The Big Question: Who or What is God?

La vierge aux raisins

Image via Wikipedia

Light, Sacred Space, Formless form, Darkless Dark, Divine Essence, Life Force energy, Flowing Unlimited Potential, Infinite Possibilities

One of the biggest questions we have as human beings is:

Who or what is God?

Your answer to who or what is God will depend on what your personal relationship is with God. Do you have a close, even intimate, relationship with God? What is intimacy? A definition I like is “into me I see”, a play on the word itself. Looking into your self is a clue to what or who you believe God to be. Your answer has a lot to do with what you see when you look inside. Are you filled with judgment? You will most likely believe that God is a judging God. Are you filled with bitterness, resentment? You will most likely believe that God is vengeful and punishing. Were your parents controlling? Most likely your God will be controlling. Was your Father distant or absent? Your God may very well be absent, distant or separate from you. Are you filled with love? You will believe that God is a loving God. Have you never looked inside? You may not believe there is a God or you will believe in an absent God.

  • Is your relationship estranged with God?
  • Is your relationship to a foreign “other”?
  • Is your relationship as with a distant cousin twice removed whom you have never met?
  • Is your relationship indifferent?
  • Is your relationship as close as an intimate spouse?
  • Is your relationship a friendship
  • Is your relationship nonexistent?
  • Is any relationship impossible because there is nothing in your conscious awareness beyond your egoic self?

There could be as many answers to this question as there are people on earth. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob were all the same One God, but each of the three men had a different relationship with the One God whose name was I Am That I Am. All of us have a unique personal relationship with the One God. Our relationship to God flows from our own individual perspective, interpretation, need, conditioning, early religious training, and differing temperament and personality. Our relationships are different, but it is the same God. We are many expressions within One God. God has infinite aspects or qualities contained within the One Source.

At various times in our own journey we may have had a different relationship with God. When I was born I believe I had an intimate oneness with God. When I developed a wounded ego, I had only a limited, intellectual relationship with God. Then in a time of great despair and crisis, I was filled with the Spirit of God. Shortly after that, I experienced the manifestation of Jesus, and out of the incredible, unconditional love I was given, I learned to love God once again, and have an intimate personal relationship. I was filled with Joy and Erotic Love and God became my Lover. Through the process of meditation, my relationship grew, deepened, expanded and developed into many other things. Jesus became my Peace that passes all understanding, my Healer, Forgiver, Sanctifier, Purifier, Refiner, Teacher, Redeemer, Savior, Messiah, Master, Lord, Friend, Brother, Companion, Spouse, and so much more!

As I went even deeper into my relationship with Christ in meditation, devotions, and scripture, I was led beyond the personal relationship to the impersonal, empty void. After a period of time, a fullness arose out of the seeming emptiness; an aliveness and presence filled the dark, still, silent depths within me. The palpable Presence and Power of God filled me, turning the empty darkness into Light! At this stage in my soul’s journey back to the Beloved, everyone became Christ, and everything was filled with the formless substance of God. The God of my understanding is now infinite possibilities, unlimited potential, Miracles, signs and wonders, awe of the greater unknown, uncreated Light, beyond the beyond, more than More, the deeper mystery, formless, darkless Dark, lightless Light, silence, stillness, rest; AND all the personal forms of God that arise out of the formless Source. To me, every Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, Ramana Maharshi, Tao, Beloved, Mohammed, etc. IS Christ! Every face I meet is Christ. Every patient or prisoner I visit at the hospital is Christ. At this stage in my spiritual development, there is no where, and no thing that does not contain God!

“Every visible and invisible creature is a theophany or appearance of God”       Erigena

Spirit is everywhere present, active, and while still hidden to physical sight, God can be seen with spiritual sight, and is revealed in a myriad of delightful and often surprising ways!

Our finite human mind is baffled when faced with the infinite. Anytime we try to name God, speak about the Divine, or create theology, we limit the unlimited Beloved. That is why the Tao te Ching is profound when it says the “way” that can be named is not the “way”. The God that can be named is not God–it is SO MUCH MORE than any name. Zechariah 14:9 says “And the Lord will become king over all the earth; on that day the Lord will be one and his name will be one.” When duality is used to describe God, it is limited. Paradox is the norm when trying to describe God. The Source is the union of the opposites; both polar opposites are true in God, and both are not true when transcending the duality into oneness, formless, empty, sacred space that is also God! The empty dark space is actually full of the unlimited potential and infinite uncreated light of God!

