of Spirits:


      • Francis Philip says:

        Well, it is “a” process. It is filled with wisdom. My personal process is not so well defined.


        • The process is a deepening relationship with Abba, made possible through his Son, our Advocate; knowing our Father intimately and his dunamis power through the authority or exousia given us through Christ. Hearing God’s Voice is paramount to discernment; thus being able to be still and silent enough to hear the still, small voice! My process came through affliction, adversity and suffering into the Light of Truth! “People of Zion (NHOEN) you shall weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when he hears it he will answer you. And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself any more, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it’ ” Isaiah 30:19-21. Jesus came to me in my time of deepest suffering in 1998 and I will never be the same!!!! “She who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love her and manifest myself to her…If a woman loves me, she will keep my word, and my Father will love her, and we will come to her and make our home with her…I will come to you” John 14:21-28. He came to me and said, “Come to me you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest”. My abdomen got really warm and the warmth rose up through my body until it got to my heart and it felt like an explosion in my chest and the chains were broken off my heart. True discernment is from the heart transformed by Jesus; when the mind is able to rest in the heart to “be still and know that I am God” God bless you Francis Philip!


  3. Thank you Francis Philip for taking the time to share your process of discernment!


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