Work Out!

While “working out” is usually attributed to physical work outs for physical fitness or attempts to sculpt the body or even become an obsession for physical perfection which is unattainable, or can be used to distract from worldly discontent or sublimate the deeper divine discontent acutely present in our world right now…

working out our salvation with reverential awe and trembling changes everything…

working out what God has worked in us through the finished work of the cross…

sending Salvation to us as a person to live in us

allowing the Holy Spirit and fire River of water of Life from the throne to enter our being when Christ removes the veil over you, opening heaven over you, and you ask and receive the flow of his sevenfold Spirit, perfect Love, pure Light and righteous, holy Life in and through you.

Jesus says, “If any one thirst, let them come to me and drink. Those who believe in me, ‘Out of their heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believe in him are to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” John 7:37-39

But Jesus has already died, resurrected, ascended and IS ETERNALLY GLORIFIED now and forever and ever and ever and ever! Amen. Hallelujah! and we ALL can come to Christ Jesus and find rest, ease, light, righteousness, the kingdom, power and glory of God!!!!!!! We enter into Christ’s one body and one Spirit and then Christ comes knocking at the door of our heart and when we let him in we eat with him and he with us in intimate communion. What we once saw only darkly, we see face to face his glory and we are changed into his image and likeness from glory to glory! (2 Cor 3:11-18; Revelation 3:20-21)

We consciously choose to yoke with Christ, learn Christ from Christ, give him everything of Adam and receive all of Christ (the LAST Adam)!

You have to take off the old wineskin and put on the new wineskin; not patch the old. You have to put on the brand new garment of Christ Jesus, not patch the old Adamic human garment.

When we receive all of Christ into all of our spirit and soul and body, we are co-heirs with Christ of all the inheritance of God as a son. When we yoke, join, unite or marry with Christ we become the bride who is one body and one Spirit with her Bridegroom; the two become one flesh: the mystery of the gospel hid for AGES and GENERATIONS but revealed in Christ: Christ in you, the hope of glory for the world.

“Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble-hearted, and you will find rest for your souls [mind, heart, will]. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28-30

“After we have been perfectly related to God in sanctification, our faith has to be worked out in actualities” ~Oswald Chambers

Work it out! Do not judge by physical appearances. Walk by faith, not by sight. In the midst of circumstances KNOW and TRUST that everything works together for good for those who love God and are united with his purposes. Use what God shows you, not to criticize or be judgmental, but to intercede for those who still don’t know the living, active, Holy Spirit of God.

Count it all joy in times of trial, testing, or tribulation KNOWING the full effect of trusting Christ in you is being complete, perfect and lacking nothing. (James 1:2). Clinging to Christ with your soul in times of seeming darkness makes your soul immoveable from God; you prove it to yourself that every promise is “yes and amen” in Christ, that Christ in you is the fulfillment of God in you!

All of the fullness of God dwelt bodily in Jesus and we come to fullness of life in him! (Colossians 2:9-10)

Sit down, at rest, at the wedding banquet in the midst of the enemy (Psalm 23:5), feast daily on the finished work of the cross of Christ, drink the River of Spirit, eat the Word in the fulfilled feasts in Christ! All prophesy and law is fulfilled in Christ; Christ in you is God’s glory in you to carry his Presence, flow with his Living Waters, bring his Kingdom and Righteousness everywhere you go, to walk in his Light and bring Light to darkness wherever you go. Know the Way, Truth and Life and the Truth sets you free! We don’t constrict or hide from the world; we let God expand our tent pegs, expand our territory to boldly go where Christ went: everywhere and to everyone bringing the Light, Love and Holy Spirit to all who are thirsty and hungry in the dark, waterless, desert wilderness places of the world (those whose father is still the devil).

Wake up and come to Christ, the Way to our Father who is the God, the Creator of heaven and earth! put on the robe, ring, and sandals of the royal sons and feast in celebration! what was lost is found! what was broken is made whole! what was dead is made alive and shining with glory! arise and shine!

“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God not us…so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies…that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh.” Death was at work in the 12 disciples, but life is at work in us after 70 AD. (2 Cor 4:6-12)

God sowed righteousness on earth (Christ) and we reap a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells (Christ in you). “Christ fills all in all” “Christ is all, and in all.” Receive Christ and hold nothing back! We reap the fruit of the Spirit of God, the fruit of the tree of life (Christ), steadfast love fruit, the fruits of righteousness, the fruit of light, the fruit of the Spirit: love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, gentleness, patience, faithfulness and self-control! Our fallow ground is broken up (earthquake and tearing of the curtain/veil in us when we receive the resurrected Christ; there is fear and shaking before the dawn breaks, the morning star rises in your heart and joy breaks forth with singing and rejoicing) and God rains salvation upon us (nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing dark, nothing lacking, nothing limited, nothing impossible in Christ). (Hosea 10:12)

Wake up call: we are ALL Hosea’s unfaithful wife Gomer until we let Christ be our Bridegroom, as our Father calls us back to Himself! (Hosea 1:2-3 to 3:1)

In Christ there is no more Jew nor Gentile, no male nor female, no slave nor free, no victim nor oppressor, no scapegoat nor further sacrifices, but ALL ONE in Christ in God!

Receive the Spirit River from the throne and be a well-watered tree in God’s garden paradise now and forever and ever and ever and ever!!!!!!!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Work Out!

  1. Truly, truly, all anyone ever needs is Christ Jesus! This is the absolute truth! God sent what we truly needed in the fullness of time so now and forever we could go from empty, dirty, broken, lacking, limited, or shattered to fullness of life in Him! Thank you Abba Father! Gratitude and Appreciation and Honor and Glory and Dominion to you the only Righteous God!

    “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need.” ~The Rolling Stones

    Sometimes you get what you need so you can see your Need for Christ.

    Apart from our Father we can do nothing; Christ brings you to the Father to be filled with the Holy Spirit so all things can be made possible! The same Spirit that resurrected Jesus can resurrect you!
    Downward spirals are stopped, turned and transformed in Christ, who is all we ever need!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. 19maude56 says:

    Amen! Praise God! To God be the glory forever and ever and ever!!!! Amen!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes and Amen!!!

    Liked by 2 people

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