

Which self are you? The old human self or the new transformed Christ Self? There are no more Adams unless you resurrect it from the past. There are no more Adams unless you did not get the memo. There are no more Adams unless you believe the enemy instead of God. There are no more Adams unless you follow the world’s wisdom.

The false self believes it is separate from God, thus creating a separation experience where suffering and tribulation is the norm.

The true Christ Self is perfectly one with God, thus creating a heaven on earth experience where miracles are everyday, normal and natural.

Lift your eyes and see! Come up higher! Put on the mind of Christ! Root and ground in Christ! Get off the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and be the tree of life branches!!!!

“I am the True Vine and my Father is the Vinedresser…I am the Vine and you are the branches. She who abides in me, and I in her, she it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:1, 5

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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2 Responses to Selfie

  1. Francis Philip says:

    Interesting text choice to supplant the actual masculine with the feminine in John’s Gospel. It can be said that, from the perspective of God (in the masculine), each human soul is feminine to Him (in a spiritual way). This leads us to the idea of a spiritual marriage which can be captured in the vision of the Vine and the branches. But we believe and profess that earthly human sexuality is not a necessary component of joyful and fulfilling heavenly life with God in heaven. But, I imagine that there is still a spiritual fruitfulness which comes from perfect union with God. If you agree, how might you describe this spiritual fruitfulness? Do you think that spiritual fruitfulness can be perfectly achieved in “heaven on earth”?


  2. Since I am in a female body, and Galatians says in Christ there is no male or female, I take this truth to heart. Jesus was in a male body; Christ is beyond gender or sex. I do not believe in “perfect achievement” but I believe in perfect oneness with our Father. Jesus prayed that we would be perfectly one as he and our Father were one (John 17:23). I know the gospel is Truth; walking it out is a process! I do not judge by physical appearances, I just stay in personal relationship with our God and Father! If the tree is made good, the fruit will be good! I do not focus on the fruit, but the tree: rooted and grounded in Love, upbuilt in Love, branches in Christ’s Love. This tree of life only produces Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Patience, Faithfulness, and Self-Control.

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