Like a Mother

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate” Matthew 23:37; Luke 13:34

When we honor Christ as both Father and Mother, we are made well and live long on the land! (Ephesians 6:2) the promised land! the new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells! In Christ is a new heaven; Christ in you is a new earth, a new form! Christ births his image and likeness in you by the Holy Spirit of God; born anew from above of God! Holy Spirit plus you is a new creature of the new creation! the old has passed away; do not resurrect the past! Pass over in your heart from the “far country” the desert and wilderness places in your heart by allowing the streams of God to begin to flow in your heart!

“The Father can only do HIS works in you when his Christ is in you. Christ comes by your invitation only; he can STAY and REMAIN when you are in intimate relationship/communion with Him. You buy his gold refined by fire (Revelation 3:18) by giving your LIVING body to him, yielding and surrendering all of the old you, to be filled with his glory, his manifest presence! a new creature! You receive his glory to become perfectly one with our Father (John 17:22-23). You buy his white wedding garment by giving your old, flesh-spotted human garment to the Lamb of God and you are no longer naked or ashamed! You buy his eye salve that you may see, behold the glory to be transformed into his likeness from glory to glory! Your mind is no longer are blinded by the “god of  this world” seeing through the dark eye of horus. With new eyes of Christ, beholding his glory, you see the Light and your whole body becomes full of Light! (Luke 11:33-36) so you can be a new city of God on his hill, radiating Christ Light! His fire around you; his glory within you!

The Spirit of truth is seen and known by those who receive Christ and the Holy Spirit he sends to live with and in you forever! The Spirit of Christ is neither seen nor known by the world (John 14:16-17) but dwells with and in you, a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells–the kingdom of God within–making you no longer OF the world, just in it!

We honor Christ Jesus today as our Mother, our new nature and nurturer! giving Life to us in the fullest! Christ is the seed, the good soil, the water, the sun of righteousness, the Gardener/husbandman, the miracle grow, and the mature tree of life in us! Her leaves are for healing; her fruit nourishes and satisfies us completely! Steve Jobs ate only physical fruit and died; we eat Christ’s spiritual fruit and are given new LIFE! Christ’s Life/Spirit births us anew daily in God’s image; raises his Life in us daily, flowing his Life in and through us!

Christ is the way, the truth and the LIFE given us in Christ, to live a new, ever-renewing life! a new beginning daily! a new dawn! his morning star rising in our heart! born of God anew daily, reformed into His image! to be his image-bearers! his body, his temple, the temple of his Presence, manifest glory; the new city his divine glory returns to on earth, where God makes His Home in you!!!!!!!

In Christ = in a new heaven!

Christ in you = a new earth! a new form!

“Suck and  be satisfied with her consoling breasts; that you may drink deeply with delight from the abundance of HER glory!” Isaiah 66:11

“Shall land (NHONE) be born in a day? She brings forth her sons!” Isaiah 66:8

“You are no longer named Forsaken and Desolate; your new married Name is “His Delight in you!” (Isaiah 62:4) God’s Christ in you! The Spirit and Bride in you!!!!!!! Come! Take and partake!!!!!!!

“Behold I will extend prosperity to her LIKE A RIVER, and the wealth of nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall suck, you shall be carried upon her hip and dangled upon her knees. AS one whom his MOTHER comforts, so I will comfort you” Isaiah 66:12-13

Jesus says, “I will send you the Comforter!” “Drink of me and RIVERS of living water will flow from the heart/spirit of your belly!”

Receive the Holy Spirit of God! the nurturing, life-giving river of Christ’s glorified Spirit!!!!!!! Let the new heaven and new earth be formed in the eternal Day of Christ in you!!!!!!!

“You shall SEE and your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall FLOURISH as the grass [dead bones resurrect with new flesh/new wineskin with Christ in you/new wine]; and it shall be KNOWN that the hand of God is with you and his wrath against his enemies. He comes in fire [leaving only the Vine of Christ in you and burns all that is antiChrist in you]” Isaiah 66:14-15. Only Christ Life is left in you to grow and become strong under the loving, nurturing care of the Holy Spirit!!!!!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all!



About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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4 Responses to Like a Mother

  1. Christ Jesus is everything you need, right now, right here. As we grow in relationship with Him we find he is not only Lord of lords and King of kings and Savior, but Friend, Father, Bridegroom, Mother, Nourisher, Nurturer, Living Water, Healer, King of glory, Deliverer, Freedom, Counselor, Guide, Advocate, High Priest, Counsel, Wisdom, Power, Knowledge of the Glory/manifest Presence, Life Itself, Light, Love, Spirit of God, and so much MORE! Christ is to you everything you need for Life and Life more abundantly! more full! new fullness of Life! awake aware aliveness of God! we empty of our old being and are filled with all the fullness of God with Christ! who lives, moves and has His Being in us and through us!

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  2. Jesus tells us true worship is not external worship in temples made with human hands, but internally in Spirit and Truth, no matter where you are! True Worship is internal intimate continuous communion with God; praying at all times in the Spirit; a constant of awareness of Christ in you!

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