First Miracle!


The first miracle was the beginning of our miracle NEW life! Jesus begins his MIRACULOUS three-and-a-half year ministry with turning SIX water pots used for repeated cleaning, washing and purification (representing Adamic fallen-human beings having to repeatedly DO something to be religious: in their case Jews, but today it represents all religious spirits of Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, New Age, etc.) into wine which was pronounced the BEST at the last! This miracle occurred “before Jesus’ time/not His time” making it a type and shadow (symbolic) of the REAL when he changes everything of man, of Adam, to everything of God, of Christ! The first miracle of Jesus was a metaphor of the REAL coming TRANSFORMATION of man reflecting or looking like the father of lies before the cross to Christ-like reflecting Father (invisible)/Son of God (visible) image! The three-and-a-half day cross event CHANGED EVERYTHING! Jesus DID so we can BE as he is; not religious but in relationship with His Father and God; from ritual to REAL (a new SEVEN)!!!!!!! 

The first miracle of Jesus changed everything symbolically to be MADE MANIFEST at the finished work of the cross (His time). He changed the substance or essence: water to wine; biological relationships to spiritual relationships: mother to woman, unmarried to married; last to first; worst to best!


Metamorphosis of Narcissus (Wikipedia)

Another type and shadow of the pre-cross human being is Narcissus (still a SIX) who looked in the water and saw himself, fell in love and served only himself from that view point (looking down), eyes FIXED on himself, self-interest, self-serving, self-conscious, self-righteous, self-motivated, self-serving, self-absorbed; unable to see anything but his own problems and able to follow only the way that seems right to man that leads to destruction. He is an enslaved soul, unable to look UP to fix his eyes on Christ who FREES US from sin consciousness to live in God’s higher consciousness and ways that lead to life and life more abundant; to MOVE from SIX to SEVEN, the number of COMPLETION. (

The number of man, six, created on the sixth day, was represented by six old dirty water pots that Jesus transformed into new wine representing completion, returning the old substance or form to the seventh day REST of completion, perfection, lacking nothing! The new marriage, marries us with God into His seventh day REST (just as if the fall NEVER happened) with the transformation of our body water into His new wine! Our old being that we had to continually WORK ON is resurrected, ascended with Christ to become permanently purified, refined and made perfect, complete, lacking nothing: sanctified wholly spirit and soul and body! Ascended Jesus sends His Christ Spirit to our body water transforming/transfiguring it into his new wine, his blood, his Spirit flowing as a river of life within and out of our heart and belly to transform the world! (John 4, 7; Rev 22)

Red wine_Video review Image_

New wine of transformation flowing into your heart goblet

The new wine of transformation is the new water of life from the throne of God: the river of pure blood of divine DNA of resurrected Jesus, the new wine of the Holy Spirt river, the pure water of life, the brilliant, crystal-clear luminous light of Christ in you when  you come to Jesus and receive all of Christ into all of you making you a new creation, a new being, the new transfigured wineskin, the new creature: the two become one new person, Christ-like, reflecting the image of God!!!!!!!

In 70 AD the external temple was COMPLETELY destroyed, not one stone was left UNTURNED! This was the NEW BEGINNING for human beings to become the new temple of God, not made by human hands, for the Holy Spirit to dwell! KNOW the truth and the truth will SET YOU FREE TO BE a new temple of God, a new wineskin, filled with His new wine, His river of Holy Spirit and fire of his glory on earth as it is in heaven!!!!!!! Miraculous!!!!!!! Awe!!!!!!! Wonder!!!!!!! FULLNESS of God!!!!!!!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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11 Responses to First Miracle!

  1. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes, Yes and Yes!
    Praise God, He did it all for us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The way of man: try to change the outside, leading to destruction; soul-searching and self-help that lead to limited or no help at all.
    The way of Christ in you: Christ’s Spirit united with your human spirit is life and life abundant. You are spirit and you have a body and soul (heart, mind, will). The Holy Spirit and fire baptism of Jesus transforms your soul to new wine, transfigures your body to a new wineskin to hold the Spirit of God!!!!!!!


  3. Christophe says:

    Oh my God, his fire has reached my heart center and I can feel his warmth spreading upwards to my crown and ears.

