We Get to!

You have heard, “You have to read the bible”

but I say, “I get to!”

The life and Spirit that pour out of the Word strengthens, purifies the heart, refines the will, transforms the mind, teaches, guides, comforts, convicts, prunes, encourages, edifies, uplifts, inspires, warns, protects, provides, initiates, accelerates, quickens, activates, breaks strongholds of the world and builds a stronghold of the Holy Spirit, and so much more!

Reading the bible exercises your spiritual muscle! The mind can never understand what the spiritual heart can see, hear and perceive through the Word! It feeds me and leads me. It is life and Spirit!

The Holy Spirit deepens and heightens our relationship with the Word made flesh! It is food indeed! Spending time in the Word, chewing on the meat, pondering, meditating, resting in the stillness, receiving all our Father wants to give us, pouring like a River of Water of Life; it is drink indeed!

Holy Spirit changes things from have to,

to get to!

from work for,

to delight in!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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9 Responses to We Get to!

  1. Tony says:

    The sad reality is that many only open their bibles on Sunday when asked to do so by the pastor.


    • The “form” of religion without the power of the Holy Spirit is dead. I am so thankful I have a legacy of an earthly dad who read his bible every day. I did not understand until I had a crisis and got to the end of myself and in desperation opened my bible and Holy Spirit opened it up to me, and for three days I did nothing but read, in awe of what was being revealed. Fire fell and I was lifted up and started on this amazing journey with the Living God; something I never even imagined during my 42 years of “religion.” Now I delight in the Word! I am so thankful for God!


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