

Agnes Aubry Photo

Careful! We are to be care free! When you give every care to God you can be care-less! To the ego or human mind, being careless is a bad thing. To the person sold out to God our Father, body yielded to the Holy Spirit, soul yoked to Christ Jesus and our human spirit in right relationship with God’s Spirit, being care-less is the ultimate freedom!

“Cast your cares upon me, for I care about you”

When our body is a ship carrying cares of the world, we are in relationship with trouble that leads to disease, disorders, distress and early death. Our ship is upon stormy seas,  raging waves, billows of sorrow,  emotional tempest flooding your boat/body, hurricane force winds, and even tsunamis that force you to higher ground. When we reach up to where our help comes from, we can be down-loaded by the Holy Spirit and our burdens are cast into the sea where they cannot bother us again!  When our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, our body is a ship in right relationship with God!

“The purpose that is purposed for the whole earth is lift the yoke and cast off the burdens”

The yoke of the beast of burden is taken off by the Holy Spirit and fire, so you can CHOOSE to yoke your soul with Christ Jesus, which makes you one with his God and Father! This is paradise, a new heaven and a new earth, resting or abiding in the Love, Peace and Joy of the resurrected, ascended Christ! Every burden of the world you take on, every care that you allow into your mind, heart or body, takes you out of THE relationShip of Christ to his Father, and into the spirit of this world, fathered by the evil one. You face a life of burden, overwhelming cares, lack, limitation and drudgery. You take on human causes for world issues and wonder why nothing ever changes…

“Come to me, all who are weary, tired, heavy-laden with burdens and cares of this world, and I will give you rest. I am humble and gentle and you will find rest for your soul. Take my yoke and you will receive grace, ease and light”

The yoke of Christ places you in his Father so you can abide in God and God abide in you! “In that day you will know that I am in my Father,and you are in me and I am in you” When we choose to come to Jesus and ask him to live in us and transform us into his image and likeness, he sends his Holy Spirit and fire baptism, the POWER to change you from a human being to a new creation in his image and likeness! We go from acting like the world, to not having to act, or feel like an imposter at all! We become who we were created to be in the first place: in God’s image and likeness, filled with his Spirit: love, peace, joy, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience, faithfulness and self-control; reflecting His glory!

When we choose to follow Jesus from bondage to freedom, from asleep to awareness, from a dead-man walking to Holy Spirit-breathing, alive-peace that is restful, full of JOY, flowing with streams of living water, we can begin to change the atmosphere around us, uplift by carrying the Presence of God, encourage and edify by speaking the Truth boldly, confidently; opening our mouth and letting the Holy Spirit utter the mystery of God!

“With God ALL things are possible; apart from him we can do nothing”

When we choose to believe that Jesus fulfilled all the laws and prophesies, conquered, overcame the world, destroyed the works of darkness, disarmed the powers and principalities of evil, cancelled the bond and legal demands by nailing them to the cross, filled all of earth, below the earth, and heaven with God’s Spirit reconciling ALL things in heaven and on earth, resurrected, ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father, sent his Holy Spirit, our Advocate, Counsel, Guide, Teacher, Comforter, Helper, Leader, Overshadowing, Healer, Provider, Protector, Best-Friend, Mentor, Accountability Partner, Help-Meet, Spouse, Breath, Blood, DNA, Bread of Life, Water of Life, Glorified Spirit of Christ TO BE WITH US AND IN US…

we rejoice, and again rejoice and rejoice; with fullness of JOY we REST and ABIDE in Christ as Christ abides in us! We are on the Vine as branches: same roots, same body, same branches!!!!!!! “Christ in you, the hope of glory!” “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!” You know that you are hidden with Christ IN GOD! You know that as Jesus and his Father are one, when you receive Jesus’ glory that he freely gives to all who come, rest, abide in Him as we allow Him to abide in us, you are ALSO one with his God and Father!

