Deception to Reception!

When your spiritual eyes are reopened after being closed for 5,778 years, give or take some, you can go from being deceived by the world system and walking by faith in your physical sight, with that  physical faith working: seeing all the problems and manifesting MORE problems, to having faith in Christ WORKING: seeing all the spiritual potential, turn to God, and see the divine solutions working!

We go from deception, to reception of the power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives! We go from being deceived, to receiving all the power and authority in heaven AND earth IN Christ and we begin to walk by spiritual sight instead of physical sight and everything changes! Spiritual Faith works supernaturally to manifest the Spirit of God on earth as it is in heaven! Faith works whether you use the negative: have faith in the devil, evil, or fear that manifests more fear; or you have faith in God and you begin to see what God promised fulfilled! When you begin to see the evidence of the unseen; the Word of God becoming flesh, you have more and more faith in God! When you continue to see problems and focus on the awful, terrible things of this world, you get more terrible awful things to fret, worry, depress, stress and fear.

We leave faith in the world, walking by physical sight in the power of satan, to faith in the Word, walking by spiritual sight in the power of the Holy Spirit of God!

When we lose focus on God, we find ourselves; when we focus on God, we find Christ in you! We learn to be content in all things in Christ; we learn to be full of Joy when Christ comes in you! Anxiousness transforms to anticipation; dread turns to excitement! Mourning turns to dancing with Joy; ashes turn to beauty radiating from the light of Christ within: new Life of God within!

We go from trying to express our highest and best Self in the world system, to dying to Self and yielding to resurrection Life WITH Christ Jesus beyond the satanic good and evil system to the Kingdom of God and a new Way of Being, Seeing, Thinking, Experiencing and Anointed Doing. The spiritual fruit of Christ in you is kingdom living, righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit, pure love, single-mindedness, whole-heartedness, our mind and heart seated in heaven, being who God says we are; being who God created us to be: the image and likeness of Christ Jesus! the Son of Righteousness! the King of Glory! the Bridegroom and Bride united as One New Creature with a New Name of God!

The fruit of satan’s tree of good and evil in you is the world system: double-mind, split mind, mental disorders, lies, deception, depression, disease, anxiety disorders, fear, phobias, taking offense, being defensive, making excuses, defense mechanisms, making up stories and living them as though they were the gospel Truth, unbelief in God, unforgiveness, hold grudges, blame, shame, guilt, regrets, upset, stumbling and falling down when things start to go better, mind seated on earthly things, disturbed, discouraged, disillusioned, hopeless, helpless, powerless, victim mentality from persecutor mentality, trying to help without Power and Wisdom of God which leads to further harm, oppressor mentality for those who have internalized hurts, traumas, offenses, those who are hurt people hurt other people, trying to do good but doing the evil they hate, trying to change the external world instead of changing the HEART through Jesus, The Heart Specialist, wanting to love and be loved but end up being used as object of lust or using lust to get your needs met which leads to emptiness and increasing perversion, living in fear, worry, doubt, confusion, uncertainty waiting for the other shoe to drop, buying into the 24/7 constant negative news programming, letting vulgar, violent, disturbing images into your being by being immersed in what the world wants you to see being UNDER THE INFLUENCE of the prince of the AIR: the prince of the ERROR: the father of LIES: the creator of DECEPTION: the god of this world: UNDER the spell, word curses, and spirit OF THIS WORLD: a mixture of light and darkness, good and evil, swinging between the pendulum of duality on the time-clock where you can be right at least twice a day in the space oddessy/oddity instead of MOVING and BEING MOVED out of the world system with its LIES and MIXED LIES with truth into the KINGDOM OF GOD that is beyond time and space; always NOW, always right where you are “I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you” “I am WITH YOU ALWAYS” “I will not leave you as orphans; I will COME TO YOU” “If you love us and keep our two commandments: LOVE God with ALL your heart and mind and soul and strength and LOVE one another AS YOURSELF, we will come to you and MAKE OUR HOME WITH YOU”

The two commandments are ONE: Love! The two commandments of Love make the THREE OF YOU into ONE because of what Jesus WON when he FINISHED THE WORK of the Cross: “In that day you will KNOW that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you” The TWO AS ONE: the Father and the Son come and make their home IN YOU, and the three of YOU become ONE NEW CREATURE OF THE NEW CREATION: a new heaven and new earth where RIGHTEOUSNESS dwells, lives, moves and has its being IN YOU!

“As you THINK in your HEART, so you are” “It is done unto you AS YOU BELIEVE”

Your faith in God makes you WELL; your faith in the world system makes you anxious, depressed, hopeless, helpless, powerless, diseased, disordered and distressed.

