Light Exposes

True Light enlightens, reveals, uncovers, exposes… true Love transforms from the inside out…
True Love says love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you…forgive…have mercy…give grace…
True Peace enables your soul to rest in God…
True Joy remains despite circumstances…

Jesus, the Christ of God, is not religious…not spiritual…not a box or label…not partial…does not impose external control, but transforms the inside…
Jesus is True Light, True Love, True Peace, True Joy, Truth and Resurrection Life…
Jesus is the Way to the Father, our God of gods, pure Love that casts out fear, pure Light that has no darkness at all, and the Spirit of Truth.

It is time to throw out the dirty bath water of religion…
and birth the true Christ in the purified, refined soil of your heart…

The deception, the hidden agenda, is for an external authority to impose their will upon you in the guise of religion…
this is what Jesus warned us about…
smoke and mirrors…bait and switch…counterfeit light…kill all who disagree…lie to convert…hide the Truth that would set people free…deceive through any means…manipulate through public relations to craft an image…use pr front man while empowering terror, war and killing…wolves dressed up in religious attire…dualistic two-faced deception…black magic…magicians distract from real agenda by creating false illusions and false flags…image consultants promote religious image and hide truth…say what people want to hear to convert…divide and conquer…infiltrate education, seminaries, government, entertainment, media…deceive and push hidden agenda through religious cloak…convert through lies and kill those who disagree…silence women’s voices, intuition and presence…bribe with perversion, trick into compromising situations and then blackmail…denounce immorality while living amoral religious lives…lie and deceive to achieve evil agenda…pc instead of JC…manage perceptions…mind control…brain wash…use sex to harm, destroy, manipulate, control, handle, use sex magic, and blackmail…put forth religious public image while satanic, luciferic agenda…

False religion with counterfeit light has used external makeovers, laws, moral rules and doctrine to enslave human souls and hide evil hidden agendas.

Jesus is only concerned with the heart’s intention and internal transformation…
God is Love. God’s Son is Love. Jesus transforms us into Love. Love does no harm; Love does not kill those who reform or disagree with their religion/religious laws/religious doctrines. Love does not lie or deceive to achieve religious agenda; does not manipulate and white wash the outside to retain control. Love loves in righteousness, holiness and truth; condemns only evil; judges the intention of the heart, heals, transforms, delivers, and sets free. Love does not control but seeks to set every soul free to Love and be Loved. Love is sacrificial, puts others above self, uplifts, elevates, resurrects, protects, provides, empowers, enlightens, gives mercy, grace and glory to all, not just those who rule over. Love does NO HARM. Jesus is visible manifested Love; God is invisible Love! Jesus is the Way to transform into pure Light and perfect Love that casts out all fear. The only way our world will be saved and transformed into Love is Jesus, not religion.

Come out of religion and being under religious control; we are ONLY to submit to our all Loving Heavenly Father, the one God and Father above all and through all and in all. Be set free in Jesus as his Spirit comes into your body, soul and spirit; transforming you into Christ’s image and likeness from glory to Glory! Come out of religion and into Truth. Come out of gods made in man’s image and man-made religions, and into the true Light of Awareness of the Presence of perfect Love that heals, transforms and sets us ALL free to Love and be Loved!

Vid Deva photo

Vid Deva photo

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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2 Responses to Light Exposes

  1. There are over 7.3 billion cells in Christ’s body, the church of God, the one body; the manifestation in human form; the image and likeness of God. Jesus was the last Adam, the last of the fallen, so every human on earth, over 7.3 billion of us, need to come together as one Family, one body, in one Spirit, to start working together in Love. Religion has become a cancer that is mutating us and turning one cell against each other. The solution is not to cut some of us out, burn, radiate, destroy, take lethal drugs, or separate the body into a whole bunch of external religions. We just need to come together as one body on earth back into unity. We don’t look the same, but we are in the same body of Christ. Wake up and realize you are a part of a very diverse body and all start loving our Creator and start to function as a whole! Just Love God and love each other as yourself. We are all in this together; all in this one Christ body. Let’s start acting like family, no matter what our other cells look like! Just like there is an invisible force that holds the universe together, there is a visible force that holds humanity together as the one body on earth: Jesus’ pure Light and Love!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Christophe says:

    “The Body of Christ! O, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own!” (Cartman – South Park)
    (sorry again… but it’s true!)


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