Sex, lies and cover-ups

I cannot be silent. To be silent is to be complicit with evil. I must speak the truth in love to the best of my ability. You are being PLAYED; sexual misconduct, abuse, sex-slavery, including CIA “presidential models:” sex slavery to service presidents/world leaders and “beta kitten programming” human sex toys, and ritual sexual occult magic are real and have been perpetrated by BOTH the Clintons, the pots who are calling the kettle black, who are casting BLAME and DISTRACTION from their far worse criminal sexual and murderous past. Their sexual perversions, lies and cover-ups are FAR WORSE than the one they are trying to sink to cover-up their crimes against humanity. Hillary said they would be “hung by a noose” if the public finds out what they have done, in one of her angry, out-of-control tirades. The leaked emails reveal she says one thing in public and does the opposite in reality. She destroyed emails, but thank God for whistleblowers who have exposed the hidden darkness and evil agenda in leaked emails.

The Clinton crime machine has worked the system to silence media, to silence victims, to silence TRUTH; the sexual slaves are even put through an occult “rite of silence,” brutal rituals to ensure they will not expose the evil perpetrated by the beast system. But thank God when you stand on the TRUTH you cannot be moved; when you stand on the ROCK of Christ Jesus, the Light of Truth exposes all hidden darkness and exposes all hidden agendas and REVEALS the TRUTH that cannot be hidden any longer.

Let no one deceive you with EMPTY WORDS…for once you were in darkness, but now you are in the light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true…take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE THEM. For it is shame even to speak of the things that THEY DO IN SECRET; but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible…AWAKE, O sleepers, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light…Christ can sanctify you, cleanse you by the washing of the word to present you in splendor without spot or wrinkle to be holy and without blemish…the two become one flesh. This mystery is a profound one” (Ephesians 5:1-32) CHRIST IN YOU is the hope of glory…

The beast/harlot system TAKES children’s innocence, but Christ Jesus can return it to you. Do not lose heart! His Blood can cleanse you from the filth you had to endure; his Water can wash the darkness away; his Spirit can transform what was made ugly by being sinned/trespassed against and VIOLATED in dehumanizing ways; his HOLY Spirit can make you pure again, new again, like NOTHING ELSE CAN. Do not lose heart! God made a WAY! He sent the Messiah, the Christ appointed for you, and DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU IT IS NOT HERE NOW AND AVAILABLE TO HEAL, DELIVER AND SET YOU FREE. Thank God! If it happened to me it can happen to you! Take heart! Take courage! Do not fear! Come to Jesus and he will take all that was forced upon you and give you His peace and pure love that will never harm you or hurt you or violate you, unlike the evil religious spirits and unclean spirits infecting the world and the world system.

JFK exposed the clear and present danger of secret societies and shadow government and he was killed. MLK promoted unity in the one Spirit of Christ and he was killed. Justice Scalia was killed and the leaked emails implicate the Clinton’s camp complicity. But the Truth of Christ cannot be killed; its Light exposes and reveals and can’t be silenced. All that is anti-Christ has already been defeated and those who are following the dark paths and practice dark arts to have power over others sexually and politically and religiously, are GOING DOWN. Hell was created for the devil and his angels, but those who refuse to turn to God, rebellious, full of pride, hard-hearted, stiff-necked, with darkened futile-minds who KNOW Christ is God and continue to keep others away from the TRUTH will join the evil ones.

“For it is THE GOD who said, ‘Let light shine out of the darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that TRANSCENDENT POWER belongs to God and not to us…so that the LIFE OF JESUS may ALSO BE MANIFESTED IN OUR BODIES…in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in them, but life in you…grace extends to more and more people to increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So WE DO NOT LOSE HEART” (2 Cor 4:1-15)

Where sin abounds, grace abounds MORE.Whoever humbles themselves and asks Jesus to take their sin, he gives HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Redemption is for ALL who come to Christ. God looks and judges the heart, not the past actions, for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. TWO people committed adultery in John 8:1-11, but only one was publicly humiliated and dragged before the nation to be stoned. Jesus said whoever has no sin cast the first stone and they ALL put down their rocks and went home. The Clintons are continuing to COVER-UP their sin. From “I did not have sex with that woman” “It depends on what the definition of is is” and Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island to Hillary silencing Bills victims, to the cover-ups of Huma and Cathy and who knows who else, blaming Trump when their crimes are far worse and extensive and include covering up at all costs, even murder.

