Words of Life

The Word of God is Spirit and Life.

The Word is living and active, not just words printed on the pages of a book. Seek and find evidence. Ask and receive substance. Knock and be knocked open.

Knock and God opens to you; Jesus knocks and we open to Him so God can come in and make His Home with you; His love in you,  His presence in you, His glory in you, His Holy Spirit in you, His life in you, His Christ in you, His light in you, His All in all of you, spirit and soul and body; wholly sanctified by the Holy Spirit and fire of God’s promise and prophesy fulfilled in Christ Jesus.

We ask our Abba Father, and he gives and gives and gives, because of what Jesus did for all God’s human creation: the sacrificial Love giving everything so we could receive everything of God we had lost; be clothed with His Spirit to have everything supplied by our God and Father again, as it was in the beginning is now and forever in Christ in the Father in you and Christ in you.

Thank you Abba Father. There are no words to express the awestruck wonder of the enormity of the Gift of grace and His glory; Christ in us, the Holy Spirit of God at work in us to be and do more than we could ever ask or think. To God be the Glory now and forever and ever. Amen.

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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8 Responses to Words of Life

  1. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes, Open the eyes of our heart Lord, That we may taste of your goodness. Amen


  2. Thanks for sharing Words of Life. In God we Live and Move and Breathe and have our very being. God ‘You Are My All in All’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLilYpRAuU4


    • Worthy is the Lamb; precious is the Blood; grateful are His own.
      Such a beautiful rendition of the song Shailaa, thank you for sharing; He is our All. Thank God for God; His Love never fails.


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