“To those who by patience in well-doing SEEK FOR GLORY and honor and immortality, he will GIVE eternal life, but for those who are factious and do not obey the TRUTH, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for EVERY HUMAN BEING who does evil…but GLORY and honor and peace for every one who does good…God shows NO PARTIALITY…God judges the SECRETS of men by Christ Jesus” Romans 2:7-16

Jesus told us only his Father is good, so all we have to do is yield to his Holy Spirit, let our body become God’s new temple, the new Jerusalem, LISTEN (same letters as silent; thanks Pat Van Gorder!), HEAR, and act on what you hear and what you see God doing! Oswald Chambers said, “be simple with the simplicity of Jesus…by receiving His Spirit, recognizing [re-thinking] and relying on Him, obeying Him as he brings the Word of God, and life will become amazingly simple.” In His simplicity is the greatest POWER! Yield to His Holy Spirit, empty, and be filled with all the fullness of God, less of me, more of Him; my ego decreases and his Mind replaces mine, my darkened, hard heart is opened, filled with His Light and my heart-eyes enlightened! My soul is yoked to his Spirit and I go where He goes and do what He says! All we need to do is surrender, yield, soften, empty, give up the ghost and machine-like human being, and be made NEW! Open our eyes and ears Father!

“From NOW on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view, we regard his thus NO LONGER. Therefore, if any one is IN CHRIST, he/she is a new creation/creature/race; the old has passed away, behold, the NEW HAS COME” 2 Cor 5:16-17

Those led by the Spirit of God are sons of God! Those who are filled with his Holy Spirit and fire of glory are the brides, new Jerusalem, with the new married Name, surnamed by God, a new creation!

“Now BEFORE faith came, we were confined UNDER the law, kept UNDER restraint UNTIL faith should be REVEALED. So the law was our custodian UNTIL CHRIST CAME, that we might be justified BY FAITH [just as if there was NEVER ANY SIN and DEATH]. But NOW that faith HAS COME, we are NO LONGER UNDER A CUSTODIAN; for IN CHRIST JESUS you are ALL sons of God, through faith. For as many of you baptized INTO CHRIST have PUT ON CHRIST. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to PROMISE” Galatians 3:23-29

Make sure you are IN CHRIST; not yoked to a counterfeit!

“I am the TRUE vine, and my Father is the vinedresser…Abide in me, and I in you…I am the vine and you are the branches. He/she who abides in me, and I in you, you will bear much spiritual fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing…these things I have spoken to you, that my JOY may be IN YOU, and that YOUR JOY MAY BE FULL” John 15:1-11

Understand this with your heart, see with enlightened heart-eyes, and come into the Peace of God beyond understanding, the experiential Love of Christ beyond knowledge, and the FULLNESS OF JOY in the midst of circumstances and experience the POWER of the gospel!!!!!!!

Be care-less in Jesus’ Name above all names; behold, I make ALL things new!!!!!!!



About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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8 Responses to Careless!

  1. The WORD of Jesus who NEVER lies: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would SEE THE GLORY OF GOD?” John 11:40

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gmichaud1017 says:

    THanK you Yahweh
    THanK you Yeshua
    Praise to th Glory of our God

    Liked by 1 person

  3. When the earth was destroyed by water, God lifted Noah-ites above the water in an ark…
    when the earth is destroyed by fire, God will lift his Christ-ites above the fire in His Ark: Christ in you!
    Get his Ark in you: Christ in you! NOW and is to come! NOW and forever and ever!!!
    (2 Peter 3:3-18)

    Seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness! Make absolutely sure God our Father’s Christ Spirit is IN YOU!!!

    “Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. To HIM be the GLORY both NOW and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18


  4. Justin says:

    You are a life saver Yvonne!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift and annointing!! You have truly been appointed for such a time as this. To be poured out to others that are thirsting for the pure word and Spirit! I give thanks to the Lord for you and for your calling and gifts, and that you answered the call and endured the suffering to obtain the fruit of his Spirit and the grace by which you speak! I cannot thank you enough for your faithfulness in sharing the words you receive everyday with us! His words are truly Life and Spirit, and I pray that he blesses you immensely with more of Himself and your hearts desires for being such an amazing vessel! We are truly blessed to have you my sister!! Thank you for sharing your hard times as well as the Awe times!! You truly have a word in season for the weary heart! Many thanks for you Yvonne and your page! Justin

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Justin, Jesus rescued me by opening up his Word when I was desperate and despairing of life and it is my delight to share my Beloved, to share the Truth that can transform, not just empty words to placate as the world is able to give. Thank you for your encouragement and such kind words. I really appreciate it and you! May you be richly blessed and highly favored! We are all his favorite! What an amazing Father!


  5. “Be careful about one thing only”, says our Lord, “your relationship to Me.” (Oswald Chambers)


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