I pray that what Trump recently did will be a beacon of hope for all, that as soon as we turn to God we can heal and begin to be transformed in the Holy Spirit. I did and said horrible things before I was transformed by Christ because I was violated as a child and filled with shame. We can do NOTHING apart from God. Trump met with pastors, had them pray and lay hands on him, as well as being publicly humbled as his past sins came to light. We must ALL press on in Christ for the upward goal of maturing in Christ with a heart turned toward God instead of covering up sin and turning our back on God like the Clintons. Those who say they are Christian but their heart is far from God, double-minded hypocrites are “unstable and receive NOTHING of God” (James 1:7-8) and He “spews lukewarm Christians out of his mouth” (Rev 3:16). “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing; not knowing that they are WRETCHED, PITIABLE, POOR, BLIND, and NAKED” (Rev 3:17) When it was revealed to me I RAN to God and I found he has his everlasting Arms of pure Love open to ALL who come to our Father through his Christ. NOT RELIGION, BUT RELATIONSHIP with God in Christ!

Build UP the body of Christ until we ALL attain to the UNITY…of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the FULLNESS OF CHRIST; so that we are no longer tossed to and fro by the CUNNING OF wo/MEN by their CRAFTINESS in DECEITFUL wiles. Rather speaking the TRUTH in LOVE, we GROW UP IN EVERY WAY into the HEAD, into Christ…upbuilt in LOVE” (Ephesians 4:12-16)

Their minds are hardened; to this day, when they read the OLD covenant, that same veil remains UNLIFTED, because only through Christ is it taken away. Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their minds; but when we turn to Christ the veil is removed…when we look at Christ with unveiled faces we are BEING CHANGED into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for THIS COMES FROM THE LORD WHO IS THE SPIRIT” 2 Cor 3:12-18

Cathy O’Brien exposed both Clinton’s sexual perversions and being chosen to lead by the globalist beast system a long time ago. Their blaming “vast right wing conspiracies” and lately “conspiracy theorists” for their crimes will no longer play. It is all cover-up for their lies, deception and corrupt power.

Do not lose heart!

We RENOUNCE disgraceful, underhanded ways…our gospel is VEILED ONLY to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has BLINDED the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light. (2 Cor 4:1-4)

Do not be deceived! You think by electing a woman you will fix sexism; we thought electing Obama would fix racism. Only Christ Jesus can heal, deliver and set us free from sexism, racism, improper use of power, sex and money, the beast/harlot system, the globalist hidden agenda, the new world order, a one world religion, and the sex, lies and cover-ups that are SYSTEMIC and PERVASIVE in both democrats, republicans, men, women, every religion, government, entertainment industry, sports industry, media, corporations, education, families and individuals.

Sin is of the spirit of the world, the spirit of error. Plagues are the spirits of the religious age. “Come out of her lest you TAKE PART in her sins and share in her plagues” Revelation 18:4

I pray for US ALL, that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in ALL spiritual wisdom, understanding, counsel, might and discernment…increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has QUALIFIED US to share in the inheritance of the saints IN LIGHT. He HAS DELIVERED US from the dominion of darkness and TRANSFERRED US to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:9-14)

Come to the Light of Truth! See the Light! Receive Christ’s Light! Walk in then Light and bear the fruit of Light: all that is good and true and righteous. The TRUE LIGHT that enlightens every human being came into the world through Jesus; COME TO HIM all who are weary and heavy-laden in this election and beast system and Christ will give you rest for your spirit, soul, mind, heart and body! Thank God! In Him is LIFE, and the life is the light of humans. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it! Thank God!!!!!!!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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41 Responses to Sex, lies and cover-ups