I believe the greatest example of God that ever lived was Jesus. He was the greatest incarnation of God. He was the “name above all names”. He was one with the Father from the moment he was conceived until he died, was resurrected, and finally ascended with his transfigured body. He was perfect, complete, and whole; fully God and fully human. He has revealed himself to many, and is described as appearing many times in the books Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. He is mentioned in the sacred books of the Tibetan Buddhist monks in the monasteries of the Himalayas.

Jesus said “If you love me, you will keep my word, and my Father will love you, and WE will come to you and make our home with you” (John 14:23). Do you personally KNOW Jesus (not just believe in a concept of God)? Has Jesus come to you? Has he and the Father made their home in your heart yet? Are you intimately and personally experiencing the direct presence of God within you? Are you communicating with God on a daily basis and listening for the still small voice? Are you entering the silent, interior, sacred space in your heart daily, and meeting with the formless Presence of God? Are you allowing the Spirit of God to fill you will love? Are you allowing the Spirit to fill you with the Light and presence of God that heals, empowers and uplifts you to be one with Christ consciousness each moment, each breath, or at least each day?

Why not? What is stopping you? What is blocking you? What is separating you from the good of God? What is separating you from the kingdom of God that is here right now? What is stopping you from entering the garden of the new heaven on earth today? What is separating you from the inheritance of God’s abundance and riches of health, wellbeing, and peace? What are you waiting for? What is stopping you? What is blocking you? What is standing in your way? What do you really, really, really want? What do you need? The answer to what every person universally needs at the root of everything else is: God!

Jesus was the greatest incarnation of God, yet even he said God was greater than him. “If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). Jesus said that the Father was yet greater than himself, that he only did the work that the Father gave him to do, he could do nothing of his own authority, and he always listened and acted on the Will (intent/purpose/mission) that the Father sent him to earth to fulfill. “Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing” (John 5:19). “I can do nothing on my own authority; as I hear, I [discern]…I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me” (John 5:30). See also John 12:49 and 14:24. Not my will, but Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

So who is the Father? In John 15:1, Jesus says that “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser”. A vinedresser is the caretaker, the mother or father of the vine that cares for, prunes, fertilizes, and tenderly, lovingly tends to the vine. The vinedresser clothes the vine in sunlight, water, good soil, food, nourishment, nurturing, and anything else the vine needs to thrive and grow. The vine (Son) is a physical manifestation of the Spirit of God, or a spirit incarnated into flesh. The Father is a Spirit that is invisible to the human eye and is not incarnated into a body.

Jesus recognized that while God is One, and there is only one Spirit, there is also a spiritual hierarchy. The paradox is that there is both oneness and a hierarchy. The Trinity of God is One God. The 99 beautiful names of God are one God in Sufism. The thousands of gods in Hinduism are one Absolute God. The many deities in Buddhism are manifestations of the one ground of being, the emptiness that is fullness. The hundreds of gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon are all just aspects or archetypes of the One Divine Being. All personal forms of God, from all cultures and religions, represent the infinite aspects, divine qualities, and unlimited nature of the One God. Some carry more or less light than others, some are closer to the One Infinite Source than others, but they are all part of the One, Most High, Ground of Being. Jesus tells us that the Father was greater than him, and that there is something greater than the Father. Jesus said that the Father seeks to worship the Spirit of God. “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the TRUE worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the FATHER SEEKS to WORSHIP HIM. God is spirit, and those who worship him MUST worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:23-24).

