Sowing and Reaping

What the world calls “karma”

those living, moving and having their being in Christ call “Thank You Abba! Father!”

Because God sowed Jesus on the earth

we can reap what we did not sow when we come to Christ!

No matter WHAT is going on in the world, everything is, was, and is to come, complete in Christ!

Thy Kingdom come in me, Thy Will be done in me on earth as it is in heaven!

Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be done unto you! Believe and receive and live the Way, the Truth and the Life of resurrected, ascended, glorified Christ by receiving to be OF his glorified Spirit, the River from the throne which will become a tributary flowing out of you, a never-ending fountain in you whose clouds cover you like the garment taking Christ Jesus back to the Father, the garment of living, fiery, bright water, Holy Spirit and fire that comes DOWN FROM HEAVEN to clothe you on earth as it is in heaven, in the kingdom of God now, and is to come!

Be who God our Father says we are: co-heirs WITH Christ as his beloved sons and cherished brides; kings of the kingdom of God under only the King of kings and Lord of lords; priests carrying His manifest presence, His glory, for the glory of God in the highest!

In Christ you are in a NEW heaven; Christ in you is a new earth! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you are given a clean, pure heart and a righteous, holy, pure Spirit of God in Christ when you ASK and take it by faith through grace, where a new heaven can meet earth in the secret place of your heart! You are transferred from the dominion of darkness to the Kingdom of the Beloved Son! It is time to move!

Then FROM CHRIST, from heavenly places with Christ, we speak The Blood, the better word, The Word written on our heart and mind, and The NOW Word we hear through our awakened, quickened, God-breathed spiritual senses and see the fruit of Christ in the land of the living!

Arise and shine! Arise and be clothed with Christ! Arise cloud company! Be surrounded with the great cloud of witnesses, holy angel armies and the armor of Light, the cloud of His Presence!

Arise and spread the Good News to counteract and destroy all the bad news of the world!

This is the ever-renewing New Day of Christ! Christ was sown on earth; we reap Christ! his vapor continually rises, clouds continue to form, and his rain/reign falls on us; we send the vapor back up in praise, worship, glory, honor, dominion, majesty, awe, and wonderment!, new clouds form around us, the new atmosphere of a new heaven watering a new earth that begins to SPRING UP and we reign with Christ as a cloud company flowing with His Living Water!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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10 Responses to Sowing and Reaping

  1. It is human to go up and down with the issues of life.
    It is God, our Father’s good pleasure to give you his kingdom and righteousness that brings down his mountain into your heart, raises the valleys and casts every man-made mountain into the depths of the sea never to return (unless you keep resurrecting the problem/thank you Mustard Seed! 🙂 ) It is Christ’s nature in us that overcomes! Conquer and be granted to be seated with Christ to rule and reign in LIFE now and is to come!

    Are you not living in Victory with Christ? Ask for Wisdom and it will be given! The answer to EVERY problem has a solution here, now, in Christ! We take the personal responsibility for the mess we made; Christ takes the mess and gives us His Message!

    Only God can turn everything around! Our Father works EVERYTHING for good for those who love him and are called to His Purpose! Do not despair or be deceived beloveds! It is our Father’s good pleasure to give you Christ’s Kingdom!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. He who is IN US is GREATER than he who is in the world, so rejoice, again rejoice, and do not be anxious in ANYTHING but in EVERYTHING gives thanks to God our Father, Christ Jesus’ God and Father who are ONE (and we are ONE with them through receiving Christ’s glorified Spirit (John 17:22-23) with prayer and supplication, and the peace that surpasses ALL understanding will keep your HEART and your MIND in Christ Jesus. Set your mind in his new heaven, be in his atmosphere, his cloud full of his living water and let it rain/reign!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. There is a WORLD of difference between saying, “I am a Christian”
    and believing in your HEART and speaking, “I am IN Christ; Christ is in me” “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” “He who is IN ME is greater than he who is in the world” living, moving and having your whole being whole-heartedly, mindfully, heart-fully in Christ’s kingdom realm on earth.

    From heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, LIVING what you know, believe, think, feel in your heart of hearts, choose FREELY, listen, hear and act on what you hear from the Shepherd of your soul; the Master of your spirit, the presence of God living in your body, the glory of God transfiguring your body into His Temple on earth as in heaven, you experience a NHOEN! As you think in your heart, so you are! As HE IS in the world so are you! Christ anoints us with Himself! Anything less is less than God our Father chooses for YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. FREEDOM!!!!!!! If the Son sets you free, you are FREE indeed! For Freedom, Christ has set you FREE! Take and partake in Jesus’ Name above EVERY name!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “worldly” beliefs are KNOCKED down and kicked out when the Way, Truth and Life of God enters our heart of hearts, the secret place where Wisdom comes, where Truth comes to dwells, where LIFE: the Spirit of Christ is made manifest, where the peace, joy, love, righteousness, gentleness, compassion, lovingkindness, understanding, self-control, counsel, power, patience, persistence, knowledge of the glory, and reverential AWE come to dwell! Hallelujah!!!!!!!


  6. The RIVER of God is amazing grace and glory that becomes a never-ending Fountain in and through us!!!!!!!


  7. THANKS be to God!!!!!!!


  8. ttomeny1 says:

    Thank you so much for your continued encouragement. You help make my day just about every day!


    On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:42 PM, New Heaven on Earth! wrote:

    > NewHeavenOnEarth posted: “What the world calls “karma” those living, > moving and having their being in Christ call “Thank You Abba! Father!” > Because God sowed Jesus on the earth we can reap what we did not sow when > we come to Christ! No matter WHAT is going on in the world, eve” >

    Liked by 1 person

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