A New Song!

What song is your heart singing? Is it the same old same old? ruminating the past? or is there a new skip in your step, a new song in your heart?

Can you sing a new song while everyone else is singing the old? yes, but it will sound disharmonious, even discordant to others and you will have to go it alone with God until other hearts can join in, but of course by then you are singing a new song and it is necessary to rely completely on God, be led by the Holy Spirit to keep living in the fresh flowing spring water of the Spirit while the world is desperate for water, seeking water is all the wrong places, or flooded and drowning in dirty water, barely keeping their head above water.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things of God shall be given to you as co-heirs with Christ in God. Pure, bright with Light, fiery, glorious Living Water will begin to flow from the throne to your heart where it is circulated to every part of your spirit and soul and  body. Your spirit is the innermost part of your being; it is changed first from human spirit to partaking of Christ’s divine, glorified Spirit. The union is the spiritual marriage of heaven and earth; our spirit becomes perfectly one with the Holy Spirit of God in the glory river from the throne!

We do not stop at spiritual marriage with the Holy Spirit: our spirit wedded to the Spirit of God; joined to God our spirit becomes one Spirit. Next it is our responsibility to work OUT what God worked in us: change our way of thinking by taking every thought captive to obey Christ: listen, hear and act on what we hear as quickly as possible, as fully as possible, to the best of our ability knowing we can do nothing apart from our Father.

We stay awake and pay attention to what we are thinking; is it Wisdom from God or man’s wisdom that is earthly, unspiritual, devilish? (James 3:15) Grumbling, complaining, blaming, shaming, taking offense, resentment and bitterness reveal a root still in satan’s tree of the the knowledge of good and evil. That root needs to be uprooted and burned to ash so you can root and ground in Christ’s Tree of Life, then water, nourish, guard and protect this new tree in you to grow and flourish until it buds like Aaron’s rod, blossoms with the sweet fragrance of Christ, and bears Christ’s first fruits of the first resurrection!

“Blessed are those who share in the first resurrection”

With Christ our spirit rises first; then we raise the standard of righteousness in our mind and take every thought captive to obey Christ. We stay alert, watchful, attentive, and aware as the destroyer tries to replant his seeds in your mind. But God! Yoked with Christ Jesus we can see the attacks and thwart them with the Word and Spirit. At the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, everything must bow! We bow our heart in gentleness and humbleness and we are raised up!  In intimate relationship with God through Christ we overcome, we conquer, and are granted full access to be seated in heavenly places with Christ! A new heaven on earth!

We learn to trust God in every situation, not focus on the issue or problem or external circumstances. We become what we focus on! behold the glory! God is Faithful and True, Trustworthy and Always Present!

When we learn to tune in to God’s Heart we synchronize with it. We realize our heart is within Christ’s Heart that is in our Father’s Heart. When we realize how NOT ALONE we are we can REST and ABIDE in the Heart of God and let our spirit and soul and body attune to the healing, delivering, freeing, purifying, refining, regenerating, recreating, remaking, rebirthing, restoring innocence, restoring child-like trust, returning to joy, awe, wonder, peace, love, light, and Spirit first! kingdom first! righteousness first! and letting a new Song bubble up from within our heart in the Heart of glory, in the Heart of the Father of glory!

Glory! Light of lights! Presence of God! Splendor of God! Treasury of God! Gold of God! White Garment of God! Spirit covering! See and behold the glory and be CHANGED!

A new way of Being!

Sing a New Song!

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice for ever in what I create!” Isaiah 65:17

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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7 Responses to A New Song!

  1. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes, Our Father searched night and day for a place to call his home.
    We are the Tabernacle of the Lord on earth. We are His beloved.
    We are not alone and we are not our own.
    THanK You Yeshua


  2. ourkairosnow1017 says:



  3. Christophe says:

    It doesn’t matter what the world thinks of you, all that matters is what your Heavenly Father thinks of you!


    • Yes!! and our Abba! Father! loves us and has the highest and best plan for our lives! greater than what we can think, ask, imagine or dream…so we go with His Way for us, His Life for us, His Truth for us! We are his children in whom he is well pleased! We grow and blossom and flourish in His Love!!


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