I Know God is Real, Do You?



It is fascinating to me that despite years of religion and telling myself that I believed in God, a direct encounter with God elicited my running around the house in pure joy exclaiming, “There is a God!, there is a God!!” On reflection later I realized that most people in fact do not really believe God or in his Son. Have you ever wondered why some atheists work so hard to convince people that God is a myth or a fairy tale or a coping mechanism? Isn’t it probably because in their personal experience they have had things happen that were unfair, hurtful, wounding, even shocking that cause them, as it did me, to unconsciously blame God and consciously turn away from something we think should be able to keep us or our loved ones from bad things…

Even more dangerous is not believing in satan, or evil, but blaming human beings for all the bad things that happen to us…

Between not believing in God and not believing in the evil one, we blame, do not forgive, hate, kill, and even take revenge on those we blame…the opposite sex, the other races, religions, cultures, and nations…personal battles are reflected on a larger scale in battling nations or perpetual terror and war…

It is time for the TRUTH! Satan came to steal, kill and destroy; Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). Satan is the god of this world; Christ Jesus is the King of glory of the kingdom of God found within! In the world you will have tribulation; in Christ you will have peace! The kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in POWER (1 Cor 4:20)! The kingdom of God is not food and drink; but peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit! Satan’s effect in us is fear, doubt, worry, depression, twisted thinking, confusion, distress, disease, sin and death. Christ’s full effect in us (go THROUGH the fire, flood, wilderness, tests, trials, and tribulations with Him) is his image and likeness in us: perfect, complete, and lacking in nothing! It is time for the WAY of Love! Jesus does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and a sound mind! Christ is the visible image of our invisible Father so that instead of not knowing our Father and being susceptible to the lies and deceit of the father of the world and the synagogue of satan, we come to our Father through his Son and become his church, his body, with his divine nature. It is time for Real LIFE! Our body filled with his Holy Spirit and fire is the new holy temple, the habitation of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit! “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you” John 14:20

“I am the way, truth and life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. If you know me you will know my Father” John 14:6-7

When you KNOW our Father through Christ, the Messiah, you can become complete, perfect, holy, righteous, blameless and lack nothing! The world lies! When you know the truth, the truth sets you FREE! You know that there is no power or authority above Jesus, the Name above every name, and in KNOWING, in union with our Father and Son who are perfectly one, we become perfectly one with God! Every good endowment and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights! We are the lights of the world when we receive Christ’s Light! When we abide in Christ, and Christ in you (John 15:4), everything of the Father and his kingdom of heaven on earth is given to you as co-heir! The branches grafted on Christ’s tree of life, bear the same fruit of the Vine as Jesus! When we receive the river of water of life from the throne, through the baptism of Holy Spirit and fire, we flow with his glory, light, fire, love and Spirit! We become Christ’s image and likeness as the tree in the midst of a garden paradise: the new heaven on the new earth! We no longer look or act like the father of the world and his subtle tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Life's enjoyment

Joy when you realize the finished work is in you: Christ in you!

In Christ, love has no opposite! In Christ, light has no opposite! In Christ, Christ in you, there is pure love, pure light and pure Holy Spirit! You take the water of life for free and freely give it to all as it becomes a river flowing out of your belly! Glory divine returns to your body temple and becomes a river flowing out of your belly, heart, mouth, eyes, and mind as your thoughts become a stream of higher awareness as you put on the Mind of Christ! When you put our Father and the Lamb of God on the throne of your heart, everything can change! When you receive the baptism of love, the Holy Spirit and fire baptism, you receive fire power to be and do as Jesus did and even greater things! (John 14:12)

The wall between the Father of glory and us was removed in 70 AD when the external temple was destroyed; not even one stone was left unturned (Ezekiel 43:8; Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2). The time is NOW for all to turn too and become living stones! The way into the sanctuary was opened to us as the kingdom age began when the external temple was destroyed, completely thrown down, so our body could be raised up like and WITH Jesus to be the habitation of God and his Holy Spirit! (Hebrews 9:8-9) “For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create IN HIMSELF one new man in place of the two, so making peace, reconciling us BOTH to God in ONE BODY through the cross, thereby BRINGING THE HOSTILITY TO AN END..for through him we BOTH have access in one Spirit to the Father…as members of the household of God…Christ Jesus our cornerstone (in our heart and lungs: our blood, DNA, and breath of life)…growing into a holy temple IN the Lord…a dwelling place of God IN the Spirit” Ephesians 2:14-22!

