Ding! Dong! Merrily on High!

Rejoice! again I say, Rejoice! Joy Joy Joy! repeat the sounding Joy! the wonders of Your Love! heaven and earth rejoice! Merry, merry Christ! Joy to the world! the Lord of lords has come! Let earth receive her King of kings!

“The Word became incarnate yet remained on high” A Great & Mighty Wonder by St. Germanus (734) and John Mason Neale (1862)

O beauteous, supernal, heavenly Light! glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly host song Alleluia!

The Son of God is Love’s pure Light! radiant beams with the dawn of redeeming Grace!

Christ remains forever; never born, never dies, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end; never created, but of the Creator forever! uncreated presence of love, light and Spirit of God; pure holy, perfect, complete, divine, glorious Life!

Joy to the world; let every heart prepare him room! a River of blessings flow from Jesus ; repeat the sounding Joy! Christ in you proves the glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love!

Jesus reconciled God and sinners; in Christ there is only God! God was veiled in Jesus’ flesh so God could be unveiled in us!

Emmanuel is God with us; Holy Spirit is God in us in the new birth, of God, through Christ, by the Power of the Holy Spirit!

“Now ye hear of endless bliss; Jesus Christ was born for THIS! He hath opened heaven’s Door, and we are blest forevermore!” Good Christian Friends, Rejoice by John Mason Neale (1853)

“How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given! So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven…where meek souls will receive Him still the dear Christ enters in!” O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillip Brooks (1868)

“Our hearts in Love we raise. Gloria in excelsis deo!” Angels We Have Heard on High by James Chadwick (1862)

“Sounds of wonder fill the sky, with the songs of angels of the mighty Prince of Life”

“Hear the angels sing!…STILL their heavenly music floats over all the weary world…and all the world send back the song which NOW the angels sing!” It Came upon the Midnight Clear by Edmund Hamilton Sears (1849)

The Greatest Gift ever given is Jesus; the Greatest Miracle is receiving Christ in you to live, move and have His righteous being ruling and reigning in and through you! Merry Christ! the Joy of God within that cannot be taken! He is our Redeemer, Joy, heavenly Light and Delight!

“Deep, deep, deep, the love of God is deep; Who gladly sent the Son His Treasure that our hearts would live forever; deep, deep, deep, the love of God is deep” Still, Still, Still by Rogers and Wyse (2005)

“God’s highest glory is our anthem still, ‘Peace on earth, good will to men’…our hearts with holy rapture burn…tread His steps assisted by His grace, till our first heavenly state again takes place…around us all His glory shall display; saved by His love, incessant we shall sing eternal praise to heaven’s Almighty King!” Christians Awake by John Byron (1749)

“Morning Star, my soul’s true Light, tarry not, dispel my night…Jesus mine, in me shine; in me shine, Jesus mine; fill my heart with Light divine” Morning Star, O Cheering Sight by Johann Scheffler (1657)

When he appears to you, your soul knows its worth, a thrill, rejoicing, and a new and glorious dawn breaks forth! Fall on your knees and hear the angels voices! Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raising; let all within us praise His holy name: Christ is the Lord! (John Sullivan Dwight, 1855)


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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3 Responses to Ding! Dong! Merrily on High!

  1. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    We are truly blessed to have Jesus.
    Blessed blessings
    Thank you for your Love


  2. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    And the wonders of His love to you a sister in Christ Jesus


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