So who is the giver of Life to the vinedresser? Who is the Holy Spirit? would be my Jeopardy answer! Jesus said “I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it never sees him or knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you” (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Light, the Spirit of energy, the life force energy that is flowing through every atom of our body. Do you see the effects of the Holy Spirit in your life? Do you know Her/Him/It? Do you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your body? Do you know what the manifestation of the Spirit feels or looks like? Are you counseled on a daily basis by the true Counselor? Are you empowered by the Holy Spirit, or are you going through life on your own limited human power? Have you experienced the healing power of the Holy Spirit? Have you received the divine Life of the Spirit of God? Do you experience the vitality of the Spirit? Are you empowered to act, witnessing miracles, healing in the name of Jesus, or manifesting signs and wonders in your life in the boldness and confidence given you from the inheritance of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said “These things I have spoken to you, while I am still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things, and bring to you remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid…I will come to you” (John 14:25-28). Has Jesus come to you? Did you recognize him? Was he in a different form or did his presence frighten you? Did you think he was a ghost like Peter and the disciples? Did you think he was the gardener like Mary Magdalene? Did you think he was just some stranger, as the two men walking to Emmaus? Was he the homeless man you passed by without looking at on the street? Was he the woman who tried to make an appointment with a popular fundamentalist evangelical Christian church pastor and was turned away? Was he the stranger who knocked on your door at an inopportune time? Was he the foreigner, speaking a different language, or speaking a different sounding theology? Was he the person you met who was not a Christian so you didn’t want to befriend them?  Was he the new age girl who you judged because you questioned her spirituality? Was he the stranger on a bus, as the song said? When Mary Magdalene acted as apostle to the apostles, telling them of Jesus’ return, she was rejected. “But when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they would not believe it” (Mark 16:11). They brushed her off most likely because she was a woman, and they put themselves above her, acting self-righteous and uber holy like the Pharisees had done with Jesus. Mark 16:12 says that Jesus appeared in “another form” to the two walking into the country. Jesus appeared in many different forms before he was born in Bethlehem, and after Christ Spirit resurrected from the dead.

Have you seen Jesus lately? You probably will say no, but you are most likely wrong. You probably just did not recognize him or were frightened and turned away. The truth is that Jesus resurrected and ascended in a transfigured body and is living and active and present in our world right now! He is waiting right beside you for permission to enter your heart for his second coming! He wants you to stop the drama, struggles, sorrow, and pain; drop your personal cross, stop worshipping the dead and start worshipping the living active Spirit of God. Jesus is not still on the cross unless you put him there. Jesus is not still on the cross unless you leave him there. He is risen, and has been for over 2000 years! Open your spiritual eyes and the eyes of your heart, and SEE that he is right here, and everywhere present! Start worshipping the risen, ascended Living Christ. Jesus has been right here all along, since he resurrected and ascended in consciousness. Christ Spirit has never been born, nor ever died, but is eternal and immortal forever and ever.

There is no time or space in the spiritual dimension. He is HERE NOW, in the eternal now! She is HERE NOW! He may just be in a form that you did not recognize: a different face, body or gender, a vaporous form, light, energy, peaceful feeling, an angel at the scene of an accident, a sudden joy that arises, a sacred stillness, a silent repose, a fragrance, a rainbow in the sky, a sudden feeling of love,  a beautiful bird song, a pet, a creak in the wall, a ray of light streaming in a window, a light flickering, a still, small voice, a smile from a stranger, a kind word from someone you don’t know, an almost imperceptible touch when you are lonely?

Have you had a divine encounter and didn’t recognize Christ Spirit? What if you were so busy, distracted, mindless, unaware, unconscious, or ignorant (uninformed or lacking understanding) that you just didn’t recognize Jesus? What if you were frightened and thought he was a ghost, an evil spirit, or the devil like the Pharisees did? What if you just did not recognize the different form of Jesus: the person, the stranger, the sound, feeling, light, sensation, movement in your peripheral vision, the fragrance, vision, dream, intuition, inspiration, gut feeling, taste, touch, etc.?

What if you encountered the resurrected Jesus in a different form than the classic artist renderings and you were distrusting, suspicious, fearful, or afraid? Jesus is gentle, meek, humble, unconditionally loving, respectful of your choices and decisions and would never hurt you in any way, including causing you fear. Therefore, many divine encounters have been missed or ignored, misinterpreted or rejected unknowingly. That is why we are told in the bible “Do not fear” over 300 times! That is why angels often say “Do not be afraid” before they become visible to you. Archangel Gabriel said it to Mother Mary. The song “The Voice of Truth” says “The voice of truth says do not be afraid. I will listen and believe the voice of truth!” John 14:27 says “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid”. Do not reject the myriad forms or expressions that the Spirit of God can take!

Before the kingdom came there was grieving, sorrow, suffering, disease, sadness, and bondage to mistakes. After the kingdom came (Jesus brought the kingdom to earth and to our bodies) there is supposed to be JOY–fullness of joy–Complete Joy! Jesus brought the kingdom of God to earth over 2000 years ago from heaven and made it manifest in consciousness–awareness–here on earth, from the depths of hell consciousness to the heights of heavenly consciousness/awareness to fill ALL things and ALL people. Jesus, and Christ Consciousness, is HERE NOW. It used to be nowhere present, but now the sacred space has been created so that NOWHERE has been transformed to NOW-HERE!!! Wake up and see the kingdom! Wake up and recognize Christ! Wake up and enter the new heaven on earth!