  1. Pure Glory says:

    God is in control. Many Christians have humbled themselves and sought the face of God and prayed. Only God can change our land and heal it. He answers and does it. Change brings a mess but the end product is good. We are in the midst of change and God is having his way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise God! Thank you for your comment. This was a very hard message to write but necessary. We can no longer walk by sight but by faith; keep our minds on heavenly things, the new thing, CHRIST JESUS, not the things of the world system. God made a WAY where there was no way! Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life! In Christ we can do all things as he strengthens us! God supplies ALL our needs! Spirit of Truth, lead us into all TRUTH now and forever. He who is IN US is greater than he who is in the world. NO WEAPON formed against us shall prosper. God is FIGHTING THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE while we rest with Christ in God. We are led by the Holy Spirit to listen, hear and act on what we hear and see our Father doing. Exposing the pervasive and systemic sexual abuse, sexual slavery and human trafficking; REVEALING the Light of Truth. We STAND on the Truth: our Lord Jesus the Christ! God’s WORD goes forth and it does not return void; God’s Word was made flesh in Jesus and it is written on all believer’s heart and mind to be made flesh for such a time as this! Church ARISE! Light and glory of Christ arise and shine!!!!!!! “Good Christian men rejoice with heart and soul and voice!” Only Christ can keep us from falling and present us before the glory as a spotless bride” Jude 1:24. All have fallen short of the glory and only Christ can give you his glory and righteousness when we give him our sins and being sinned against, we give him our trespasses and what those who trespassed against us did, and we are healed, delivered and set free with Christ Jesus in God! Thank God!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I prayed before I pressed “publish” on this message that anything of “me” would fall away or be hidden and everything of the Holy Spirit be made manifest, to reveal Christ, the manifest Son of God, and guide this message to those who need to hear it; and to expose all hidden darkness and agendas; and reveal the Truth of Christ. We do not grieve as the world grieves for the things exposed by the Light; we have godly hope and a purpose, destiny and future that is free from harm, complete, perfect and lacking nothing in Christ, Christ in us, the hope of glory. We do not fear; we do not lose hope; we do not let our heart be troubled or dismayed; God’s Holy Spirit is WITH and IN US; we take Heart; we come to Christ and drink his Living Water and find peace and rest for our mind and heart! We put on the whole armor of God; we put on the armor of Light; we put on the Lord Jesus Christ. We are hid with Christ in God! To God be the glory, now, and forever and ever Amen. Hallelujah!


    • truth is stranger than fiction…
      everything has to come to light so we can begin to live in the Light of Truth and unity in the one body and one Spirit of God, no longer in the one mind of the world system.
      We come to the Light of Christ and drink; we take the Living Water and let it flow through us in the desert wilderness like streams and soon the garden will grow up in purity, holiness, righteousness, godliness, blamelessness, irreproachability, true peace, pure love, and fullness of Joy in the Holy Spirit.


  3. In Christ there is freedom to receive his pure Love and give his pure love,
    not take as the world takes out of lust for power, sex, fame or money.


  4. Immanuel says:

    Wow! This is just so anointed and soul piercing. If only they will listen

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Christ unveiled us;
    Christ is the portal that brought and continues to bring heaven to earth,
    in and through us,
    so we can bring it to the world;
    his Light and Truth and Life!


  6. John Adams once said our Constitution establishing self-government was “meant only for a moral and religious people.”


  7. “she tried to love God and tried to love God then he touched her and as she lay on the floor she was overwhelmed by His Love. He was pouring His Love into her and she was changed in an instant as she realized He didn’t wait until she was ‘good enough’, it had nothing to do with her, it had everything to do with what He did for us and how much he Loves us”


  8. Christine says:

    Ome unfortunate thing seems true with this whole kooky election: no matter who gets into office, each candidate may be a target of harm due to the other side’s propaganda. I hope I am wrong, but I do not see a single full term presidency. I pray for their lives not be harmed and for their safety, no matter who wins.


    • Christine says:

      Adding to this – one side nuts bellowing “lock her up” and “take her out”, and the other side nuts throwing bombs into constituency offices! Wtf is going on! What is this madness and confusion

      Why is it not clear to more people that satan is the -only one- controlling both sides of this election?? BOTH sides!

      Wake up everyone !!