Bipolar depression and manic-depression are symptoms of the world’s duality: highs and lows: the wheel of suffering; unclean spirits. Don’t take symptoms as your new name; they are of the world system, OF ADAM. In Christ there is a New Name possible that has no sickness, disease, disorder, distress or duality: the double-minded receive NOTHING OF GOD. That is why Jesus said, “You MUST be born again, born anew FROM ABOVE, to SEE the Kingdom of God. Your spiritual EYES must be OPENED to TURN and RECEIVE from God and no longer receive the lies and deception of the world system.

We go from physical sight, using physical eyes to see physical facts, to SPIRITUAL SIGHT, using the enlightened eyes of our redeemed heart/spirit, to SEE SPIRITUAL TRUTH that trumps physical facts. That is how Jesus healed: though he was a man, having EMPTIED himself of his DIVINITY to CONQUER as a human being, as THE LAST ADAM he was baptized with BOTH water and Holy Spirit, and after being tempted to use his PHYSICAL EYES instead of his SPIRITUAL EYES in the wilderness, he STAYED TRUE TO WHO GOD SAID HE WAS: GOD’S BELOVED SON in  whom he was WELL PLEASED.

Jesus went about DOING GOOD; only hearing and seeing with SPIRITUAL SENSES, staying in continuous RELATIONSHIP with God his Father, and FINISHED THE WORK to conquer even DEATH on the cross, leaving ALL OF ADAM’S INHERITANCE of sin, death, disease, disorders, distress and every disturbance of the world system cancelled along with its legal demands DEAD ON THE CROSS outside the camp of Christ; outside the Mind of Christ.

Christ resurrected the human race to a new RACE OF CREATURES with access to HIS MIND: holy (whole), perfect (complete), blameless (innocence restored), irreproachable (untouchable with Christ), spotless (no more spots of darkness when we allow Christ Light to come into EVERY SPOT; no more duality of darkness and light; ONLY LIGHT of God), redeemed, justified, sanctified and even glorified when we are able to RECEIVE the glory Jesus offers us, the SAME GLORY our Father gave Jesus for finishing his work on the Cross.

God said, “Listen to Jesus!” on the mountain of transfiguration; no longer listen to the world’s wisdom that is earthly, unspiritual and devilish (James 3:15).

When you are still deceived you can’t receive the glory Christ Jesus wants to give you. When  you are still living a lie, you can’t receive the salvation Jesus already won for you. When you are still living with the OLD NAME: sinner; you cannot receive the NEW NAME: saint of God IN Christ, the righteousness of God WITH Christ, the DELIGHT OF GOD in you WITH Christ in you! If you practice religion which has a mixture of truth AND lies, you can’t have an intimate RELATIONSHIP with God through Christ by the power of the Spirit of Truth that leads us into ALL TRUTH.

In the world system of good and evil there is relief (re-lie-f) given from time to time until the next crisis comes, but relief has LIE at the center, because God’s Best for you is not relief from time to time, but COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION in his baptism of Love, the Water of Life, the Glory FIRE, the Holy Spirit baptism to be born AGAIN of God so you can TAKE the New Name of his son and grow in intimacy with Christ to take the New Name of his bride, and live in the Kingdom he prepared for you in Himself in The Son, in the Kingdom, in The Bridegroom, The Messiah, in The Christ in the Glory, in His Presence now and forever and ever. Amen.

Talitha cumi! little girl arise! your soul must become like a child to enter the kingdom of God!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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3 Responses to Deception to Reception!

  1. It just struck me that external city-state-nations that make themselves sovereign to hide their lies and deception, living in sin but giving themselves immunity, are a perversion of the gospel of the glory of Christ Jesus (2 Cor 4:4) who makes individuals into cities of Light on His Hill, living in a state of Grace, under His Glory as a sovereign national: reformed, transformed, transfigured and regenerated as sovereign citizens of heaven on earth, under the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus under God, indivisible with Christ in you, with diplomatic immunity from sin, death, disease, disorders and distress. No sin can enter; no darkness can take part with Christ in you, making you a new city of God with the New Name above every name; the King of Glory in you!

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  2. God cannot fix your nation until its citizens turn to God and invite him into your lives individually and collectively…We ask for God to resurrect our nation and its citizens…resurrect what has been lost in the world system by a FRESH outpouring of His Spirit individually on the leaders and individuals. (Olusegun Obasanjo inspired)
    A true republic has sovereign citizens under God, with Creator-given rights to freedom from government and freedom OF religion not FROM religion, liberty, justice and RIGHTEOUSNESS for all IN Christ Jesus. Apart from Jesus there is NO righteousness of God; without the HOLY Spirit there is no new heaven and new earth where right relationship with God dwells!

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  3. Only go into the past in the awareness of the Power of the Blood and in the Finished Work of the Cross of Jesus. Only go into the future with the Power of the Holy Spirit to bring it into Now. Only live in the present with Awareness of the Presence of God: Christ in you!

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