Our individual job now–our collective goal NOW–is to ALLOW Christ Jesus to come (the second coming of Christ) into our own hearts and to individually say YES to the heavenly yeast. The time for the unleavened bread is past. Christ is risen! You do not have to go backwards. We are told NOT to look back or be turned to a pillar of salt. We are to leave the past behind and enter into the new life with the Spirit of God that is ever new each morning! Each breath you can let go of the old creation by exhaling, and be made brand new with each inspiration! You can use conscious breathing to remember and stay awake in the present moment.

The kingdom of God is here now, at hand, and within you! We each need to choose to say yes to the heavenly yeast of God’s kingdom to rise within you–spreading to include your entire body–then your emotions–then grow to include your entire mind–then expand to your soul, spirit, and then keep spreading to your family, your community, your church, your city, your state, country, and finally to the whole world. The whole cosmos can then be lifted up, expanded and made one and whole: every space, every molecule, every atom, and every submolecular space filled with the light of the Living God–raised to heavenly consciousness in the new heaven on earth!!! The concealment of God’s Light will be revealed in all physical matter! The Invisible God will become visible in all things! Upgrade to your Premium Spiritual self! It is already within you waiting for your recognition!

The saying “God is dead” in the 60’s and 70’s was the death of blind faith in a projected man-made God, an idol made up of human’s introjected parents, and projected repressed unwanted, disowned, rejected human personality traits. The false god that was made an idol to control the masses by those in power positions of authority HAD to be killed. The false gods of smite-ing, killing, warring, smote-ing, jealousy, anger, vengeance, lightning bolts, plagues, killing innocent children, etc. had to die so the TRUTH of who and what God really is could be born in human hearts; so the Holy Spirit could teach you and bring you into remembrance of all Jesus, and other incarnations of God, really taught–not the god that power-hungry Christian male authorities, or so-called theology experts, or the male Pharisees of Jesus’ faith choice (Judaism) taught.

The truth of the original, undistorted teachings of Jesus, the path of the heart, the way of Love, the truth of Oneness and interconnection must be told. Jesus is the Light that enlightens every heart, and the Life–the DNA, the blood, the breath, and the atoms of God that are our birthright–our inheritance as royals: children of God, pure, whole, perfect, holy, rich, loving, peaceful, joyful, and one in the Unity of the One Spirit!!!

Jesus knew before he came down to earth that he was going to die to make it possible for the world to die to the old way of being. He made it possible to transform from darkness to light, death to life, the old past to new life, suffering to joy, conflict to peace, sin to oneness, male authority to equanimity/oneness/equality, and separation to union with God. Jesus knew before he came down to earth that he was going to resurrect and ascend so he could raise all of humanity up to God consciousness. Jesus said the Father would send the Holy Spirit to not only counsel you, teach you ALL things, and help you remember the truth about God, but also to bring you the greatest gift possible: grace, healing, transformation, freedom, and the peace that passes all understanding.

The dying, falling away, old earth, and old era represent duality: haves and have-nots, rich and poor, good and evil, joy and sadness, battle of the sexes, marriage and divorce, absence and presence of God, disease and health, etc. The new heaven on earth that is coming and is NOW here represents the era of nonduality or oneness where the opposites are united, included and transcended. Both are included, and both are transcended. There is only One. We are all connected: our ego to our true spiritual self, each to each other, to nature, to  God, and to the Most High Source. There is one God, one Spirit, One God with many expressions, One God with many outer religious expressions, One God with many names, and One spirituality (inner connection to God) with many different expressions. There is only Goodness, Peace, Love, Joy, Beauty, and harmony. All else is illusion of an old world that Jesus came to transform and regenerate into the new heaven on earth. When are you going to let the old negative conditioned beliefs die and be reborn into the wholeness of the new life in Christ?

When you bring your hurts, wounds, pain, disease, mental unrest, suffering, or confusion to God, the Holy Spirit can mightily and powerfully heal you, cleanse and clear away the disorder and darkness, fill you with the Light of God, and bring you to peace! The filling of the Holy Spirit in the body raises your vibration or frequency ABOVE the level of disease, suffering, or sorrow. You enter the new heaven on earth consciousness and PEACE descends into your body. You FEEL it in your body. You feel the shift; you feel the change in energy in your body. It is as if every cell relaxes and melts into the warm, loving embrace of the Beloved! Aaaah!!!! mmmmmm! Aah!!!!!! God (G-aaaah-d)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God becomes a VERB: active as the living action of the fresh, always new, dynamic, vital, energetic Spirit! Follow Jesus’ example: just stop what you are doing/old habits/conditioning/old beliefs; drop the cross of your suffering; take Jesus off the cross and allow him to resurrect and ascend in you; and be reborn into the NEW life! Jesus and you are not who or what you think you are!

