We are in the world but not OF it!

Spirit Moments photo

Spirit Moments photo

We live in the world but we are not OF it! We are not OF this world if we are in Christ, the anointing! In the sevenfold anointing Spirit of Christ we are spiritually gifted with Love that is beyond knowledge. Knowledge without the one holy Spirit divides! Knowledge without Love is divisive. God is Love and we are made in the image and likeness of Love! Without Higher Love, that is beyond the self, beyond ego, beyond personal affinities, beyond the tree of good and evil, beyond duality, beyond divisions, beyond religion, beyond even spirituality, we are not a part of Christ’s pure Being! Everything of the human spirit and nature is given to Christ, the visible manifestation of the Invisible Creator of heaven and earth; and we are given everything that Jesus was when he walked the earth, and even greater things, because he is now perfectly one with the Invisible Father of Light! In Light, we are Lights! In Love, we are Love! In the one body and one Spirit of Christ, the anointed one, we are anointed!!!!

In Christ and Christ in us means we become perfectly one! When we wake up to the pure Awareness of Christ in us, the fullness of Christ in us, the fullness of God in us, the fullness of the Presence of God in us, the fullness of the anointing in us, we are filled with the Light of God! The Father of Light gives us every good endowment and every perfect Gift from his Throne! This is the free Gift of every spiritual blessing of heavenly places into our body on earth as it is in heaven. We enter the one body and one Spirit of Christ’s greater pure Being! The anointing gives us everything of God and teaches us everything of God! We are downloaded and upgraded into God’s Spirit, Wisdom, Understanding, Revelatory Counsel, Power and Might, Higher Knowledge, and Reverential Awe: the fountain of Life!

When you accept Christ’s Presence and Awareness into your body, it becomes a temple for the Holy Spirit! Your body becomes the dwelling place for God and “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)  Your body becomes a holy temple, a resting place for the Most High, a dwelling place for the God of gods! When the Kingdom of God has come upon you, you are lifted out of the world, caught up, raptured into the kingdom, and you become a new city set on a hill (higher frequency), the new heavens on earth, a bride, a wife of the Lamb, a field of God, a building of God, a temple of God, a Light of God in the world! You are now a citizen of heaven on earth, re-presenting God who is Love without an opposite; Light without any darkness at all; Peace beyond understanding; his Spirit and Truth!!!!

We who are in Christ and Christ is in us, are in the world but not of it! We are citizens of the royal kingdom and the kingdom is within us making us royal! Awareness of Christ in us is the glory! Glory is his fullness of Presence! Glory rises upon us as the morning star rises in our heart! Glory rises upon us as the dawn of Awareness of God’s Presence rises in us! Eternal Day breaks in us; we become his Light! We die daily to the world and we are resurrected into his Light: the Beingness of pure Light! Christ in us is the Light of the world! The two become one! As he is so are we in the world! When your enlightened heart eyes behold Christ in you, you become as he is! When you see the Light you see Christ!

When you encounter the perfect Love of our Father, made visible in the Son in you, all fear is cast out! When you experience the substance of our Father, who is Love, you become Love! You taste and see Love! You taste and see Light! You taste and see glory! You taste and see the manifestation of Presence in you! Your body comes alive; you enter his alive Peace; his Shalom: completeness in him! Your frequency changes; you feel the vibration of the substance of Love; you are uplifted in Love! You are filled with sensations of delight, pleasure, bliss, ecstasy, and rapture in the glory! Christ in us is the hope of glory; awareness of the Presence of Christ in us is the glory!

The glory is Christ’s garment we wear as a bride in the world! The white gold is our wedding ring; it surrounds us with concentric circles of finer and finer glory, waves of energy, higher and higher frequencies of Light going all the way to the Throne, filling heaven and earth; with Christ in our center, in our midst, in the midst of our seven lamp stands in our physical body! We radiate outward from the Christ in our center, in our innermost spiritual being! Arise, shine; for your Light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

The pillar of Fire and water cloud is no longer leading us externally, but it is now within us! The epikaizo surrounds us; we are overshadowed by the Most High and we rest in the shadow of the Most High’s blindingly bright, overpowering, unapproachable Light! We are the treasure hidden in darkness that Jesus buys with his sacrificial Love! He buys our whole field and then lets us live in his energy field of Love; his kingdom and his anointing! The two become one! We live, move and have our being in Christ’s glory; his glory in us for ever and ever amen.


