Pure Heaven on earth Possible Now in Y’all!

Everything in the world is a mixture of truth and lies,

but Jesus brought pure Truth, no lies,  to earth.

Christ is pure Light, with no darkness at all.

That is why he can be TRUSTED with our hearts and why we can totally SURRENDER them and YIELD to his Holy Spirit and fire of life–the river of Spirit flowing from the throne of our Father–to FILL our entire being, transform us, and conform us to His Son! and eventually his equally-yoked bride! in the holy fire of His LOVE for us!!!!!!!

I am forever grateful, beyond grateful, and choose to RISE more and more IN LOVE with our First Love every day! a deeper and deeper relationship, a higher and higher awareness of ALL Christ Jesus has done, is doing, and will be doing in me, our life, family, community, city, state, nation, and “earth, heavens, seas and fountains of life” (Rev 14:7 RSV) by being enthroned ABOVE the highest heavens, the Name above all names/nature, with God our Father who LOVES his Son’s bride more than humanly possible, beyond comprehension!!!!!!! divine Love! perfect Love! light of Truth without any darkness at all!!!! a HOLY, RIGHTEOUS Spirit that will NEVER hurt us, abandon or betray us!!!!! a constantly RENEWING, REFRESHING, REGENERATING Spirit of God!!!!!!!

To God be the dominion, honor, majesty,  praise, and glory forever and ever. Amen! Hallelujah!!!!!!!

We become his bride on earth (there is no marriage in heaven!) by saying “YES” and living in eternally deepening relationship with Him! “I am my Beloved’s and He chose me as His own!” He CHOSE US ALL; we have to chose Him back!!!!!!!!!!!!

“He fathoms the remotest abyss of my heart and SATISFIES it, the One who has brought me into the SECURE sense that he has met and solved every perplexity and problem of my mind”  ~Oswald Chambers

He is the Master of Love! the Lord of Love! the King of my heart–LOVE Itself!

With God all things are possible!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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14 Responses to Pure Heaven on earth Possible Now in Y’all!

  1. Christophe says:

    “Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

    And the Truth is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happiness comes and goes depending on external circumstances; but JOY is of Christ and it is CAUGHT and like fire SPREADS and the knowledge of the glory will soon COVER the earth like water covers the seas!!!!!!!

    His JOY is our strength!!!!!!!


    • Christophe says:

      Yes, people become disgruntled and lose faith because they believe what their senses tell them instead of what God is trying to tell them. If only they could understand that the world around us is no better than an illusion and God truly has all power over it, instead of falling prey to their own fears and doubt abused by their wrong thoughts and feelings.

      As we are filled with Christ’s Joy, Peace & Love, and bless all those we encounter, not only do we get better inside, but external circumstances also start to reflect that improvement which was found within and become more pleasant themselves, thus we come out of the vicious cycle of fear, failure and mourning, into a virtuous circle joy + faith + love = divine success (which is not the same as worldly success) = perfect contentment !

      Also, if we truly believe what Jesus told us that “ALL things are possible to God”, absolutely ALL, in a way we know not of, in this realm or another, then we should no longer have regrets for the past. If somehow there is anything (relationship, thing, opportunity, experience) in our past that was truly meant for us but was missed or lost by mistake or lack of faith, a god-given gift that was left unopened, God surely has a way to revive it, in this realm or another, according to His will and His wisdom, either that or replace it with something even better.

      The reason we messed things up and missed our good in the first place is because of our unability to trust Him completely so NOW is the time to change our ways and turn 180 degrees (repent) and put our faith and confidence in Him! Let Him take care of us from the inside out and let us rest in Him for this is what he wants for us anyway!

      When we rest in the certainty that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is possible to Him, and he knows better than we do that which we truly want (our heart’s desires), that which will make us truly happy, then we have no reason not to trust Him!

      Liked by 1 person

        • Christophe says:

          Oh no, I feel like I’ve worn you down with my words. Christ Healing to You!

          “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


          • Not worn down but quite the contrary Christ-ophe (Christ in you) 🙂
            “For IN the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, it was not Yes and No; but IN HIM it IS always YES. For ALL the promises of God find their YES IN HIM. THAT IS WHY WE UTTER AMEN through him, to the glory of God. It is God who establishes US with YOU IN CHRIST, who has commissioned us and GIVEN US HIS SPIRIT IN OUR HEARTS as a guarantee…Thanks be to God, who IN CHRIST always leads us in TRIUMPH, and the knowledge of him EVERYWHERE. For we are the aroma of Christ to God…a fragrance from LIFE to LIFE…for we are not like so many, peddlers of God’s word; but as people of sincerity, as commissioned by God in the sight of God WE SPEAK IN CHRIST” 2 Cor 1:19-22 and 2:14-17
            Yes! Amen! 🙂


        • Christophe says:

          Amazing how each day we find news ways to praise Him, new allegories, new revelations, infinite combinations!