Jesus said “They hated me without a cause. But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me” (John 15:25). Jesus said “I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away…that when the hour comes you may remember” (John 16:1-4). The hour is HERE, remember, and wake up! Come back to God, drop the past, drop your mistakes, errors, and missing the mark; and follow Jesus’ Spirit to the new life in the new heaven on earth available and here now.

Jesus said it was a good thing that he was leaving the earth, living in a physical form, because people would worship his personal self instead of going deeper and higher to KNOW the Father, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Source, and Beyond the beyond! Jesus did not want us to become dependent on him in the flesh, like some are attached to a guru in the East, but to know that we could all connect directly to the Source of God. There is no longer a mediator needed. “That you may all be one as I am one with the Father” (John 17:11, 21-23). Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send [the Holy Spirit]to you” (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit will teach you ALL things. Have you felt the Holy Spirit today?  As the got milk campaign would say: Got Spirit?

So what is the Source of the Spirit of God? This is the mystery or unknown part that the bible promised approximately 2000 years ago would be revealed. I believe it is possible to be revealed now. Everything is now possible! We are living in unprecedented times, a critical juncture in the evolution of human beings, not only physically, but spiritually evolving as well. This is the time that every culture and path has pointed to as a change in the ages. Jesus said he would be with us, even to the end of the age. Jesus said to his disciples that there was much more to his teachings, that there was much MORE truth to be revealed, but it was too much for the limited human consciousness at that point in our collective evolution. Jesus said we would be able to do everything he did while on earth and even GREATER things BECAUSE he was going to the Spirit of the Father! (John 14:12).

Jesus said he couldn’t reveal the total mystery to people at that time. It probably would literally blow their minds and fry their nervous system. The Truth was so Light filled and Powerful that it would shut down a person’s central nervous system and they would literally faint or maybe even implode in fire or die! There was a saying that no one could see the face of God and live. Jesus said “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot BEAR them now. When the spirit of truth comes, she/he will guide you into all the truth…she/he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:12-15). Jesus had to teach in parables to the masses (except for the beloved apostle, the apostle to the apostles), and even the disciples mostly did not understand Jesus when he spoke plainly or directly to them.

“According to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret for long ages but is NOW disclosed and through the prophetic writings is made KNOWN to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God” (Romans 16:25-27). The mystery is now available to be revealed. Quantum physics, entanglement theory, unified field theory, and string theory are all theoretically and experimentally beginning to bring a scientific glimmer of light on the mysteries of God that have been hidden for so long. We can never definitively know the infinite with our finite human mind, but more and more can be revealed as we open more and more to the deeper ways of knowing: the mind of the heart, intuition, wisdom, spiritual perception, the eye of the Spirit, the eyes of the soul, the eyes of the heart, inspiration and revelation.

There is a story of a man who was seeking God. He climbed a very high mountain where a holy man lived to find the truth about God. The villager thought that since this was the oldest, wisest, holiest man on earth, surely he would know God. Once at the top of the mountain, he was invited in, and he asked the sage to teach him everything he knew about God. The old wise sage looked at the man intently, and then asked him if he wanted a cup of tea. The man was impatient and told the sage he was too busy for anything but getting the information and then rushing back down the mountain to attend to his business. The sage insisted and went to get the tea. The man kept looking at his watch, tapping his foot, impatiently waiting with a hundred anxious thought running through his mind of all he had to get back to. The man hated wasting time. The sage finally returned with a cup, set it before the man and started to pour the tea. When the cup was full he continued to pour. The tea spilled over the top and over the table. The sage continued to pour as the tea started to make a river across the floor. As the sage continued to pour tea in the cup, the man suddenly yelled “STOP, don’t you see what you are doing, you are pouring tea all over the place and all I wanted was for you to give me the mystery of God so I could go back home!” The sage continued pouring and told the seeker that he wanted nothing more than to teach the man about God, but when he showed up at the mountain top his cup was already full and there was no place left to receive God.

