Amazing Love!


There is always more with God our Father! Just a taste of his Goodness is sometimes more than we can bear, because it is so exponentially greater than any good in the world! Father, increase our capacity to hold more of your Love! Our Father’s Goodness is beyond good and evil; a tree of life to those who find it! We come to his Son to receive all that our Father gave Chris Jesus when he completed the work given to him and Jesus gives it ALL to believers of the gospel of God! (Mark 1:14-15) It is our Father’s good pleasure to GIVE us the kingdom! The kingdom of God is not food and drink, but PEACE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JOY in the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!!

The kingdom comes in power and glory when you receive the Holy Spirit and fire baptism promised to Jesus’ disciples: those who deny self, pick up the finished cross of Jesus, and follow Jesus to his Father and God! You first TURN to Jesus; GIVE him your life (forgive and forget the old human life of the world: die to who you were before Jesus); ASK him to give you His Life; Take His Life into you; his throne in your heart, under only God, all enemies of God under your feet in Christ; Receive his Spirit and fire; and run with it! His Holy Spirit and fire gives you remembrance of what Jesus taught, opens the Word to your heart in understanding, convicts you of hidden sin so you can lay it at the cross, gives you spiritual discernment so you can judge good from evil, and GIVE YOU HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS: right standing with his God, right relationship with his Father, so you can think right, see right, hear right, perceive rightly from a purified heart, act rightly from clean hands, eat rightly with Jesus and be drawn up into him (Revelation 3:19-21).

Jesus has done it all so you don’t have to! You yoke with Christ and learn from his Spirit and the same anointing Jesus had on earth teaches you everything you need to know! We glory in his Name/Nature and walk in his Name/Nature! We glory in his Light and walk in his Light! We glory in his Love and we walk in his Love! We glory in his Truth and we walk in his Truth! We glory in his Spirit and we walk in his Spirit! Live, move and have  your being in his Holy Spirit and fire of glory! Let Christ be your center pillar of fire and glory that connects heaven and earth in you as you are in Christ in God!!!!!!! (Revelation 1:13)

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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7 Responses to Amazing Love!

  1. holgerhubbs says:

    Thank you Yvonne! Where is Love before you experience it (-; May I invite you to take a look at a.k.a, which is a new website. Love, Holger

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gmichaud1017 says:

    The truth delivers us to His Kingdom. Amen
    Our Kairos Now. ..In His Love, His Love in us…… pi

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gmichaud1017 says:

    May the Lord bless you more.
    THanK You Yashua

    Liked by 1 person

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