The Reason you keep running into the Ditch

The reason we keep running into the ditch

is because we follow what we heard

from past reliable sources of religion, government, science, education, media, family, corporations, institutions, etc.


Jesus said, “You have heard, BUT I say…”

The new thing is Christ in you, listening to ONLY the Voice of Holy Spirit, both the Wisdom and Power to become children of God, the Righteous One, the Holy One who saves, heals, delivers, and sets you free by anointing you with Himself.

The old things keep us stuck in the old heavens and old earth, with mixed good and evil…the knowledge of the tree of good and evil. We get full of knowledge that cannot transform us into who God recreates us to be.

But God! Christ Jesus brought the NEW THING to earth, BEYOND knowledge, beyond understanding. Stop mixing the old and new; it just makes you double-minded and the double-minded do not receive ANYTHING of God. Come and TAKE and PARTAKE of the ALL NEW water of life, the divine nature, Christ Spirit in you! Only in relationship with God through Christ are we whole, complete, lacking nothing! Apart from him we can do nothing; and the “nothing” we do ends badly! In relationship with the FULLNESS of God in Christ, we can do all things with Christ who strengthens us; all things are possible WITH God, in intimate relationship with God! The two become one with God, Christ in you!

The Word and Spirit of God remain in you when you continually eat and drink of them, to hear, see, know and experience the always fresh, flowing, powerful, wise Guide, the Holy Spirit, who leads us to ONLY springs of Living Water of Life not stagnant, tainted waters! The Water of Life is ever-flowing, ever-new, ever fresh Word and Spirit! not the old, stagnant, written in stone, dead things of Adam that cannot give Life Abundant but steal, kill and destroy our lives and relationships leading to sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, pain, depression, suicide, worry, stress, anxiety, dread, fear, and burdens we were NEVER meant to carry.

Cast your cares upon Christ Jesus; give every burden to God; take his ease and light and rest for your soul as a new child of God, carefree and free to live in wonder, awe, curiosity, newness of Life, no fear, no doubt, no wavering, no double-mindedness, no patches, no old wine, but every day a new creation in Christ, eagerly expecting only Good, only Light, only Love, only Holy Spirit because we KNOW because we have SEEN and TASTED and EXPERIENCED the glory of God through Christ in you that you can TRUST completely; he is the Word, the Trustworthy and True, the Life, the Faithful and True, The King of kings and Lord of lords, the Victory: the substance, assurance, conviction and evidence of the Unseen; the invisible God becomes visible, takes form to work in and through you!!!!!!!

“Can you make wedding guests fast when the Bridegroom is with them? No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it upon an old garment; if he does, he will tear the new and [stay broken]…And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the new wine will burst the wineskin and [you will remain broken as you can’t keep the Living Water in you!]. New wine must be put into fresh, new wineskins. No one who keeps drinking the OLD asks for the new for they say, “The old is good” [having never tasted, seen, known or experienced the NEW: Christ in you] !

(Luke 5:33-39)

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to The Reason you keep running into the Ditch

  1. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes the New Wine of the Holy Spirit in the new heaven on earth now is juxtaposed to the old wine of the jezebel spirit of this world, the fallen kingdom. AMEN
    Come out of her and Be filled with the Holy Spirit lest we take part in her wickedness.
    Thank you Abba Father for your Son YESHUA and your life giving Holy Spirit in us, Your beloved. Amen


    • Yes! Thank you Abba! Father! The Holy Spirit is both the Father and Son in the new covenant of oneness, and the same Holy Spirit that resurrected and ascended and glorified Jesus comes to live with AND in us! Joy Unspeakable!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. “Love unstoppable, joy unspeakable, EVERYTHING is possible!”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “Joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable, love unstoppable, anything is possible!” We were made to THRIVE not just survive! Christ in you makes you FLOURISH on the Vine of God!!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. He who supplies The Spirit to you and works miracles, NOT by the works of the law but by hearing the new thing with faith! (Galatians 3:5) Hear and receive and be who God says you are in Christ, not what the world says you are. Begin to live, move and have your being in the glory realm of Christ! miracle realm! grace realm! everything is possible realm! able to forgive and give mercy to others! willing to speak the Truth in Love! Holy Spirit open our mouths to share the gospel of glory, the gospel of the kingdom!

    “But let justice roll down like waters, and RIGHTEOUSNESS like an overflowing stream” Amos 5:24

    The righteous justice of God is so much different than the world’s SOCIAL justice.

    Liked by 1 person

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