When you KNOW God, you KNOW the hostility has come to an end. Jesus DISARMED the powers and principalities and you can live in Christ, in his Peace! You no longer have to be a citizen of the world or a global citizen under satan where there is endless tribulation and repeating of history and hidden mysteries of satanic spirits that pull the strings behind the scene and blame God or his Christ followers or blame human beings as a way to control, lie, deceive and manipulate. The M.O. is for satan to stay hidden, pulling strings, and for human beings to hate each other, fight, blame, war, in continual fear, blaming the “other” and destroying ourselves. When we WAKE UP and receive Christ’s Light, we can be sanctified wholly by the God of peace himself; and our spirit and soul and body can be made and kept sound and blameless as we let our Lord Christ Jesus come and live, rule, and reign in us and his Spirit to flow in and through us to help others come out from under the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of our Father’s beloved Son!!!!!!! (1 Thess 5:23; Colossians 1:13)


Let us get on the same new page, in one accord, IN CHRIST JESUS! Let go of the hostility, forgive and love your enemies, only possible by receiving the LOVE our Father wants to POUR into your heart through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5)! We can do nothing apart from God or without the power and authority of Christ in us. Come to Jesus, yoke with him, learn from him, receive his Holy Spirit to anoint you, empower and teach you, and you will find rest for your soul and be a witness to God with the angels and his host of heaven will battle FOR YOU! Align with the winning team!! In Christ, Christ in you VICTORY has already been won!

You begin to listen, hear and act on what you hear for the glory of God! You begin to delight in the LORD and he gives you the desires of your heart!! Life becomes a well-watered tree of life in the garden of your body where you continually eat with the Bridegroom in intimate union with our Beloved; his Spirit and Word in you! Know the truth and the truth will set  you FREE! Our Father LOVES  you and wants to have an intimate relationship with you! The Father of the bride wants you to allow your marital home (body) to be prepared so the Bridegroom can move in with you as a new spiritually married couple who end up looking like one another!!!!!!! 🙂

Father, I ask you to pour your Holy Spirit upon all flesh to give dreams, visions and prophesy of Jesus to every human being so they can wake up and know and be free! “For freedom Christ has set us free!” “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!” Know the truth and the truth will set you FREE! Truth is not higher or secret knowledge; Christ Jesus is the TRUTH! Be!!!!!!!




About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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10 Responses to I Know God is Real, Do You?

  1. Thinkdigest says:

    This is such an apt write up. I love it. It sure came at the right time. Starting my new month with wonderful words. Thanks for sharing such glorious words. Christ in me, the hope of Glory!
    Great post.
    Much love, George

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! Amen! The greatest promise ever given by our Father to his children, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” Yes! Amen! Co-heirs of the entire inheritance! “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. We did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but we have received the spirit of sonship…we are children of God, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, we suffered and died with him in order that we may also be glorified” Romans 8:14-17 “We are predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, first-born of MANY…those he predestined he called, justified and also GLORIFIES! Too awesome and wonderful for words!! To God be the glory now and forever and ever!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We conquer the bad stuff satan throws at us by putting on the whole armor of God, the armor of Light and putting on Christ like a garment, standing firm, knowing the Truth, believing the Word, and experiencing the Spirit and fire, our senses trained, the anointing teaching us as we go, praying at all times IN the Spirit, conquering satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, dead to the world and alive in Christ, and watch the shadows turn into Light!
    “In the world you will have tribulation, but do not fear, for I have overcome the world; in me you will have peace!”


  3. holgerhubbs says:

    Believes are still bound to the “person” we believe ourselves to be. God is a living Presence. Even your own simple sense of being, I am, is God’s Presence. This great pearl is hidden in the most safest place: inside of you! And no “person” ever goes there, because it calls it dull, empty, void. Ego — “this world” — is an incubator until we develop our spiritual muscles of discernment and drop our believe in our person for God’s Presence. Amazing! Very humbling. Holger @ http://YourCards.click


    • Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it” John 14:12-14

      Jesus said, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive after he was glorified” John 7:37-39

      Holger, are you saying you do not believe in Jesus?

