Pot Repair!

We are all broken earthen pots. The One who created us is the One who sent the Master to repair us where we are broken, but not only to fix us, but make us brand new of the Original Design! made in the image and likeness of the Creator of heaven and earth! we are reborn of God into a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells! where the glory can return! where Jesus comes to lay His Head and make us His body!

“Jesus makes you better”  ~six year old witness of Jesus

He takes what is broken and makes it beautiful!

Isaiah 61 is glorious! explains the glory of the Christ Anointing; the same Anointing God our Father gives you in Christ: he gives you:

  • Christ Spirit to bring good tidings of great Joy! Jesus endured the cross for the Joy! and he gives us His Fullness of Joy! His Joy is our strength in weakness!
  • healing for the brokenhearted; we all have broken hearts until we are reunited with our First Love! the Bridegroom! who takes us back to His Father’s House! the family of God is the Name above every name! our Heavenly Family Name that Jesus brought to earth to give us our real Name!
  • proclaim Liberty! you are no longer held captive to wrong mindsets when you take the Mind of Christ!
  • opening of prison doors of the world mind’s beast system, programmed to be enslaved, mind heart and will, so you make death choices instead of the freedom to CHOOSE LIFE; removing your yoke to the world, removing bondage to sin and death by coming to Jesus and yoking with God our Father, learning Christ, finding REST
  • proclaim the year of FAVOR of Abba Father! which is the day of vengeance against all evil and wickedness which is bound when you are unbounded IN CHRIST: the eternal Day of Christ Light!
  • comfort to all who mourn; the fire removes everything that you were never meant to be, not designed by God to be; the Son of Righteousness, The Christ, The Glory, rises upon you with healing in its wings! and you go leaping with Joy, the enemies of God ashes under your feet IN CHRIST
  • his mantle! Christ clothes you with HIMSELF! fire and glory within! fire and glory around you!
  • a new Name! oaks of righteousness in the middle of a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells! Christ IN you! Christ’s Righteousness in you brings the fulfilled promises! you become a new city of God where His new temple, your body, is rebuilt in the heavenly image!
  • ruined pots are made new! cracked pots are made better than new! former devastations are raised up in resurrection Life! instead of being caught up in yourself: me, myself and I; you are caught up in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
  • Heaven becomes your Vinedresser; Christ Jesus your Vine connecting heaven and earth in your body! branches of the tree of knowledge of good and evil are pruned and burned; only the tree of life and its twelve Christ Fruits remain in you!
  • Christ in you makes you priests to our Father, carrying His Presence, His Glory! to minister His Glory TO GIVE OUR FATHER GLORY! Father of Glory gives to King of Glory who comes into you to give you glory to be kings, priests, sons and brides of GLORY! the Family Name in the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven!
  • you begin to EAT the “wealth of nations” Christ is the RICHES OF GOD’S GLORY given to you to become what you eat! you glory in the riches of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit with Christ in you! anointed with Christ! clothed with Christ! new family resemblance!
  • a double portion of Christ in you for the shame you carried because of the deceptive antics and lies of the adversary destroyer: the father of lies who manipulated and pottered you into the image and likeness of Adam’s fallen world. Christ Jesus brings The Potter to REWORK YOUR CLAY into a NEW VESSEL of glory filled with glory and overflowing the glory of Christ in you!
  • instead of dishonor he gives you rejoicing and rejoicing! you ask and RECEIVE Christ in you! giving glory to God!
  • you take possession of DOUBLE JOY with Christ in you! double for your trouble! everlasting Joy!
  • your recompense: the new covenant between Father and Son in you! everlasting! Christ will NEVER leave you nor forsake you! holy angels ascend and descend to manifest the Word made flesh in you!
  • all who see will acknowledge the beloveds whom our Father has given His Son’s Name!
  • Christ in you causes you to GREATLY REJOICE in our Father! our soul (heart, mind, will) exults in our God because He CLOTHES YOU with the Christ Garment of Salvation and covers you with Christ’s Robe of Righteousness as The Bridegroom (Christ around you) and The Bride (Christ within you)!
  • The New Garden grows up in you! planted by Christ in you! resurrection Life SPRINGS up! Christ Life wells up in you! the River of Christ Spirit pours down from heaven out of God into you! making you a fountain that overflows everlastingly!
  • Righteousness and Praise springs UP and glory comes DOWN into you! Christ in you!
  • Isaiah 61 fulfilled with Christ in you is the New Name of Isaiah 62: His Delight in you! Married Delight of Christ in you! joined with Christ, you are ONE SPIRIT with God now and forever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah!

Repaired pots are GREATER than the world’s finest pot. The things of this world lose their salt: require more and more and give you less and less. Christ in you NEVER loses its salt! God’s Glory in you is eternal Salt and Light now and forever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah!

“Christ in us shall be called The holy people, The redeemed of God our Father, and you shall be called Sought out, a city not forsaken” Isaiah 62:12

Christ in you makes you a new repaired, restored, rebuilt city of God! Christ in you makes you a new POT, a new earthen vessel filled with HEAVEN on earth, a new temple for the Holy Spirit! a new place for God to return his divine glory! his Christ now and forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Pot Repair!

  1. Heaven is found in Christ! Christ in you brings heaven to earth in and through you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You give ALL of you to receive ALL of Christ in you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Put your TOTAL TRUST in Christ Jesus and he will SHAKE everything until only that which CAN NOT BE SHAKEN remains

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One God: we go through Jesus to our Father to receive Holy Spirit to be one with the One!


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