Wedding Invitation

You have been invited to a wedding, the Wedding of the year; actually THE Wedding of the decade, the century, the millennium; in truth it is THE WEDDING of all time and before all time! Will you come?

Yesterday I wrote “take it for free” and there were few likes. Isn’t this reflective of the times and seasons we live in where FREE connotes something less than we pay dearly for, strive for, work hard for, suffer or labor hard for, “no pain no gain”, and all the rest of the spirit of the world‘s conditioning that everyone has fallen for hook, line and sinker. When a crisis, disaster, shocking world event like Paris occurs, it is very telling to examine who or what do you go to first for information, help, solutions, answers, comfort, or discussion. Most go to the world: media, television, internet, social media, spouses, family, friends, church groups, world religion, pastors, counselors, doctors, psychologists, drink alcohol to numb, prescription drugs to quell anxiety or lessen depression or help them sleep, seek sex or food to comfort or distract…you get the picture. Most turn to their five physical senses to make sense of a world that does not make sense, when the truth is NOTHING of this world can truly satisfy or fulfill, permanently heal or cure, keep us safe and secure, or bring the peace, joy and LOVE we all desire deeply in our soul…

We fall in love and marry with high hopes and dreams for happiness and hope to always feel as complete and on top of the world as we do in the first blush of endorphins, the romantic emotional high of the honeymoon phase of a physical relationship…

But inevitably the honeymoon ends and day-to-day reality kicks in, the hormonal rush wanes, and life happens…

so we look for the next mountain to climb…

and we start to get used to the fear porn coming at us from all sides and the worldly solutions: external laws, controls, loss of freedom, blame, division, separation, walls,  and we stress out, burn out, drug out, numb out, distract away, fantasize, get lost in worldly pursuits or world religion or otherworldly spiritual escapes…

worse of all we let the spirit of the world infect everything causing hatred, bigotry, prejudice, and blame other races, religions, cultures, sexes, ages, nations, when the truth is we are all God’s children and Jesus died for all human beings, and only those who are taught and conditioned to judge by the color of skin, sex, age, religion, nation, or creed separate themselves from the family of God, one nation UNDER God who are FREE to worship, LOVE God and LOVE one another as themselves, and do no harm to a brother or sister.

The first place to turn is to God and let the Spirit of God Almighty replace the spirit of the world in our body, soul, spirit, lives, religion, and nation!

The leaven of evil leavens the whole world; the only solution is the leaven of Christ’s Holy Spirit which raises us up into a new heaven on earth: the Kingdom of God within! It is already done and it is FREE!!

The real Solution seems too simple for the ravenous hungry ghost of worldly life inside us, too easy for the egoic mind that needs to feel the burn, too light for the dark thoughts, distorted emotions, animal instincts of the reptilian brain that is used to adrenaline highs of fight/flight reactions…

There is only one solution for the ills of the world, the social issues, the physical, emotional and mental disorders, the world conflicts, crisis and looming threats to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…

you and I have been invited to a wedding…

the invitations were sent out before the foundation of this world…

God knew the struggle, battles and journey your soul would have to take to get you to the place where you could accept the invitation…

the invitation to your wedding to the Beloved…

through coming body, soul and spirit to the wedding supper of the Lamb, the wedding that already occurred between every human being and Christ…

where we already entered the new Marriage Covenant between Jesus and our Father: Jesus conquered and the two became one in the glory…

now we can become one with our Father through the Lamb: we conquer the gravity of the world, the pull downward back into the fall, by consciously entering the marriage covenant between Jesus and his Father that was done for ALL but is still hidden in our unconscious…

until we awaken and come…

Jesus invites us: “Come to Me” and we yoke with the Christ, meaning join in marriage: the two become one. “Those who join themselves with the Lord become one Spirit” “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb” Blessed are those who hear the invitation from Jesus: Come and yoke, join him in his Father, marry, the two become one: Jewish Jesus and Gentile you; God and man; heaven and earth are married within, opening us up to Christ within: the kingdom of heaven on earth within. The tree of life is within; the fruit comes from within; the healing of nations comes from the leaves of the tree of life WITHIN those who come to the ascended, glorified Jesus and yoke to Him, which permanently marries us to his God and Father: the Creator of heaven and earth!

We come to the marriage supper, the celebration of our internal marriage to the Lamb. We were made wives of the Lamb as a result of the finished work of the cross of Jesus! We only come when we realize it is finished, it is done, the former things have passed away and ALL things have become NEW. All we have to do is come to the realization!

We already were, are now, and are to come, the wives of the Lamb who was, is and is to come! We must come to the final realization that we are also eternal new brides of God on an ever new honeymoon with the Creator of heaven and earth; new every morning with the eternal flow of the Holy Spirit above, in and through us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are both wives of the Lamb and brides of God! This realization sets you free to live, love, create, express your divine nature; love your enemies, bless those who hurt you for you have compassion on those who are not awake yet, and pray for those who persecute you for you know they are infected by evil leaven that has made their whole lump evil. The enemy is not flesh and blood but spirits of evil that infect people, places, things, and even religions. The ONLY enemy is the evil one, whom Jesus defeated on the cross, so we enter into his VICTORY and place evil under our feet in Christ, Christ in us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Spirit and the Bride invite us: “Come…take the water of life without price” The water is from the throne, the glorified Christ Spirit flowing through our internal tree of life, becoming streams of living water flowing out of us to the wilderness of the world…

There is no eternal resurrection life now, here, heaven on earth, without Jesus. Without accepting the invitation, there is no revealing of the hidden mystery: Christ in you, making you a bride, a wife of the Lamb, a new heaven and a new earth within you, God’s kingdom within you, Christ’s tree of life within you, the river of water of life flowing above, in and through you!

Be spiritually re-Married to the Creator of heaven and earth, our First LOVE, and have it ALL for free forever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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5 Responses to Wedding Invitation

  1. Are you yoked to idols of spiritual adultery such as fear, worry, stress, depression, dread, disappointment, disillusionment, resentment, irritation, victimhood, blame, hatred, anger, prejudice (these are spirits that yoke to you, spirits that Christ can break off you if you let him) judging by physical appearances…

    or are you yoked to Christ’s Spirit, burdens lifted off as they are caught up in the air, replaced by the Spirit or water of life coming down out of heaven from God to fill you with true peace, joy, love, wisdom, power, righteousness, a new heaven and a new earth within, the glory realm of Christ in you??


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