Turning Point


Fork in the road

Crisis Point– Boiling Point– Choice Point– Turning Point– If you still have eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hear, a heart that cannot understand or perceive spiritually, it is MORE than time to repent and turn to God and be healed (Isaiah 6:9-10; Matthew 13:13-16; John 12:40-41; Acts 28:26-28). The trumpet is blowing and is an alarm for those who do not yet believe to repent, truth that is stranger than fiction, the names Trump and Pence speak of TRUMPets and rePENtenCE!

There is something brewing,

a spiritual battle in the heavens

reflecting in world events,

an impossible choice between two very flawed candidates,

therefore it is time to stop looking at the river of God from the banks and jump in and see what is happening in the world FROM the vantage point of God’s river and let the river of God take you where the river will take you, giving up all control! The River will take you to far greater places and experiences than you could ask, think, imagine or dream!

I happen to live and breathe metaphors, which stand for a much greater, more powerful spiritual reality, but I realize that many are strictly living in the physical realm and think they are their body. They live from the flesh, darkened minds, closed hard hearts, defenses, offenses, coping mechanisms that make things worse and are led into all unrighteousness. Living from the physical plane is living a lie, and living a lie causes confusion, division, conflict, drains you of energy and life force, and adds to the darkness of the world.

The truth is we are spirit and spiritual beings whose home is in the spirit realm which is MORE real than the physical which is shadows. Jesus gave us everything we need to be who we were created to be and to do what we were created to do, walking in the light as sons of Light, being the Light of the world! You plus Christ is complete; you without Christ are incomplete, and you will continue to seek and choose things that can never completely satisfy or fulfill until you join in union with Christ. The two were made to be one! The kingdom of the world is becoming the kingdom of heaven on earth as more and more people wake up and receive Christ’s Light, his Awareness, his Consciousness, his Life, his Truth, his Spirit and flowing with His River! The River of God flows from the Heart of God to your heart!

When the Holy Spirit sanctifies our human spirit, our spirit is made PERFECT and HOLY! The soul can then be made perfect as we COOPERATE with the Spirit of God in the spirit river in our innermost being to purify, refine and make our soul spotless.  We have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling as we work with the Spirit of God to make our soul spotless so it can marry the Bridegroom. “Those who join with the Lord become one spirit with him.” “The bride makes herself ready.” Our soul is washed by the Holy Spirit river and refined by the fire of God until it is whole, complete and lacking nothing. Our soul filled with ONLY Christ’s Light, the fire light of God, fully possessed by the Holy Ghost alone, is the new city of God, “God is there!” His Name is written on our spirit, His new city is in our soul, and His Son’s new Name is written on our body as our body RISES into the perfection and holiness from the divine blueprint of our spirit and soul joined as one in Christ Spirit within!!!!!!!

Grace gave us Jesus, and Christ lives in our spirit and soul and body by Grace! Christ in our spirit and soul and body is the glory of God in our body making it whole, the knowledge of glory in our soul giving us wisdom (in our mind), understanding (in our heart) and counsel (in our will), and the glory shining in and through our spirit giving us the kingdom, righteousness, power, might, presence, peace, joy and love to share!!!!!!! Arise, shine!

Do not turn right or left; stay centered in the River of Spirit within from the Heart of God!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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30 Responses to Turning Point

  1. Christine says:

    Yvonne, thank you for your messages. Lately I’ve been especially enjoying when you touch on current affairs and happenings in the world. You never overdo it, but with a simple and elegant flourish you bring to light insights into the odd state of the world. I too have been hearing trumpets, but look at you – Trump-Pence, what.a clever play on words. Today’s happenings and there is just a general undercurrent that something is afoot. Please continue with your uplifting truth, sprinkled with your insights into what is not, yet what is, happening in thw world today. More please, as the Spirit leads you! 🙂

    I even know some who have come into this state more recently, though you 17+ years ago, and I’m going on 10 years ago soon. My husband hit a turning point about a year ago as well. Its happening more and more – what are your insights? I really enjoy this type of post in addition to your more strictly spiritually uplifting and encouraging ones as well. Again, more please, as the Spirit leads – I also think it’s good for those more in the flesh to hear, as they can hopefully relate a little more, when hearing your message, in relation to events they can see with their earthly eyes. Just a thought. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Christine! So wonderful to hear from you! I am so happy your husband hit a turning point! And thank you for your feedback, encouragement, and kind words! In general I would rather point people to Jesus and let His Spirit reveal things directly to each spirit to spirit, without a “middle man” so to speak, but I will let the Holy Spirit lead as always! Holy Spirit and the anointing we receive from the Spirit of God is our only true Teacher! Father give us all your seven spirits from the throne: the spirits of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge of the Lord, fear of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord God! Our utmost for His highest! God bless you Christine!


