Nourish Your Spirit

Don’t let the “good” of good and evil rob you of the Good of God that has no opposite, no down side, no side-effects that are worse than the original condition. A Gift of the Spirit, the Goodness of God has no equal; nothing above it. Our Father pours Himself as Spirit into our spirit to radically change our life if we let Him. To the degree we can lay it all down, let it go, surrender, yield and hearken to the Holy Spirit and fire of glory presence, we can SEE and be changed into Christ-likeness from one degree of glory to another “for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit” 2 Corinthians 3:18

So breathe on me Breath of Life! fill me with Life anew! until my heart is pure! and I am wholly Thine! as the hymn written by Edwin Hatch in 1878 says so perfectly! The last stanza, “Breathe on me, Breath of God so shall I never die, but LIVE WITH THEE the perfect life of Thine eternity.” In this world the only perfect life is yoked with the Lamb of God; in Heaven with God our Father is only perfect life!

In this world we join our spirit to the Spirit of God through the finished work of the Cross as we come to Christ. We choose to yoke our soul to the Lamb of God; taking Christ’s Mind, Heart and Will as our own. We ask and receive the Holy Spirit and fire of God to inhabit our body making us a temple of God where we are nourished by the Spirit, a river of water of Christ Life, a tree of life within us.

The Word Pictures of God are a way to SEE Christ as He is now to enter His Body and receive His Spirit to form His Life in us; His Spirit nourishing our spirit and soul and body; a continuous River that no one can shut off once you are firmly rooted in Christ on earth, grounded in the Word, built up in Christ and branching in heaven, like a tree! Christ Presence (glory) flowing like a  river! fully nourishing!

“Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; Thou wilt make me full of gladness with Thy presence” Acts 2:28

If you feel despair, dry, discouraged, disillusioned, dismayed, hurt, separated, deserted, lost or struggling, just turn to the Lord and ask for spiritual gifts to strengthen you, nurse you back to health, wholeness, complete in Christ, at peace with God, the shalom of God: wholly complete, nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking, nothing impossible with God!

“With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible” and Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life of God

Holy Spirit imparts every perfect gift from heaven out of God to those who are called and belong to Christ Jesus; He endows us with every good endowment: His righteousness, holiness, perfection, godliness, redemption, sanctification and glorification, as our very own. Amazing Grace and Glory! Our spirit and soul and body are nourished by the Spirit of the Lord, anointed by the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of the Knowledge of God and his Glory, the Spirit of Reverential Awe, Wonder and Miracles. The Holy One anointing teaches us everything that Jesus said and did, only what the Father said and did through the Holy Spirit, who is NOW sent to us, so we can do what Jesus said we could do when we are born again OF GOD, no longer of the lineage of Adam, but in the order of Melchizedek, in the lineage of the First Born from the dead: resurrected, ascended, glorified Christ Jesus of God our Father, the Creator of heavens and earth.

The Holy Spirit brings a new heaven and new earth in fire to dissolve the old heavens and earth: the world system of fallen Adam, so we can live, move and have our being in Christ and Christ in you, making you a bride, the wife of the Lamb; another Word picture that describes mysteries beyond words.

World wisdom is earthly, unspiritual and devilish; the Wisdom coming down is nourishing!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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2 Responses to Nourish Your Spirit

  1. RJ says:

    Thanks Yvonne. Nourishing He is. He supplies through His Spirit what we long for and need. He provides every spiritual thing we may lack to bring us back to full health. It is the picture, as you have stated here, of a dried out landscape soaking up water from the life-giving rains of God. Blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks RJ. Blessings to you!

      The water of life is both the Word and the Spirt; taken to heart and circulating within makes us a watered garden containing the true Vine of Christ and our Father as the Vinedresser, watered by the Holy Spirit.

      “I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Vinedresser…You are already made clean by the Word which I have spoken to you…I am the Vine and you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If a man does not abide in Me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” John 15:1-7

      “It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the Words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and life” John 6:63

      All glory to God in the Highest!

      Liked by 2 people

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