          “as people of sincerity”

          I get it because ever since I was little I was so scared of dying or going to hell that I wanted THE TRUTH, not a religion, not rituals, dogma or beliefs, not a churchly reputation, but THE WHOLE TRUTH because I was too damn scared of losing my soul! And the way to TRUTH was very painful but I think God brought me there eventually, and now I can see His presence everywhere behind the events of my life, and I can understand His wisdom which is oh so different from our worldly common sense, and I understand that unconditionnal Love can truly forgive and even repair all faults and failures as long as we are in a state of unconditionnal forgiveness ourselves. It does take tremendous suffering to get out of our worldly minds into divine wisdom so once you get there you want to make sure His wisdom sink in so you never forget it ever again!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Wow! It did take tremendous suffering for me too, to finally wake up and receive Christ’s Light of Awareness, His Truth, His Life, His Way, the HIGH way, the higher thoughts and ways of God that radically transform, His Spirit that transfigures, transforms, reforms and regenerates! His Holy Spirit does tear down the old so the new form of Christ can be risen in us! “The sun of righteousness rises with healing in its wings” Our eyes are opened to SEE, our ears opened to HEAR, our hearts opened to spiritually perceive, and we turn to God and we are healed: spirit and soul and body. Yoked with Christ we learn from Him to find rest for our mind, heart and will (our three-part soul). We work out what God puts within us: Christ in us!!!!!!!
            Ho! Ho! Come take the water of life without price; just give your entire life and receive Christ’s Life in God in exchange! It is finished! Now we move towards “It is done” “Behold, I make ALL things new!”


        • Christophe says:

          Yes tremendous suffering, yet we have His promise that we shall be fully repaid (and much more into the bargain) for everything we sacrificed while seeking after Him in earnest. As we repent and try our bests to live and spread His word of mercy and grace, he shall extend to us tremendous mercy and grace to repair the suffering and losses! Because it was all done by Him for His sake! So we have to trust him to the very end, go the whole way and PRAISE HIM for the suffering!!! Because we are MUCH better off now that we’ve learnt His ways and are free from the ways of the world that only bring suffering and damage!

          Thank You Father for the suffering and trials you put me through for I have become a better and safer person thanks to you!

          Thank You Father for the signs and synchronicities because they strengthen my faith!

          Thank You Father for the miracles and wonders for they are “a glimpse of what’s to come”!


          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes! Thank you Abba! Father! Total Trust! Yes! We say, “I am FREE in Christ! No weapon formed against me can prosper for Christ in me is greater than he who is in the world!”

            Proof in my life in the last two weeks or so: a) I kicked into a chair in the night and broke my toe. I immediately went to my Father and spoke the Word of Christ, the TRUTH and LIFE and the pain instantly left and it has not bothered me one bit since (even though purple and ugly looking!)
            b) I leaned over to move a lambskin rug and something went “pop” in my lower back, immediate pain and difficulty moving. Again, I went to my Father in the name/nature of the Son, and for this “injury” which affected my sciatic nerve, it took three days of my FAITH/TRUST, substance and evidence of the unseen, for the pain, nerve impingement, difficulty with moving/activities of daily life to TOTALLY HEAL and return to complete WHOLENESS and FULLNESS OF LIFE
            c) the neighbor above me was playing disturbing music above me from 10pm to 2am most nights and while I prayed and trusted God, the lack of sleep and important time for God-dreams and night visions and revelation was interfered with, BUT GOD! and when General B.T. Hope “blessed my evening” in a comment, unbeknownst to him, in God’s amazing, surprising ways, his blessing added to my prayer and TRUST in God, waiting on the Lord to see the unseen, AND IT CAME TO PASS that evening: no loud, deep bass, frenetic drum beat keeping me from sleep. I SLEPT in sweet silence and had a God dream! I am always and continually thanking, grateful, appreciative, IN AWE and IN WONDER OF, and GLORIFYING GOD! Ever since there is either no music from 10 -2am or it is much quieter, almost imperceptible! PRAISE GOD who takes what is meant for evil and flips it and works it out in every way for OUR GOOD for those who love Him!!!!!!! When we are harassed, it just leads us closer and closer to God and more and more in LOVE with Christ!!!!!!! To God be the glory!!!!!!!

            With the faith OF JESUS, not faith in Jesus, we need only a tiny seed and we can move mountains! Jesus did it all so we could have it all; that is LOVE!!!!!!!


  3. We fall in LOVE with Christ Jesus and begin to see Him EVERYWHERE! What we see, increases! What we focus on, grows! What we pay attention to, multiplies! Yay, God! Hallelujah, Christ Jesus!!!!!!! HIS kingdom has NO END!!!!!!!


  4. “Our BESTS” (Christophe) Our best is Christ in us!

    My Utmost for HIS HIGHEST!!!!!!! I love Oswald Chambers!

    The relationship he demands is an IMPOSSIBLE one unless He has done a supernatural work in us…not a trace of resentment suppressed in our heart when we meet with tyranny and injustice…Only ONE THING will stand the strain and that is a personal relationship to Himself which has gone through the spring cleaning until there is one purpose left–I am here for God…every other thing may get fogged but this relationship to Jesus the Christ [SON light beyond the sun in us]…Jesus alters our disposition and we put on a disposition like his own. Christ in us is the only one that can fulfill the Sermon on the mount IN US! If we are to be disciples of Jesus, we must be made disciples SUPERNATURALLY…’I have chosen you” that is the way the GRACE of God begins…we cannot generate it. The drawing is done by the SUPERNATURAL GRACE OF GOD…He does not build on our natural capacity at all

    The Holy Spirit and fiery LOVE-LIGHT of Christ builds HIMSELF in us as a strong tower on a unmovable foundation, a pillar of glory and fire within us; building on HIS CAPACITY in us!!!!!!!

    OH! How I love you Abba! Father! and your Lamb!!!!!!!


  5. “It is thought there are at least six galaxies for every human being on earth” The immensity of God’s creation is mind boggling, therefore it is beyond comprehension how BIG the Creator of heaven and earth is and from the BIG picture we can trust!!!!!!!


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