  2. Turning Point! (TP) Trump Pence! (TP) no TPP! All lives matter! Black lives matter, white lives matter, all races of the human race matter, especially those most vulnerable, the not-yet-born in their first 1-9 months of life in the womb. All lives matter! We are pro-Truth, pro-Life and pro-Freedom; Christ is Truth Itself, Christ is Life Itself and Freedom is given through Christ, our new Life in Him! There is NO “anti” in Christ! Do not be deceived! History is a lie; the mystery was revealed by Jesus: Christ in you, the hope of glory! Do not fear! Christ will never leave nor forsake you; he remains forever from your first YES to his invitation! He is knocking at the door of your heart! Let Him in! When you take you last breath (exhalation/expiration) in your physical body you will take your first breath (inhalation/inspiration) in your new glorified body! You plus Christ is complete, immortal, invincible, imperishable, glory to glory to glory!!!!!!! Let His Light shine through your personality as a new creation, born of God, by the Spirit of God!


  3. At the beach: there are no clones in Christ, just your true identity revealed in you; no counterfeits in Christ, no “anti-this” or “anti-that,” no cons in Christ, no darkness, no evil, only pure Life, true Love, perfect Peace, fullness of Joy in Christ, Christ in you! Only with Christ in you are you the enhanced version of you, regenerated more and more into your highest potential on earth as it is in heaven! the former self has passed away; the new has birthed! So Good! So God! Thank you Abba! Father!


  4. Hope for humanity: you in Christ, Christ in you! die to the past; born of God anew from Above (John 3:3) You in the kingdoms of the world, the physical plane of shadows equals disaster! You translated by the Spirit of God into the kingdom of Christ on earth as it is in heaven, Christ as Light and Spirit and Love in you equals hope of glory: new heaven and new earth!!!!!!!


  5. Fighting for your identity in the world is living a lie, because our true identity is in Christ, beyond racial consciousness, gender consciousness, or religious consciousness.


  6. sidelites46 says:

    In Christian history this has been called UNION. We are called Mystics by some. There are known steps or steps to UNION with Christ. There are, indeed, many metaphors.

    Liked by 1 person

    • and beyond metaphors……ahhh! 🙂
      Jesus taught unbelievers with parables and shared secrets of the kingdom of God with his beloveds….ahhhh…. to belong to the Beloved….beyond words! 🙂


  7. From Jeffrey Stewart:
    “People have asked “Why would the Bride need to make herself ready, since she is already perfect in His sight due to the cleansing of the Blood of Jesus?”
    He once shared: “The Blood of Jesus cleanses from sin, the Word cleanses from the World”. Ephesians 5 was addressed to BELIEVERS yet He referred to the need of washing of the water of the Word. This does not refer to baptism as is commonly taught. It means what it says. The Word washes. It replaces earthly thoughts with Heavenly Thoughts. It causes the Bride to think and speak and act as they think and speak and act in Heaven. She is accepted by The Bridegroom. But she does not know how to operate as they do in Heaven. For her to complete the Great Commission, Heaven must be clearly seen through the Bride.”


  8. Christophe says:

    Just woke up from a frightful dream with countless raging war planes flying over my house, then fighting each other and falling all over place, but somehow I remained safe inside because I found the most inner place of the house, that was untouched by the outside.

    I turned on my phone to search for the meaning of all this and nhoen was still in the browser and the words “battle in heaven” were the very first that appeared to me. So it makes sense now.

    No matter what goes on the outside, we need a good mental housecleaning, we need to put the inside in order so Christ can come in and tabernacle with us. Whatever goes on outside is nothing but a reflection/projection of our inner relationship or lack of relationship with God, so we need to focus on that or else nothing we do/choose in the outside will do any good if we aren’t setlled on our firm foundation first.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true! The external world, the first and second heavens are in a battles but in Christ, the kingdom of God within, we take refuge because in Him we are translated above the lower heavens to rest in heavenly places with Him and can partake of all the spiritual blessing and intercede from heaven to earth. We replace earthly thoughts with Heavenly thoughts as in Jeffrey’s quote above and rest in our secret heart with God! Thank God!


