In the Same Way

“In the same Way, you ALSO must CONSIDER YOURSELVES dead to sin and alive to God” Romans 6:11

In the SAME way, The Way, count yourselves, SEE yourselves, IDENTIFY yourselves, NAME yourselves, BE as DEAD to sin, but [but cancels EVERYTHING before it] ALIVE to God! BE ALIVE in God! BE a new creature of the new creation where the OLD IS DEAD; the NEW HAS COME! The second coming is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of GLORY!

“Behold, I make ALL things new!” Revelation 21:5

Be SIMPLE like a child: do not fear; just BELIEVE with no doubt; just believe and RECEIVE it ALL into all of you!!!!!!!

Jesus told us the RIVER had not come to us yet because he was not yet GLORIFIED. But NOW and is to come FOREVERMORE, Jesus IS resurrected, ascended and GLORIFIED to send each person who says “yes” and “amen” YES and SO BE IT DONE IN ME according to Christ, THE SPIRIT OF GOD so you can receive ALL the inheritance AS first-borns from the dead IN CHRIST; co-heirs WITH CHRIST; the SAME SPIRIT in you as IN CHRIST: Christ in YOU!!!!!!!

There is a time and place for crying out in desperation, sober reflection, waking up to your sin nature and need of a Savior, repentance, turning around, giving up the ghost for the Holy Ghost, forgiveness, mercy and grace…forsaking the world and things of the world for the things of heaven on earth…to COUNT YOURSELF DEAD TO SIN and ALIVE TO GOD…no longer of Adam but of Christ…no longer dead or half-dead, but ALIVE in Christ…no longer under the laws of sin and death but under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ…no longer CONforming to the world but TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind in Christ Jesus, a DAILY renewal of the Mind of Christ, the peaceful Mind that gives LIFE to the flesh, the PEACE of God that surpasses all understanding and KEEPS your HEART and MIND in CHRIST JESUS…

in fact it is a PRE-REQUISITE to the glory River out of heaven from God making YOU its tributary as The River pours out to the ends of the earth. You cannot see it or understand it without the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, the baptism of Jesus, the baptism of Love, the baptism of glory Light, the baptism of Holy Spirit fire and glory and love and light: the water of LIFE of Christ!!!!!!!

There is a time for no caps and no exclamation points AND when IN the River of Water of Life there are just not enough capitals or exclamation points that could ever do it justice!!!!!!!

In the SAME WAY, The Way, we who have COME to Christ Jesus and said “COME” hearing the Spirit and Bride say “COME” receive The Spirit and Bride and the Living Water as NEW first-borns from the dead to become MEMBERS, branches of the One Holy, Righteous Vine, of the First-Born from the dead Church: Christ’s Body flowing with Christ’s Spirit River!!!!!!!

Glory to God in the HIGHEST and Peace to his people on earth!!!!!!!

“For we KNOW that Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; death no longer has DOMINION over him. The death he died to sin ONCE FOR ALL; the LIFE he LIVES he lives to God. So IN THE SAME WAY, you must CONSIDER YOURSELVES DEAD TO SIN and ALIVE TO GOD IN CHRIST JESUS! Yield yourselves to God having been brought from DEATH TO LIFE IN LIFE, and YIELD your BODY as MEMBERS OF CHRIST’S BODY, the same ONE BODY flowing with the SAME ONE SPIRIT, as instruments of RIGHTEOUSNESS. As instruments of righteousness you are members of a new heaven and a new earth and a new sea of Living Water! Sin and darkness have NO MORE DOMINION OVER YOU for you are transferred to the KINGDOM OF THE BELOVED SON; you are NOT under the law of sin and death but ONLY UNDER GRACE so you can RECEIVE the GLORY RIVER, becoming a river to spread The River to the ends of the earth” (Romans 6:9-14; Colossians 1:13; Revelation chapters 21-22 paraphrase)

The WHOLE bible brings your soul from bondage, separated from God, to FREEDOM, united with Christ in God!!!!!!! Say, “COME, live in me CHRIST!”

The Spirit and The Bride say, “Come!” and we hear and respond, “Come!” “Live in me!”

Christ returns physically to a SPOTLESS BRIDE!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to In the Same Way

  1. “I am crucified WITH CHRIST. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me”

    take it by faith through grace,

    and be who God says you are, not who the world or world religions say you are.

    They say you have to earn it, work for it, or make yourself righteous or you have to wait until you die and go to heaven,

    but God says The Christ, The Son of God, The Messiah WAS enough, IS enough, and will ALWAYS BE enough IN YOU!!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dennis says:

      yeah “they say” …’did God really say’ said the Serpent…and if he can get us to say his hissing lies about ourselves he nullifies the Cross, at least in our minds…which blocks our S/spirit…so it is GREAT reading your stream of living water…BUT I suggest that it must be READ OUT LOUD for the ears to hear what the word is saying.


      • Yes! read out loud! faith comes by hearing the Word of God! Read the Word out loud! sing the Word! singing is praying twice! engage all of our senses in the Word and make sure Holy Spirit opens our spiritual senses and then Live the Word! Be the Word made flesh! Glory to God in the Highest!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A new nation OF Christ, a new city OF Christ, a new state of BEING IN CHRIST, a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells with Christ in YOU

    Liked by 2 people

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