We are in the world, but not of it! We are citizens of heaven on earth; we are citizens of the kingdom of God; the kingdom of God is within us! We are the new city, at a new higher frequency of Light! We are the eternal bride, new every morning, perfectly one with our Maker, our Source, our First Love! We are wife of the Lamb, spiritually one with divine nature, with shalom: completeness. We are equally yoked with shalom, complete, whole, perfect and lacking nothing! Christ in us is the anointing in us, and in the anointing we lack nothing! Awareness of Christ in us is the glory; in the glory we lack nothing! With Christ in us all things are possible! We delight in God and we receive the desires of our hearts!

When the glory comes upon us in Christ we are caught up, raptured, delighted and we delight in God and we are given the desires of our innermost heart! We are raised up with Christ to be seated in heavenly places with our Beloved to rule and reign with him in the world as Lights of the world; as Love beyond knowledge; as Peace beyond understanding; as Joy in the fullness of Presence, that is our true strength! We carry the Presence as priests in the order of Melchizedek, our High Priest is Jesus who was, IS, and is to come in greater and greater glory! We wear the twelve jewel stones on our breastplate of righteousness, given to us when we give Jesus everything of the world, including a separate self! Our ephod expands in the glory and it fills our life with heavenly rainbows of supernal Light of all goodness, at a higher vibration than the world! At this higher frequency, God’s kingdom of heaven on earth, there is ease, grace, glory, and all things are possible!!!! Yes! Amen!

On the Vine, as branches, we are rooted and grounded in Love, in Christ! As branches of the Vine of Christ, we grow from below the earth to above the highest heavens! As the highest branches of the palm tree, we bud, blossom, fruit and our seeds fall back to the earth to replicate the tree of life (Christ in us)! On the Vine, in Christ’s Tree of Life, we are flowing with the River of Water of Life, our roots are in the deep, deep well of Jesus’s Love, the living water, which bubbles up in us in a continual geyser of Love! We become a fountain of living water! The crystal clear Water of Life from the Throne and the well water from below, meet in our heart and we become a stream of living water in the world!

We are in the world, but not OF it! We are a new city on a hill, a light city, a light house, a holy temple! WE are the bride, the wife of the Lamb, the new heavens on earth! We are the kingdom of God within, that shines without in the world! WE are in Christ and Christ is within us! Christ fills all in all! When we receive the pure awareness of Christ in us, we wake up to the infinite possibilities! When we experience the Presence of God filling our body temple, we rapture, we are caught up into his kingdom and there is fullness of Joy! It is this Joy is our strength! The fullness of his Spirit is Joy! Those devoid of his holy Spirit are devoid of Joy and they cause divisions in the one body and one Spirit of Christ. The Spirit and Fire baptism of Jesus is the entrance into the unity of Spirit in the bond of Peace in the one body and one Spirit of Christ in God! This baptism is the entrance into the glory! Christ in us is the hope of glory! Waking up in awareness of Presence is the glory rising in us!

“The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and thou in me, that they may become PERFECTLY ONE” John 17:22-23

“In that Day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” John 14:20

“I will Love you and manifest myself to you” John 14:21

“Christ is all, and in all” Colossians 3:11

Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you Free in the glory!!!!!!!!**

Christ in us is the hope of glory! Get Christ within you! Seek the kingdom and his righteousness and all things will be given to you! You give Jesus everything and he gives you everything of Christ, everything of the anointing, everything including his glory, his Presence, his pure Awareness, and his perfect Being that is perfectly one with our Beloved, the Source of Life!

In Christ and Christ in us, we are no longer of this world!!!!!!!!



**(outside of the glory, God’s pure Presence, is darkness and gnashing of teeth; a hellish realm, an egoic, separated self, whose own thoughts torment, accuse, mock, deride, condemn, hate, scoff and marinate in their own choice, freewill, to refuse the fire and water of Love that lets them live in fear or the absence of True Love with our First Love. Only our free will choice can separate us, because Christ fills all in all, and Christ is Light and pure Love excluding nothing!)


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to We are in the world but not OF it!

  1. I think it was the glory that my earthly dad was kissing, literally kissing the “air” right before he transitioned into permanent heaven. I experienced it in my body as a powerful, rushing wind, a Presence so uplifting I thought I was going to be whoosed up with it. I think it was the Song of Song”s kissing glory, the pure Presence of Love: “O that you would kiss me with the kisses of your mouth! For your Love is better than wine, your anointing oils are fragrant, your name is oil poured out…draw me after you” S of S 1:1-4
    The glory Presence draws us up into him, whether in the body or not! Heaven on earth!!
    O how I love your Presence!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

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