  9. From Praying Medic this morning, dreams about Trump: https://prayingmedic.com/2016/08/10/lavish-lifestyle-god-wants/
    and in tandem the verse in Song of Songs leapt out at me this morning: “You have ravished my heart my sister, my bride, you have ravished my heart with a glance of your eyes” and all I saw was LAVISH and LAVISHED!


    • Christophe says:

      I am highly wary of “providential” (wo)men in politics, first because when we expect too much from politicians/the government, we tend to stray away from the only real source of power which is Christ in us, but also because I assumed God was like the Queen of England, that is not involved in politics (“render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, render unto God what belongs to God”). He can give us gentle advice and the ultimate power rests in Him, but I doubt he would really favor one candidate over another. Remember Jesus was sent to show ALL (Jews and Gentiles) the way to the heavenly kingdom, not to salvage an earthly one, like Judas wanted him to.

      Both candidates have yuge drawbacks, so instead of taking sides, I’d rather pray that whomever does get elected will be guided and guarded from on high. May God lavish his tremendous love and wisdom upon politicians of all obediences so they can work together in peace and undestanding for the greatest good of ALL! May God use them to the best of their abilities to pour through them HIS blessings and healing upon the land!


      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes! Thank you God for what you are doing in our land! We join in with our utmost for Your Highest! May the highest and best be revealed in all flesh! Holy Spirit pour upon all flesh! We can’t discern between two impossibly flawed candidates in our own earthly wisdom, or choose a lesser “evil” through what we physically see, instead we all need spiritual Wisdom from above, new spiritual inSIGHT and discernment from the River of God, not looking from the banks to God. This is the time where we all have an opportunity and opening for a breakthrough of God in new ways, for the Spirit of God to fall afresh, giving dreams, visions and prophesy; for God to act powerfully in the physical plane in his beloveds; for more and more breakthrough of Spirit into the physical! for a great Harvest! When things are strange, I always know that God is up to something big! to pay attention and cooperate with what the Spirit of God is doing to see the sudden surprises of God! We are all at a critical turning point and need to sound the trumpet as a warning and repent; the need for all to turn to God and repent of our old ways of choosing which has gotten us to this crisis point. Only in total freedom can we choose the Good. Choosing from a lack of freedom chooses from fear or lack or limitation and ends up with further bondage. This election is spiritual because there is no physical choice that appears good! We have to rely more and more on God and not on our own understanding or the way, or choice, that seems right to a man. This is an exciting time to see what God is preparing! God uses the weak and flawed to show it is God’s Power in us and through us! Rather than hopelessness and seeing all that is flawed, we see that as the darkness rises the Light will shine even more through willing vessels! Rather than seeing what is wrong in the world and in the candidates for president, we see what is Good, True, and Right and focus on heavenly things instead of things on earth to make all our choices from the vantage point of the Holy Spirit River within us! Thank God for Jesus! Thank Jesus for the Holy Spirit River in us!


        • Christophe says:

          Yes, love it ! Exactly, this election is important not so much in itself but for what it says about ourselves and our urgent need to look for and trust God within, the true answer to all our ills, instead of expecting the outside to save us from our own demons.

          Broadly speaking, the left stands for solidarity while the right stands for personal responsibility. We do not have to choose between one or the other, in fact we absolutely need both, in our personal and collective destinies.

          Personal responsibility is the recognition that all power comes from God within, and solidarity is the impulse to use that power for the good of all, so we find both the true source of power (God within) and the right use of it (compassion).

