Taste the Glory!


No one in their right mind refuses the visible manifestation of the Invisible Holy One. Therein lies the one and only problem in this world: being in the one mind rooted in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Coming to our senses, coming into our right Mind, rooted in the tree of life, we awaken to a new realm, a new dimension of life that catapults us into Life Abundant (zoe perissos)! The Glory Realm of God came to earth with the death of human beingness in Jesus, the resurrection of new beingness with Christ Jesus (my CJ!) and the ascension of heart, mind, spirit and will to heavenly places, where the new creation sit with Christ on the throne as he sits with Abba Father, our God!

We begin to taste the Glory when the Spirit and Fire baptism comes upon us! For me the Fire fell and burned through my being in 1998 when I was despairing of life. I turned away from the world’s solutions, and opened the childhood bible my mom had given me. The Words opened up to reveal Light! The Creator of heaven and earth was able to speak to me through the vehicle of the bible! The Word became flesh, substance, evidence and felt presence of the Invisible God! After three days of reading, the Fire fell, even though I did not understand what was happening at the time. I got in a tub of water and the Holy Spirit visibly breathed me; my arms rose above my head by a Power not my own, and I was absorbed into heavenly Glory. When I returned to my normal state of consciousness, I was in Love with God! I ran around the house joyfully exclaiming, “There is a God, there is a God!” The ignorance of the Reality of God and his promises fulfilled is the reason for losing hope, causing depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, stress, despondency and despair.


The foretastes of Glory keep us going when the going gets rough. When we have tasted perfect delight we live to be a delight to God. When we have been raptured into Glory we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is Real and our True Reality is far greater than the world can offer. We live as Lights in the world but we are no longer of the world or flesh. We are a city set on a hill! When we have been “lost in Love” or absorbed into God who is Love, we dedicate our lives to being one with this Love, being this Love, and sharing the Light, the Truth of this Love beyond what anyone can imagine, to those who are suffering, lost, hurting, wounded, broken hearted, jaded, bitter, misled, deceived, manipulated or conditioned away from the Source of Love!

Born of God’s Spirit, born anew from Above, we are the new creation of Glory! We find perfect oneness with God, the two become one, the bride finds the consummate Bridegroom! We find the One our soul Loves, our first Love! We find Rest in the green pastures beside the still Water. Filled with Goodness we eat of the tree of life and we are satiated, satisfied, fulfilled and flourish. “In the Glory of God’s Presence we find Rest in our soul; in the Depths of his Love, we find Peace that makes us whole!”

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels, descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.

Praise God! Begin to notice what is new and different. Rejoice, thank, ask, and think of things of Glory! The only thing to go to the past for, is to remember the amazing things God has done for us; how he leads us up, out and through the difficulties by mercy (loving-kindness) and grace. He pulls us out of the mud and we blossom into the pure white lotus. Think about his great Compassion, great miracles, signs and wonders! Look for what is new, glorious and manifesting out of the Glory now on the earth! Seek and find and glorify God in your body! Look for what is True, Right, Good and Beautiful and you will find it!

“Ever since the creation of the world his Invisible Nature, namely his eternal Power and Deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made” Romans 1:20

white rose

Seek the hidden treasure! Seek the hidden splendor! Seek the hidden Glory and you will find it! Ask God to open the eyes of your heart and you will begin to spiritually perceive what angels and humans long to see. Pay attention to daily Delight! Focus on the eternal Good; what you focus on expands and multiplies. Happiness is transient and circumstantial; Joy is daily delight, pure, simple, super-natural delight in being alive in Christ! Pay attention to the kingdom of God and right relationship to God and you will begin to see Glory in the land of the living!

False religion looks for the anti-christ, antithesis of glory, anti-kingdom stuff and they find it. What they focus on grows and multiplies. False religion comes out of the mind rooted in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Come out of this mind! Come to your senses! True religion is being equally yoked to God: perfectly one! Being equally yoked to Christ Jesus makes you a Bride who is equally yoked to the Bridegroom in perfect oneness! Christ is not a religion but an intimate relationship with the Source of Love! Perfect Delight! Visions of Rapture burst on your sight! Taste the Glory! O taste and see that God is Good!


