Eternal Newness!!!!

“Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.’ ” Revelation 11:15

The seventh angel blew his trumpet last night in me at 4:44 am! There were loud voices in my being praising, worshiping and glorifying the Presence of our Lord and his Christ; a whole hallelujah chorus singing in me! The kingdom of God is within! Glory fills the body temple in the NHOEN! Holy, holy, holy! The whole earth is filled with his Presence! Christ’s Presence fills all in all! Truly, truly, it is finished! Presence fills all in all! Just wake up and realize the Truth and the Truth will set you free! Wonderstanding!

OMP! Oh my Presence!!!! I give! I give! It is no longer I who live, but Presence lives in me! OMP! There is NO EVIL in Presence! There is no fruit of the evil one in Presence; it simply DOES NOT EXIST in Presence! OMP!!!! We are spotless brides in the Presence! Astonishment!

In the Light of Presence all darkness is dissolved, has no part, cannot exist; has no legal right or access! When the Presence of the Holy One is in us and we are in his Presence, we are Light and there can be NO PART darkness! The bond with all darkness is canceled along with legal rights! I AM FREE! The Presence of Christ set me Free and I am Free indeed! As Meghan Trainor might say, “It’s all about dat Presence, dat Presence, no trouble!” In the Presence we are perfect in every way! Every inch of you is perfect from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet! In the Presence your soul can prosper even as your body and spirit prosper! There is fullness of wholeness in Presence! It is ALL about being consciously aware of the Presence that already fills all in all! Amazement!

“In that DAY, you will know that I am in my Father’s Presence and you are in my Presence and my Presence is in you” John 14:20

The eternally new Day is the morning star rising in our heart with the dawn of awareness of Presence in us! This new Day is eternally new whether it is night or day! It has nothing to do with physical appearances! In the awake, awareness of Presence, there is no physical day or night, no male nor female, no religion, race, culture, world, class, or distinction. Oswald Chambers said to stop being religious and become spiritually real! “He has given us new birth into his living Presence through the resurrection” 1 Peter 1:3. With child-like wonder enter the Presence! Religion must give way to surprise visits of God, encounters and spiritual experiences, which must give way to being in Presence as Presence! It is no longer I who lives, but Presence who lives in me! OMP! Such Awe!

“In thy Presence there is fullness of Joy!” Psalm 16:11

In the Presence there is fullness on every level or aspect of life!!!! The kingdom of God is the Presence! Jesus was the manifestation into visibility of invisible Presence! Our Father is Presence, Fullness, Completeness, in height, depth, length and breadth of Everything! Infinite fullness of Joy that eternally fulfills and satisfies is found in the Presence! OMP! Wonder!

I am perfectly one with our Father and his Lamb in their Presence! “Christ fills all in all!” Jesus gave us his Father’s glory Presence so we could be perfectly one with Him (John 17:22-23)! In the Presence ALL things are possible! There is nothing but perfection, completeness and wholeness in the Presence; lacking nothing, unlimited grace, unlimited possibilities, infinite potential and fulfillment! Wake up to the awareness of Presence!

“Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also dwells secure…you show me the Path of Life; in thy Presence is fullness of Joy, in thy right hand is Pleasures for evermore!” Psalm 16:9-11

In the night I was present to Presence and there was fullness of Joy!!!! A bird sang to herald the new Dawn in me; the rising of the Morning Star of Presence! When the physical dawn came, a whole chorus of birds sang! I realized in the middle of the night that we must have a personal crucifixion, resurrection and ascension within our being to receive the Spirit and Fire of God which prepares the way for the dawning of Presence! As I consciously thought “The Lord is at hand” I put my hand, the outer court of my temple to my mouth and breathed into the inner court! As I consciously took a breath (ruach) in, an inspiration, Presence filled my torso and I was in my body’s holy of holies! Glory filled the temple!!!!!!!! OMP! I give! It is no longer I who live, but Presence lives in me!!!!!!!!

I love, I love, I love your Presence!

In the glory of your Presence I find rest for my soul; in the depths of your Love I find peace makes me whole. I love I love, I love your Presence!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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8 Responses to Eternal Newness!!!!

  1. I just read what I wrote in the last paragraph, and realized that the truth of my personal experience was the Spirit and Fire coming to me first, unbiddened. I had never heard John’s words that Jesus would baptize us with Spirit and Fire (Matthew 3:11). All I did was get to the end of my rope, to the end of my personal resources, despairing of life, and in desperation found the old bible and began to read in Matthew. The Word opened up immediately, the black and white print on the page just a vehicle to pour Truth, Light, Life and Spirit into my being to wake me up! The transformation began immediately; something rising in me I did not know about! Maybe it was the substance of hope, or an activation of the eternity God placed in my heart before the foundation of the world!
    I believe the Spirit and Fire that fell on me the third day prepared the way for Jesus to manifest to me later. I guess the Spirit reveals Jesus to our being; activates and quickens the Christ seed in our being!
    Only our Father knows the time and dates we will be ripe for waking up and ready to receive more and more Truth. We cannot bear the Truth all at once; it is too shocking for our system! “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the Truth” John 16:12-13. Without the Spirit we cannot be led into Truth and sonship!
    The how and where of our awakening; our personal end time that culminates in a new beginning, the apocalypse of our heart, is definitely Spirit driven and the more we can surrender and yield our body, the quicker the Holy Spirit can have its way in us! There are so many layers and depths and heights that I could never ever be bored! Life in the Spirit of God is endlessly fascinating, full of awe and wonder and child-like curiosity and eager expectation of moving glory to glory to Glory, now, and for ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!! Amen. Hallelujah! Yah!!!!!!!!
    Addendum 3-30-15: I just realized I didn’t do anything at all, but the Presence of God that fills all in all WOKE me up! I love I love, I LOVE your Presence God!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 19maude56 says:

    Amen!!! With child-like faith we are forever looking in expectation of more and more of the eternity that’s been placed in our hearts. It’s amazing to be alive in the spirit forever drawing from the well of The Living Water that’s within. A well that’ll never run dry. I praise the Living One with you! Hallelujah!!! He’s Alive forevermore, and He lives within us!!! What a wonderful gift….The Gift of Eternal Life! It’s mind-blowing, we grasp it precepts upon precepts, a little here a little there. As you stated “Eternal Newness”!!! (Isaiah 28:10).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just came in from a sun bath on my deck and I am crying tears of Joy! The sky was clear blue, and clouds that looked like waves formed overhead and I thought “waves after waves after waves of glory” and the bright white clouds that looked like bright white waves became colorful like I have never seen in my life, intensifying and streaming such beautiful colors that I kept weeping and praising and thanking God! “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory” Isa 6:3. I am weeping with the intense beauty of it and I know it is but a drop of the glory to come; but WOW! when I came in I felt like I was drunk and I was staggering…I know we are being prepared to see the most amazing things God is doing in the earth. As darkness in the world of men is increasing; God’s Light, Glory and Grace will intensify in the kingdom of God on earth to cover it all. I am a bride of amazement! Glory to God in the Highest!
      Last night I kept hearing “I bring you good tidings of great Joy” and I realized tidings are good but they come and go, tides are stormy, tsunami-like, or flat; tides are high, tides are low; but Joy is the constant, always great Presence of the Lord, the fullness of Joy in his Presence and there is no good or evil in it (satan’s tree). It is Great Joy our King of glory brings! Angels bring messages, but Jesus brings the glory, the Presence of God into our body temple! I am in utter, unspeakable Awe!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 ESV

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  4. 19maude56 says:

    I believe we are being prepared for great and mighty things. My heart gets more heavy as I see and hear the darkness that some still cling too. Ones that are not awake, yet they seem content. I pray fervently for them and others that are still lagging in their wilderness. I pray for storms to come not to destroy, but to disturb their complacent and wake them up. I sense myself in my garden of Gethesemane crying out for others. Some think I’m too bold while others ask are you always so spiritual. For a certain I know and understand that I’m in this world, but no part of it. My joy, peace and comfort is within. One thing I keep hearing over in my spirit…’ The joy of The Lord is my strength’. Yes, great things are happening, we must continue to walk in the way the spirit lead and guide us. I get great joy reading your posts, some are right on time as I find myself raptured in the spirit. My faith is strengthen with even a greater Blessed Assurance that Christ lives in me. I’m often reminded of the words He spoke to me years ago when I was delivered out of false religion. He called me by my name, and said ‘Maude! I’ve picked you up out of the miry clay, and placed your feet on solid rock to stay. Never again will you have to worry about your back against the wall’. Those words has kept me in trying times and will continue to keep me as I journey with Him. I get joy thinking about sharing His glory as well as His suffering. (Romans 8:17).

    Liked by 1 person

    • In his Presence we find rest and we can stand firm and shine in the midst of darkness. We do not judge by physical appearances but stay anchored in knowing the substance of hope and the evidence of the unseen: the fullness of his Presence that fills heaven and earth, so we can be streams of living water, streams of Presence in the desert of darkness and ignorance and unconsciousness. Knowing the finished work of the cross we can rest in his Presence and be ambassadors of Presence from heaven to earth, furthering the kingdom of his Presence. I am still in awe of the ways Holy Spirit is teaching me about glory; teaching me about his Presence! How exciting to wake up every day in eager expectation of new revealing, uncovering or unfolding of God’s Glory and Love; his Loving fullness of Presence! I shared in a lot of suffering until Holy Spirit finally convinced me that Jesus took it all and I was not to carry burdens any longer, but merely carry his Presence to add to the Light of the world! In the old covenant, Jesus was carried into the old Jerusalem by a donkey. Humans had fallen into a lower state with beast-like, animal natures. After Jesus’ death to Adam’s fallen human, biological lineage and legacy, he resurrected us with him as new Christ-like being with a divine nature and now the new creation is carrying his Presence into the New Jerusalem, the NHOEN! This easter is Powerful with the blood moon accompanying it! God is doing a new thing, I perceive it! I can’t wait to see as more and more wake up inside Christ’s Presence! Christ in us the hope of glory! I am so hopeful for “now and is to come!”

      Liked by 1 person

  5. 19maude56 says:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement and inspiration!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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