What is Best?

What if God’s best for you is not what you think is best?


What if God’s best for you is higher than what you have deemed good and right?


What if God’s best for you is beyond anything you have wanted for yourself?


What if God’s best is not “the world” you have created for yourself? man-made reality is NOT God’s Reality, where we allow God to purify, refine, transform, create in and through us.


What if God’s best is nothing like what you have been thinking, saying and doing?


What if you have been wearing the world’s mask and never saw your true face?


What if you have only known gods, and never experienced the one true Lord God Almighty?


What if your religion is keeping you from the highest, BEST relationship of your life with the Creator of heaven and earth through the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Christ of God?


What if you have been blind, never having seen the face of glory; never been unveiled?

What if it would change everything?

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to What is Best?

  1. What if all the obstacles you find in your path, are intended by God to make you muster the courage to stand up on your own 2 spiritual feet, take your God-given place as a son or daughter of the Most High, and exercise dominion over them? Or to surrender that which seems insurmountable, to the one who can overcome? Perhaps it’s time to stop cursing the obstacles, and give thanks for them and the opportunity to learn, grow and see victory! (Says Jack to the 56 cubic yards of compost and mulch, today covered in snow, that needs spreading on my Back to Eden garden!) Ha!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ha! Ho! yes, so true Jack! even your physical compost example! “manure” used in the right way makes things grow! its the obstacles that trigger our greatest growth when we don’t sit back and blame external situations or people or circumstances…when we don’t make someone or something the enemy (the enemy is not flesh and blood) but compassion in our shared humanity that can break us through to recognizing and realizing our true identity with Christ in God!
      “Perhaps it’s time to stop cursing the obstacles, and give thanks for them and the opportunity to learn, grow and see victory!”
      love it!

      Change our hearts, God, to see as you see!

      Liked by 2 people

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