      After his Spirit and fire had fallen upon me, Jesus manifested himself to me and spoke these words, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest” and his words had power as they lit a fire in my belly that rose like a flame, increasing, and when it hit my heart it was as if fire works went off and it felt like the chains blew off my heart and so much more… He is the Living One alive forever with the keys; He IS the manifest Presence of God, everything comes through him to the Father, everything that exists comes through his Light! Only a human being can take themselves out of his Presence and be filled with other spirits that hurt, wound, hate, lust, anger, depress, cause anxiety, destroy peace, kill relationships, and steal our joy. I did everything wrong and he came out of his great LOVE and made everything right! Great Grace! Great Love! Great Goodness! Great LIGHT that dissolves darkness if we let it!


  4. It is written that “tongues are given as a sign for the unbeliever …” (1 Cor. 14:22) … how often I have read and externalized that scripture, i.e., tongues are a sign for someone else. Well, it was with receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit together with the gift of tongues, that my doubts concerning God came to an end. So, I guess that the “unbeliever” for whom the gift of tongues was intended, was me.

    I come to believe that people do not have the capacity to believe, without experiencing God in some way or other. Belief and faith begins with Him – it is a gift … Ephesians 2:8.

    And of course, we have not because we ask not James 4:2-3.

    How I pray for myself and everyone, that we would all ask for everything God has to give. Lord knows I’m beyond tired of what the world gives, more often than not, things I never even asked for. “Here kid, you look like you could use some FEAR, some ANXIETY, etc.” Yech!

    Lord, make me invisible to the world, so they’ll stop trying to dump on me! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Jack for sharing on this thread and adding so much to the conversation! Religion certainly has been good for getting people to believe in religion or reject it or believe the common beliefs of a world religion they share then fight about it; not so much know God is real and the possibility of becoming the image and likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and fire! I agree with you, without an encounter or experience of the power, love, light or Spirit of God, flesh and blood whose father is satan cannot inherit or enter the kingdom of heaven on earth and does not have eyes to see or ears to hear or heart to perceive. Without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to be free! May we all receive all that was bought and paid for us and be hid with Christ in God! (Colossians 3:1-11)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. From https://immortalityroad.wordpress.com/2016/04/30/finding-our-way-back-home-to-the-beginning/
    “Christ is the Seed of a new beginning for us. When we believe His testimony, we receive the seed of faith into our hearts. There is no spiritual growth without the true seed being received into the ground of a fertile heart, a heart that’s honest and receptive and in need.

    It is this internalization into our hearts of His resurrection power that generates within us the new life.
    The Father/Creator/Spirit/Love/Light has poured His complete plan, purpose, essence and life into His Son. Consequently, we cannot thrive in our brief moments here on earth if we do not believe God’s testimony of His Son.
    When someone rejects the Son, they reject the Truth of the ages, and in so doing, they lose their own souls. If the doubters do not surrender to God’s plan as seen in His Son’s life, then their brief moment of self-aggrandizement will molder in a forgotten shallow grave. But if we walk in the Light, we shall overcome all things and bask in the glory we had with him in the beginning (Heb. 2: 10; 1 Pet. 1: 7; Rom. 8: 18).” Kenneth Wayne Hancock

    Yes! Amen! We are truly meant to flourish and bask in the glory we shared with Christ before the beginning of time and space, here and now in Christ, knowing he is in his Father, and we are in Him and He in us! Bask in the Light of his Glory! Bask in his Love! Bask in his river of glorified Spirit!


  6. “Doubt and unbelief are learned. Becoming as a little child involves unlearning much of what we learned when becoming an adult. Faith comes as the education we get from the world is stripped away by God’s Word and replaced by the education that comes from Heaven. Revelation is Holy Spirit sharing with us Heaven’s way of thinking. The purpose of getting our minds renewed is so we will begin thinking as Heavenly citizens as we walk in the earthly realm. People in Heaven walk in the absolute freedom of being sons of God. Freedom from fear, from doubt, from a sense of rejection, freedom from things that came through the fall. He wants us to walk in that same freedom while we are still on the earth. As we allow God’s Word to work in our hearts and minds, we will walk more and more in that freedom which is already ours. We will walk just as Jesus did on the earth.” ~Jeffrey Stewart, a missionary/pastor in Kenya:


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