Sexual Purity

I woke up with the message that sexual purity is important right now as there is a push to take as many humans as possible to places of misery, shame, guilt, regrets, ruining all that is good, pure and right (their image and likeness of Christ), marking their bodies and their mind kept distracted by addictive sexual thoughts; lifestyles where God is pushed out by spirits of lust and perversion. The marks of the beast on the INSIDE manifest on the outside; stolen relationships, destroyed love, killed peace and joy. The forehead connotes thinking; the beast marks your thoughts; the hand connotes our actions.

I heard these words “spirits have been sent on assignment to take what God has given us: our FREEDOM…

then the lyrics “amazing, unfailing, this GRACE, this is GRACE” It is the KINDNESS of God that leads to repentance; it is GRACE that sets us FREE and when the Son sets you FREE you are FREE INDEED! For FREEDOM Christ has set you free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTHING else can take hatred and totally transform it with LOVE; nothing else can take brokenness and heal it so we are BETTER THAN NEW, we are made into Christ’s likeness. Nothing else can come INTO, in the midst of sin, death and darkness, and totally overcome it with light. We wake up each morning MADE NEW in Christ; the past is gone, the former things do not come to mind, or if they do we have every arsenal of spiritual weapons in the WORD of Jesus that is our new heaven and a new earth. Everything was defeated in 70 AD; the old heaven and earth passed away, but the WORD will never pass away so we ENTER the PROMISE, the hidden mystery that WAS REVEALED by Jesus: CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory.

You take it by FAITH and the GRACE OF GOD will turn you away from what is tempting you or hurting you and HEAL your soul, the root of every problem! The root of bitterness, unforgiveness or resentment causes us to seek satisfaction externally, be wounded in our soul and start blaming things outside ourselves. JESUS turns this around and his Spirit, his Christ, his glory, his healing POWER and his TRANSFORMING LIGHT can eliminate every source of our soul wounds WITHIN that will manifest on the outside. We just keep awake and turn every thought that is not of Christ back to the cross and we take up the armor of light; we put on the Lord Jesus Christ as a garment of white LIGHT!

You know you have forgiven those who hurt or wounded you when you can think about them and bless them instead of being triggered emotionally! Everything is possible with God!! ALL things ARE POSSIBLE!! Jesus IS the MOST POWERFUL in heaven and on earth with TOTAL AUTHORITY to TRANSFORM us and HEAL OUR SOUL and wake us up to the fact that GOD is our FATHER and we are sons and brides who are LOVED beyond measure and wherever you are and no matter what you have done, RIGHT NOW, Jesus will come to you and then you can LIVE in his Christ, his Christ in you and then you will KNOW what his Father and God is really like!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then LIFE BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace, Grace, God’s Grace!! Comforting LOVE of a mother who gathers you up in her arms and POURS warm, comforting, liquid LOVE into your body, eases your mind, heals your soul, and opens your heart and brings JOY!!!!!!!! This is for EVERYONE; it is beyond religion; it is ALREADY DONE and we just enter in with our YES, “yes Jesus I need you. I can’t do it on my own and I have messed up my life royally. Help me. I GIVE it all to you and I receive all you have for me” Even though we don’t deserve it, our slate is WASHED clean and we have a new start IN Christ. This is GRACE and she is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put her on like a soft, warm, fuzzy bathrobe! She is better than a bathrobe; Christ in you is all the deepest desires of your heart that you didn’t even dare to think were possible. Christ in you is the ONLY REALITY; everything else is living a lie from the father of lies who has offered God’s children an alternate reality and has used religion as its greatest secret weapon, but the jig is up. Wake up and let Christ give you his LIGHT and SEE the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the eternal DAY of Christ, as is every day; Merry Christ Day! Today can be the day you start to celebrate NEW LIFE in a new heaven and a new earth in Christ, his Word manifest in you; every promise fulfilled in you as God is not partial. He LOVES all of his creation in heaven and on earth equally and unconditionally. Jesus is the WAY to our all loving Father; only righteousness can dwell in the new heaven on earth now and only JESUS can give you his righteousness when you give him your unrighteousness. It is already finished but we have to enter in! THIS is the TRUTH that brings you to resurrected LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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5 Responses to Sexual Purity

  1. Im always looking for more to add to God’s Armor I really like these ones, Put on Jesus Christ as a garment of Light and put on God’s Grace as a warm comforting bath robe. thank you


  2. Kristi says:

    The world needs more faithful servants like you. Thank you for these posts. I should read them more often to remind me that I’m not alone in this fight and that a struggle is just a struggle not a defeat!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are not alone Kristi! We are in this together and in Christ we have already won! We stand firm in the Light of Truth! Our Father loves you so much and there is Victory, healing, wholeness, well-being and freedom in Christ! Thank you so much for commenting! 🙂 Love and Blessing to you!


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