Awesome Sauce!


It’s a celebration! It is an eternal celebration! There are bubbles and bubbly! There is effervescence! There is great Joy! There are presents and infinite gifts! There is an amazing banquet of food and drinks! There is invitation, welcoming, warmth, laughter, happy tears, all-enveloping Love, activation and quickening! There are jewels, gemstones and diamonds, crystal cut and clear, shining with luminosity, radiance, bursting into a prism of heavenly colors as the Light of the Son floods them! There is a white wedding garment billowing like a bright, white cloud: soft, fluid, flowing, shimmering with gold and silver threads! There is a Bridegroom to end all Bridegrooms, the combination of every perfect trait, character and quality of the loveliest, most gentle, most alive, vibrant, vital, energetic, strongest, noble, trustworthy, true, pure, respectful, praise-worthy, excellent, kind, caring, honorable, just, pure, holy, gracious, white knight on a white stallion decked out in gold trim! The sky is crystal clear, radiant blueness. There are fields of fragrant flowers all in bloom! There are lush, verdant trees and greenery! There is a waterfall, a river of crystal clear water flowing into a still lake…

It’s a celebration! It is a feast! It is a victory celebration for the ultimate success! It is the perfection of oneness with our All in all! It is the celebration of the successful overcoming or conquering of human nature, the human condition and the human mind! It is the mindful awareness of the Presence of God manifesting into our body vehicle! Our feminine soul (heart, mind, will) has married our masculine inner spiritual man and the two become one. We celebrate the marriage of our new creation, carried in our physical body, with Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom (the two become one); and our eternal betrothal with our First Love, the Creator of heaven and earth! Celebrate!

Love is unity of Light

Perfection does not come from outside; it is not external perfection and does not have anything to do with works or performance or anything we do or not do. Perfection is spiritual, a matter of the heart-mind: conscious awareness of Christ in us!!!!!!!! This is not blind faith or intellectual knowledge. This is experiential and signs confirm the substance and evidence of the manifest Presence of God in us! We are transformed from the inside out with Light! We become a lighthouse for God’s manifest presence: the glory fills our body temple! There is holy Fire and flowing Rivers and flashes of Lightning! We are unveiled as a bride married in amazement, in perfect oneness with Christ!

There is shaking and trembling, heat, tingling, electricity, rivers of energy, overwhelming Love, laughter, Joy, gladness, pleasure, delight, flashes of Light, colors of the rainbow, revelations, increased sensitivity, being taken over by the holy Spirit, being filled, breathed, lifted, enraptured, raised up, caressed with gentle breezes, blown over by tornadoes of vibration, overtaken with waves from a tsunami of Love, Grace, Goodness, Wellbeing, Rightness, Completeness, Holiness, Wholeness, Truth, Abundant Life…overflowing waters of Life creating a fountain that geysers up in wave after wave of glory!

We glisten, twinkle, blinkle, shine, glow, radiate, and become luminous stars of righteousness! We become full, live oaks, palm trees with high branches, pomegranate trees, beautiful blossoming fruit trees all seeded by the Tree of Life! We are always in season, ripe, juicy, flavorful, fragrant, soft, yielded, surrendered, open, receptive, filled, and overflowing! We are brides of awe and wonder! We are covered with Awesome Sauce!

We glitter like gold! We shine like silver! We burn with holy Fire! We flow with Living Waters! We glow with the Spirit! Where we walk, Light leaves a footprint! We shimmer in the glory! We glisten with His dew! We rise like the morning star! We break forth like the new dawn! We reflect our Father and are the spitting image and likeness of our Bridegroom! We have the Mind of Christ! We see our Bridegroom face to unveiled face! We are kissed by glory! We are in intimate relationship with our Beloved! We married into a huge royal Family: all heaven and earth is our one Family! Our Father is above all and through all and in all! We are the royal Family of perfect Love of which there is no other!!!!!!!!

Some kids put ketchup on everything! They grow up to put hot sauce on everything! Our Father puts awesome sauce on everything!!!!!!!!

hand in hand with the sun

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Awesome Sauce!

  1. Christophe says:

    “Praise be to the Lord, praise be to God our Savior, who daily bears us up.” (Psalm 68:19)


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tony Casson says:

    Such intensity! I love it. More importantly, GOD loves it!

    Liked by 1 person

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