Hearing the Good news and Rejecting the World news

For so long now, beauty pageant contestants vying for a crown have asked for world peace, but the bible tells us that world peace carries destruction with it, just as all worldly solutions bring harm as well as the man-made solution. Only God’s Higher Ways and Higher Thoughts from the Creator’s Perspective was able to send Jesus to reconcile you to the Father and send you another Helper, Counselor, Comforter, Healer, Deliverer, Husbandman, Advocate, Representative, Counsel, Lawyer, Highest Knowledge Beyond Knowledge, Experiential, Highest Wisdom, Beyond Understanding, Power and Presence of God in the Holy Spirit who is able to form Christ in you and sustain Christ in you.

“In this world you will have tribulation, but in Christ you will have peace, not world peace, but the Peace that surpasses understanding, the God of Peace who crushes satan under your feet (Romans 16:20), not peace of this world but the true inner Peace of knowing Christ in you, God our Father is with you, and Holy Spirit is upon, with and in you now and forever. Jesus has overcome this world and delivers you from the dominion of darkness (and constant negative news) and transfers you into the kingdom of the Beloved Son (Colossians 1:13).

If you find yourself in fear, anxiety, depressed, worried, stressed with unrest, buying into the world news, doubting God or double-minded, take Christ to heart, have Christ’s Mind that renews through the Holy Spirit, and return to the Peace of God through Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

All man-made solutions are from satan’s tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the good they offer you is mixed with the hidden evil you do not want; the evil they offer you tempts you to take the quick fix that results in harm instead of going to our Father to ask and receive all the promises that are “yes” and “amen” in Christ and Christ in you.

In the Peace of God: in Christ of God, there is no harm mixed in with divine solutions; no destruction mixed in with peace; no harmful, negative or deadly side effects mixed in with drugs or vaccines; nothing but a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells to look forward to; nothing but the peace and rest of knowing the Love of Christ, being filled with all the fullness of God who supplies ALL your needs from the riches of the glory of Christ, and gives you more than you could ever ask or think by the Holy Spirit and fire of God. Do not quench the Spirit of God; do not despise prophesy; do not fear, only believe. Take your authority in Christ and the power of God with Christ in you.

“Behold, I have given you My authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and OVER all power of the enemy; and NOTHING shall in any way harm you in Me and me in you”  ~Jesus the Name above EVERY name

“Nothing can defile you in Christ and Christ in you, but what comes out of you defiles you if you refuse to let God our Father give you a heart transplant, taking out the heart of fallen Adam (Mark 7:14-23), and putting in the Heart of Christ to rule and reign in you in gentleness, humbleness, peace and rest beyond understanding. We come to Christ, yoke our soul to His, learn Christ, and rest in God as His Holy Spirit leads us spirit first, guides ours soul, teaches us, reminds us, empowers and embodies us as living temples of God; turning all that is meant for evil into God’s Good for us to see in the land of the Living One, now and is to come. Now is the time; today is the Day when you come out of “her” the Harlot, and come to Christ to come to the Spirit and the Bride and take the water of life as a bride, a wife of The Lamb of God.

Stop making void the Word of God through your tradition which you hand on. And many such things you do” Mark 7:13

Stop letting the “blind” lead the blind; stop being lead by the darkness of this world and her rulers. FIRST seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be given to you in Christ and Christ in you. Apart from Christ you can do NOTHING but cause more harm in the name of doing “good” and “being good.” Father forgive them they know not what they are doing.

“First let the Holy Spirit cleanse the INSIDE of you and the outside will become clean. Woe to you hypocrites! You outwardly appear beautiful, but WITHIN you are full of dead fallen Adam’s bones and all uncleanness. So you OUTWARDLY appear righteous to men, but WITHIN you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity…You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?”  ~ Jesus the Christ (Anointed One) the Messiah sent to save you from hell and living like hell is in you now

The mark of the beast is 666. The mark of one who is found in Christ and Christ in you is 777; with the seven spirits from the Throne sent out of heaven from God to earth: 7 torches of fire (see Christ as he is NOW: Revelation 1:12-18; 4:5, 5:6-7), 7 horns of oil/power, and 7 eyes to see. The Holy Spirit and Holy Fire of God and His Christ removes the chaff and leaves the Bread of Life in you; removes the marks of the beast (man’s animal nature), sin, the harlot church, and the devil, god and father of those who refuse to come to God’s Perfect Solution: Jesus, who marks you with Christ: as one who belongs to Jesus; God’s own; God’s beloveds.

“Come to Jesus, to that Living Stone, rejected by men but in God’s Sight chosen and precious…To you who believe, Jesus is precious…but to those who reject him you will stumble on the Rock, the Stone that makes you fall because you disobey The Word, as you are destined to do. But in Christ you are a chosen race (has nothing to do with EXTERNAL race or color: stop your racism of every kind), a ROYAL priesthood (stop idolizing the EXTERNAL royal blood lines and families, and come to know the Royal King of Glory and His Royal Family), a HOLY nation (those sheep nations who reject the goat god and put Christ first), God’s own people that you may declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT. Once you were no people, but NOW in Christ and Christ in you, you are God’s People receiving mercy, grace and ALL the goodness of God and his glory of Christ Jesus” 1 Peter 2:1-10

No human being can transform from fallen Adam to the holy, pure, perfect, righteousness of Christ of God by themselves or by anything of this world. Jesus IS The Way, The Truth, and The Life provided for ALL without exclusion and received by coming out of this world and coming to Christ and taking the gift of salvation by grace through faith in the One Name above every other name that can be named: Jesus. This alone would be enough, but God is so gracious and glorious that he promises to give us every endowment and every perfect gift coming down from the Father of lights to make us new first-fruits creatures (James 1:16-18) when we come to Christ, and take Christ in us to live, move and have his perfect, holy, divine being and nature in and through us (2 Peter 1:3-4).

“LIKE newborn babies in Christ, grow up to be just like our Father, having tasted the lovingkindness of the Lord in the land of the living” paraphrase 1 Peter 2:2-3

“Therefore, IF any one is IN CHRIST, they are a NEW CREATURE, the past has gone, behold, the NEW HAS COME”

LET GO of your heritage and lineage in fallen Adam; come to the last Adam, Jesus, and die daily to the past; resurrect anew daily so you can say, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” anew, afresh, again every day for the rest of your time in a physical body, redeemed spirit and soul and body, to be the image and likeness of Christ who is the exact image and likeness of God. Only the Holy Spirit can make you equally-yoked with Christ the Bridegroom King of Glory to live now and forever in the House of God our Father through the Spirit and fire of his Christ in us.

If you are able to discern the magnitude and majesty of the riches of glory of this one thing, you bow down before the Throne of grace and weep for Joy.

“Now to Christ Jesus who is ABLE to keep you from falling AND present you without blemish before the Presence of His Glory with rejoicing, to the only God, our Savior THROUGH JESUS Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time AND NOW and for ever. Amen” Jude 1:24-25

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come”

Amen! All thanksgiving and honor and blessing and wealth and dominion and authority and power and wisdom and might and wisdom and glory be to our God for ever and ever! Amen. Hallelujah!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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