    Still analyzing my life. Every day finding new signs of his presence behind the events of my life, biblically meaningful names spread throughout, people and places, hints of birth, death and rebirth, revelation upon revelation, wild hopes and promises, his voice getting clearer and clearer, despite the ego’s desperate attempts to retain his hold spewing fear and confusion like never before.

    It’s up to you my love/lord, I’ll rejoice whatever you do with me, for it’s you who live within me and uses me for your own divine purpose and pleasure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I rejoice with you Christophe! What an awesome praise report! Thank you Abba Father!!!!!!! Fill Christophe with more and more of you!


      • Christophe says:

        Yes, it’s a rather slow process for me because there are lots of fears, insecurities and defiance to go through, but it’s all under control I guess, better slow and steady than rushed and botched. These last few days were about realizing that everything I really enjoyed in my life came from Him and he knows better than I do what is best for me. So I need to drop all reservations or fear he might disappoint me or force me to accept something I might not like!

        Liked by 1 person

        • “realizing that everything I really enjoyed in my life came from Him and he knows better than I do what is best for me” This is such an amazing realization Christophe!
          Father, thank you for healing the places/parts in Christophe that fear disappointment and being forced. Holy Spirit comfort the wounded places, comfort the uncomforted hurting places, heal, deliver, set free and come transform every frozen place from the past with the fire of your Love, replacing the old with Christ’s new wine of transfiguration! Amen.


      • Christophe says:

        I’m reporting because I used to read you and other people eagerly yet wonder “what on Earth are they babbling about?” so I’m very thankful for your blog and the opportunity to read about your and other readers’ experiences. It’s important to share so people know Christ is real and even though the road can be difficult faith is tantamount and can really help us go beyond/above whatever obstacles we encounter.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes! “The unspiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” 1 Cor 2:14. Human nature is at the level of sin consciousness, while the “divine nature” we partake of in Christ is at the level of God Consciousness! The higher levels are not understandable to the lower and seem ridiculous! Just like the bible seems ridiculous to the mind of man, but heart to Heart by the Spirit of God we can understand and receive deep truths and hidden wisdom and revelation directly! The Holy Spirit interprets everything to us when we believe and receive his Wisdom and Power! So Amazing! Greatest Gift Ever! We can have our senses trained by the Holy Spirit, our Greatest Teacher! The human physical five senses are transformed by the Spirit of God into spiritual five senses plus a sixth: heart spiritual perception/spiritual intuition and seventh: direct knowing by the knower: our human spirit married to the Holy Spirit of God!
          O how I love you Christ! and SO THANKFUL for your anointing to teach us EVERYTHING of you!!!!!!!

          You said, “It’s important to share so people know Christ is real” Yes! Our Father’s Love for us is Real and Powerful to transform and form Christ in us through his Holy Spirit! And Yes! “even though the road can be difficult faith is tantamount and can really help us go beyond/above whatever obstacles we encounter” God is greater than anything we can encounter and Holy Spirit is able to transform what was past HERE AND NOW in our body, soul and spirit and form Christ in us to glorify our Father! We really can’t do anything of our own authority, in our human will and human wisdom which leads to more messes, BUT with God we can do ALL THINGS; with Christ in us EVERYTHING is beneath our feet, beneath His feet, the gospel of Peace we can rest in! We can trust Christ Jesus like NO OTHER! Yay! God!


  4. I invite ALL to share your salvation stories, healing, deliverance or transformation stories, conversion experiences, Holy Spirit and fire baptisms, water baptism stories of death to new life, blood of Jesus power experiences, Holy Spirit gifts activating stories, river of water of life stories, holy fire of God encounters, new heaven on earth experiences, divine appointments or divine encounter experiences, signs/wonders, miracles, manifest glory presence encounters, and anything else you feel led to share! Our testimonies are the spirit of prophesy. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, our testimonies of God’s grace and glory, not focusing on our old life, but focus on what God has done in our lives and our new life in Christ!
    Welcome Holy Spirit! Welcome Lord Jesus Christ, Welcome Abba Father! And welcome all his children, sons, brides, kings, priests of the kingdom of God to the table!!!!!!!


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