Divine Life

watered trees

God is my health! God is my life! I am in God and God is in me! Therefore, I am in the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom is in me! God is Spirit and Truth; therefore,the Spirit and Truth are in me! God is Light without any darkness at all, and since Jesus changed everything on earth, including time, I can now be a part of the finished work, in intimate relationship with God’s pure Light alone! All one with God!

Jesus removes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in willing human beings. While eating of the tree of good and evil, the tree the fallen world serves us, we ingest good and evil spirits and our vibration falls and we exhibit shame, fear, doubt, confusion, guilt, anger, depression, and anxiety which are all spirits. Fallen humanity is asleep and filled with the spirits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The world’s wisdom teaches us to believe in good and evil, light and dark, and tells us to explore our shadows, fix our issues, find experts to solve our problems, find our true selves, seek for enlightenment, or just work hard to get ahead.

flowing water, new life

God is my health! God is my life! God’s Spirit lives in me! The Tree of Life lives in me! Therefore, I can merely wake up and receive Christ’s Light. I can stay awake and watch with Christ Jesus. When a cloud comes, an appearance of a problem or issue, I can recognize the spirits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and ignore them and turn to CJ and say, “I used to fall for those phantoms, but now we know they are nothingness that go back to nothing for in God’s Reality they are dead on the tree in Golgotha, the place of the skull.” When I wake up and realize I can also crucify them in the place of the skull within me, I can begin to live as a new creation, with Christ’s renewing Mind, in the NHOEN. Once I know the Truth, the Truth sets me free from believing lesser spirits and I rise!

still lake of God

God is my health! God is my life! God’s Perfect Spirit lives in me! God’s Kingdom lives in me! Therefore, I can stand, knowing my loins are covered with Truth, my body is covered by Righteousness, my feet are covered with Peace, my head is covered with Salvation (wholeness, completeness, oneness), my entire being is surrounded by a shield of Faith (Unseen Power and Presence of God), and my mouth becomes the Sword of the Spirit that slays any lesser spirit. Knowing the Truth and having the Spirits of Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, Revelation, Power, Knowledge of the Lord, Love and the Spirit of the Lord in me, I speak to any mountain or appearance and it is dissolved; I command the lesser spirits to go and they must go! CJ gives us the keys to the Kingdom and we have the power and authority on earth to bind and loose when God’s divine nature is in us!


God is my health! God is my life! I have a new name! My forehead is sealed by the Holy Spirit! Christ’s new name and the new name of the city that comes down from God out of heaven is written on my forehead! I see rightly through the enlightened eyes of my transformed heart! I do not judge by physical appearances because I know my God is Spirit and his Kingdom is Spiritual and it lives in me raising my vibration to heaven. Therefore, I live in the Spiritual Reality of the Kingdom of God on earth, and wait with eager expectation for each heart to open and receive the Spirit and Fire of God. As more and more sons of God wake up and grow into pure, spotless brides, the more the Spiritual Kingdom of God will be physically seen by all! No one knows but the Father when this will physically occur, but the finished work and the new heavens and new earth can set up shop in your body now! It is finished! “Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy” Revelation 22:11. Each human being must choose to stay eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( satan’s deceptive tree) or come to Jesus and eat of the tree of life!


Today is the day of Christ; now is the time! Every day is the Day you can enter God’s Kingdom of heaven on earth through the open Door of Christ who removed the veil between God and human beings. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” “Take the water of life for free!” If someone is selling something, don’t buy it, for the Kingdom of God is free and for all!!!!!!! If someone says it is “over here” or “over there” don’t believe them, for the kingdom of God is within you! O happy Day! Every day is Christmas! Every day is Easter! Every day is Pentecost when you have God and his Kingdom living in you! God is Spirit; let it Pour!!!!!!! The Divine Life is Spirit; let it Pour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Divine Life

  1. Jenny Moffett says:

    Words of life… thank you!!!!


  2. gmichaud1017 says:

    May we all awaken to Kairos, Our special time with Him, in Him, and He in us. World without end…Praise and Glory to our Savior…


  3. Pingback: Coming to Silence… | Audacity and Supposition

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