What is in your cup? Do you have any space for God? Are you full of your own ideas or concepts, and beliefs about God? Are you full of theology, or others ideas and concepts about God? Are you full of busyness, distractions, impatience, frustration, worries, or stress. If you have space, is your cup dirty with layers of grime built up from identifying with the world of limitation and lack? Have you brought forth a new cup to be filled with the new wine? Have you prepared a room for Jesus to be born in you, or is the inn of your mind full? Have you prepared your heart for the second coming of Christ, or is your heart full of bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, judgment, or unhealed wounds. Have you invited the Holy Spirit to come into your life? Have you emptied yourself so you can be filled with the presence and power of God?

What is the Source of God? That is a trick question because the Source is neither born nor dies and is beyond any description or label. It is the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega, all at the same time! It is unmanifest divine essence, darkless Dark, lightless Light, unlimited potential, infinite possibilities, invisible, formless, silence, stillness, rest, beyond the beyond, Divine Concealment, formless divine substance, hidden splendor, awareness of awareness, beyond consciousness, beyond light, beyond energy, void that is full, empty space that is the fullness of God, and dark deeps that are full of uncreated light. The Source of all is ineffable and beyond description.

Science has discovered that 99.9% of the atom is empty space, 99% of the cell is empty space, and 99% of the Universe is empty space! That means that everything that is known or observed in all the created Universe is only 0.1 to 1% of the actual Universe. That means that there is MUCH more that we don’t know, than we already do know! Finite minds cannot conceive of infinity! We do know from quantum physics that we are all interconnected, and energy waves can become physical particles by merely observing them. We do know from the latest cutting edge theorists that black holes are not empty dark matter, or antimatter, but infinite potential and unlimited energy source. Black holes are most likely  not empty at all, but full of the divine substance of God. Nassim Haramein has found a long mathematical formula for the proof that every star, planet, body, cell, molecule, submolecular space, and atom has the same black hole in it. Everything is embedded in the invisible, formless, divine darkless Dark, unlimited potential, and infinite possibility, presence, or essence. Every cell of the human body contains the same unlimited energy and creative God substance held in infinite potential formless form.

We truly live, move, and have our being in God, in the formless field of God potential. The fabric of our lives is contained within this web of life. We are all interconnected and interdependent. We are all one with God, one with each other, and one with nature, unless we separate ourselves with our God-given mind. We have the power and responsibility of choice as divine beings made in the likeness and image of God. Choose wisely! Let go of your preconceived notions, beliefs, concepts, and thoughts about God and let the Spirit of God teach you all things! Realize that you are contained WITHIN God!

My latest model depicting God consists of making a dot on the middle of an empty page. Surround the dot, that represents your human form, with a heart. The heart represents Christ, the golden light. You and I live, move and have our being inside the heart of Christ. Draw a diamond around the heart of Jesus. The diamond is the Father. It is white light and reflects through all the infinite facets of the diamond to reveal the rainbow of expressions of the one God. The four points of the diamond are the 4 C’s: not cut clarity and carats, but continuous conscious connection and communication with God! Surrounding the diamond of the Father, draw a huge egg shape. This represents the Mother. It is the container, holding, womb, embracing, passive, yin, dark, fecund, nourishing, nurturing, receptive, loving, comforting Mother! Around the massive egg shape spiral, draw a huge square with arrows pointing to infinity from each of the four sides of the square. This represents the Source, the field of God, formless, unseen, invisible, silence, stillness, rest, ever-expanding, growing, increasing to infinity, essence, presence, aliveness, unlimited potential, infinite possibilities,  and awareness itself. Over the whole page, draw wispy flowing light lines that represents the Holy Spirit interpenetrating all, flowing above all, in all, and through all. We are enfolded in and by greater and greater circles of light. We are swimming in a sea of God! We are surrounded and interpenetrated by Spirit! There is nowhere you can go to separate yourself from God! You can never be alone, because you are all one with God. You are the center of the circle of God that has no circumference! Only you can create an idol by separating anything out of your life or being from God. Quit separating, wake up, and realize you are IN the midst of God! Start noticing, paying attention, be alert, and see the invisible become visible!

So who or what is God? No one can definitively know all that God is in infinity . Everyone can know and experience God in their hearts through the teaching of the Holy Spirit. “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart” (Psalm 51:6). Receive the wisdom teachings into your heart and start to feel God! “Seek God, in hope that you might FEEL after him and find her. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for ‘in him we live, move, and have our being” (Acts 17:27-28).

The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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