Why don’t you taste the Glory? Because you are distracted and stressed by the dark clouds in the world, so you don’t see the Son! You are distracted and numbed by the overload of fear images and listen to rumors of things that cause fear, so that you do not see the Glory clouds, the angels and Jesus coming with the bright Light clouds. The light in your eyes has been darkened by conditioning of this world; the dark clouds have led you back into Egypt away from the new heavens on a new earth (NHONE). You are unequally yoked with satan’s tree of good and evil, lies and deceit. You have eaten the fruit of lies and trusted external worldly things (Hosea 10:13-15). Unequally yoked with the mind of the tree of good and evil, you multiply falsehood and violence, provoked to bitterness, and you move from sin to Sin; the dark clouds of karma come back to bite you again and again. You live in the shadow lands and think it is life. Come out of her!


Come to your senses! Come into your right Mind! Jesus overcame karma so you can overcome in him! Light dissolves the separate self! Light dissolves all darkness and comes in the clouds to bring you the bright clouds of God’s Higher Thoughts; but you do not see. “I took them up in my arms; but they did not know that I healed them” Hosea 11:3. You listen to the world and world religions and fail to see the bright Cloud above your head waiting for you to turn, open your eyes, ears, heart, mind and receive the healing, wholeness, oneness and freedom.


Men destroy; God gives Life and Life more Abundant! ” Hosea 11:9. No longer attribute to God what is from the mind of men rooted in satan’s tree of the knowledge of good and evil; filled with spirits of darkness that disguise as light. The Tree of Life is Christ Jesus in the garden of the new heavens on a new earth in the glorified one body and one Spirit, born of God anew from Above in the new creation!

Come, trembling like doves, come trembling, come Home to our Father, Abba Father, who is above all and through all and in all! Glorify God in your body and begin to see and taste Glory! Be equally yoked with Christ in God, perfectly one, multiplying Joy, Peace, Love and Harmony on the earth beyond karma, in the field of God out beyond ideas of right and wrong. Be pure, holy, blameless, irreproachable with visions of glory dancing in your head!

Baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit

Baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit

“I rejoice with the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ that this will TURN out for my deliverance (free of good and evil, disease, distress) as it is my eager expectation…with full courage now as always Christ is honored in my body” Philippians 1:19-20

Stand in God on the shoulders of the ascended Jesus. Pray at all times in the Spirit. Keep alert, keep awake and partake of grace. And when the clouds of Glory come, partake of the Glory and divine nature! It is your new birth right! Advance the kingdom of Glory in your body! “To reap the steadfast Love break up the fallow ground of your heart…it is time to seek the Lord that he may come and RAIN solutions on you” Hosea 10:12. Rain to Reign; glory to Glory!

Fire of God Heart

Christ Jesus sowed righteousness and we reap what we did not sow! Glorify God in your body! The Kingdom is within! The second coming destroyed the external temple so the third coming is within the new body temple! Glory is internal, spiritual and a matter of the heart! “And I saw no temple in the NHOEN” Rev 21:22. The glory of God is the new Light in our body; the Sun of righteousness in our body temple; the tree of life watered by the River of God (Rev 22:1-5)!

Let the Holy Spirit turn your heart to God! Let your eyes be opened to see the Glory! Let the ears of your heart be opened to hear the Voice of Glory! Let your being be opened to receive the Glory and spread the Glory! Be heightened, deepened, lengthened and broadened; be expanded, grown, and upbuilt in Love, rooted and grounded in Love! Be a tree of life, watered by the River of the Water of Life! Have visions of Glory burst on your sight! Taste the Glory!

The Two Become One; the drop enters the ocean of Glory!

The Two Become One; the drop enters the ocean of Glory!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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9 Responses to Taste the Glory!

  1. My Daughter went to classes at bethel


  2. “The Glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and thou in me, that they may become perfectly one” John 17:22-23.

    We are purposed to live, move and have our being in the Glory Realm on earth as it is in heaven. We are called to be perfectly one with God (one new name, one body and one Spirit)! This is the knowledge that Jesus the Christ said was too much to bear in the past because it blows our mind, we lose our mind, and we are catapulted into Christ’s Mind and our new being!!!!

    There are many names in the mind of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is only one name, one body and one Spirit in the One Mind of the Tree of Life!!!! Get this name and get Life Abundant (zoe perissos)!


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