          Compassion is impossible without power, and all power eventually ceases if it is not used with compassion, for God dispenses His gifts according to the faithful use that we make of them. Now, of course neither party truly lives up to the value it is supposed to embody, which is why we must pray for politicians to remain humble and yield themselves to divine wisdom.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes, yes, yes!!!! Yes! We are equally endowed with God-given sovereign rights and with freedom comes great personal responsibility and Wisdom and Understanding and Counsel that can only come from God within us in Christ with the River of God’s Spirit flowing in our innermost spirit river! Thank God for God! We say, “Father pour your Spirit upon all flesh! We call for all “spirit men” in our innermost beings to rise! The Holy Spirit in our inner spirit man join together making our spirit perfect and holy as our Father is perfect and holy! Then we let the spirit River within us purify, refine and perfect our soul and then our physical body can begin to out-picture the perfected spirit and soul union with Christ! Yes! Thank you Abba Father!!!!!!!
            We are the righteousness of God in Christ! We call forth the righteousness of God in Christ in us into our homes, families, neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, states and nations! When enough people do this all over the earth, the new heaven and new earth will be seen manifesting in glory! Amazing Grace! Amazing Goodness! Amazing Glory! Amazing Christ in us in God! Arise and shine forth!!!!!!!


        • Christophe says:

          Furthermore, each political side is also at risk of turning its alleged virtue into vice if it gets out of balance:

          – Right = Personal Responsibility / Selfishness
          – Left = Compassion / Jealousy
          – Center = Balance / Indecisiveness – Inertia

          What is true in politics is also true for individuals. So the only way to rise above such dialectics is to humbly put all power back into God’s hands and try to follow his love and guidance.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Yes! No more Hegelian dialect and no more duality! We call forth the relationship between the Father and Son, perfect oneness, into every human being to rise above the fray and the duality of the world into the “one body and one Spirit” which is Christ in us! and reconcile with God in Christ in us EVERYTHING in heaven and on earth! One God and Father who is above all and through all and in all! Spirit within rise in us! Shine forth in us! God above, in and through us!!!!!!!


    • Christophe says:

      Yes! God reconciles and heals and brings peace and good-will! When in darkness, we err and look outside for answers, following every new theory, every new fad, hoping we’ve finally found an answer until we realize it does not satisfy and discard it for something else, until we finally realize only GOD will suffice!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Love, love, love! “until we finally realize only GOD will suffice!!!” The Most High God Almighty does not dwell in temples made by human hands, He lives in those who believe and receive Him! Whoa! Mind Blowing, true Reality, when awakened into will truly transform EVERYTHING on earth to what is in heaven! Let it be done in me according to Your Word! “For with God nothing will be impossible…let it be to me according to your word!” Luke 1:37-38


  11. Truly interesting article, use your spiritual discernment: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=45781


    • Christophe says:

      I have no idea whether the Jesuits really wield that much power, but according to that article they rely on extensive human knowledge and obstruse scheming to get their way, and it occured to me while reading that divine wisdom trumps human knowledge and divine ways trump obstruse scheming – God works in mysterious ways! He can somehow use those who seek to oppose Him to further his own divine plan.

      So, as far as I’m concerned, I refuse to worry about powers and principalities and political machinations, I understand that all God expects from us is that we strive to further our relationship with Him and spread his Light and Love through Faith in our daily lives. It is our own behavior and thoughts/feelings that we must really worry about, all the rest, what goes on outside is nothing but smoke and shadows, tests and trials, what really matters is our integrity, do we yield to the world and its crooked ways, or do we yield to God and his love!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Christ trumps it all! in heaven and on earth! We can rest in His Life and Truth that never fails! and live from His Consciousness and His Being in relationship with Him and our Father… like you said, “I understand that all God expects from us is that we strive to further our relationship with Him and spread his Light and Love” We just let Him shine through us, enhancing our individual personalities, bringing us up to our highest potential more and more! So Good! So God!


    • Christophe says:

      From “yes, we can” to “yes, we Kaine”?

      Liked by 1 person

  12. “The ONLY thing I’m going to post about the American election for president in November.
    First, The media out and out LIES in a major way. It’s not just biased. It’s largely demonically controlled.
    Second, We are NOT told to evaluate the merits of each candidate and vote on who we think is best. The Bible clearly says that we are not supposed to lean upon our OWN understanding, period. Ask the Lord, and He will tell YOU how to vote. The Lord knows MORE than we do. The Lord loves America MORE than we do. He knows who HE wants in office. We have no business at all trying to figure out who to vote for. We just need to listen to that still small voice and DO that. It is really that simple.
    Proverbs 3:5-6
    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and LEAN NOT upon YOUR OWN understanding.
    In ALL your ways (including voting) ACKNOWLEDGE HIM,
    And HE will direct (tell you how to vote) your path.” ~Jeffrey Stewart


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