      • This election is revealing what has been hidden and covert in republicans AND democrats and everything else of the sick world system. It is exposing the lies and deception that had to be exposed. As Oswald Chambers says today, “The great enemy to the Lord Jesus Christ in the present day is…the systems of the world in which endless energy and activities are insisted upon, but no private life with God. The emphasis is on the wrong thing. Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of God comes not with observation…for it is within you. An active Christian worker too often lives in the shop window (good sounding public policy). But it is the INNERMOST OF THE INNERMOST that reveals the power of life. We have to get RID of the plague of the spirit of the religious age in which we live…the central thing about the kingdom of Christ Jesus is a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP to Himself, NOT A PUBLIC USEFULNESS to men…dont’ waste your time in overactive energies (hate, division, worldly wisdom and traditions of men and the world system) instead of soaking on the fundamental TRUTHS of God’s Redemption so you will not SNAP when the strain comes, but if this time of soaking BEFORE GOD is being spent in GETTING ROOTED and GROUNDED in God on the spiritual, not practical line, you will REMAIN TRUE TO HIM WHATEVER HAPPENS
        We marinate on God until we are tender hearted, open, yielded to Holy Spirit, no longer judging by physical appearances but by the innermost heart. Walking by FAITH not physical sight.

        In Christ we are pregnant with the highest possibilities the highest potential: the image and likeness of God
        Those antiChrist, still physical, rejecting the Holy Spirit, are trying to drag America and the world into more and more chaos to bring in their new world order and one world religion and one world currency and we say, NO, we are no longer in slavery to the world system of government and religion; we are no longer PREY because we PRAY and SOAK in the Holy Spirit. We are no longer “prey to philosophy and empty DECEIT, according to human tradition and elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ. For in Him the WHOLE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD dwells bodily, and we have come to FULLNESS OF LIFE IN HIM, who is the HEAD OF ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY…with Christ WE DIED to the elemental spirits of the universe, so we do not live OF THE WORLD” (Colossians 2:6-23), we live OF THE KINGDOM in the world AS light and glory of the risen, ascended, glorified Christ who sent us his Spirit! “As HE IS so are we in the world” “We do not submit or consent to the world system or duality of democrats and republicans, or anything according to “human precepts and doctrines of men and demons that have an appearance of wisdom…but are of no value”
        We live, move and have our being in Christ and we ask and receive Christ to live, move and have His being in us! THIS is the “utmost for his Highest” and we do not despair, fear, worry, stress out, doubt, rage, riot, steal, kill or destroy as the enemy is trying to get people to do; NO, we KNOW the Lord is at hand, the Holy Spirit is WITH and IN US, we are not ANXIOUS about anything but in EVERYTHING we pray and ask with THANKSGIVING and our hearts and our minds are in Christ Jesus and the God of true PEACE keeps us in His Peace, righteousness and Joy in the Holy Spirit: His KINGDOM that has NO END; we keeping HIS WORD, the new heaven and new earth that remains forever!!!!!!!

        “Therefore as you RECEIVE Christ Jesus the Lord, so LIVE IN HIM, rooted and BUILT UP IN HIM and ESTABLISHED in HIS FAITH (100% yes and amen)…abounding in thanksgiving” Colo 2:6


    • I trust God and those who trust God. The Light of God will expose all that is of darkness and every hidden agenda and will REVEAL the Truth of every heart. What was true when Jesus was born it still true today, for he is, was and is to come, “Behold this child is set for the fall and rising of many, and for a sign that is spoken against (and for a sword that will pierce through our own souls also), that THOUGHTS out of many HEARTS may be revealed” Luke 2:34-35


  9. “The documents incorporate summaries of several interviews the FBI conducted, including one with a woman who served as an agent with the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) during Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

    During her interview, the agent said Clinton treated agents rudely and with contempt, and was so unpleasant that senior agents typically avoided being on her security detail.

    “[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” the interview summary says. “Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”

    Read more:



    Ahab is the spirit of idolatry
    Jezebel is the spirit of harlotry
    both are of the gods of ba’al that Hosea says we are to divorce and yoke with Christ in God! (Hosea 2:13-23)
    God made a Way where there was no way so we can be free, perfectly one with God, and live in truth and life abundant in Christ! God takes us from the lowest of lows and gives us the Door of Hope, Jesus is the Door! God gives us vineyards and the Vine in us reconnects heaven and earth in us! Christ Jesus is the Vine and we are his branches; his Fruit of the tree of life in the garden paradise of God is ours in Him! His new wine fills our new wineskin body in Christ, Christ in you!

    great spiritual discernment is needed now; it is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and only the discernment of spirits can lead us all to life and life abundant in Christ Jesus and away from the evil perpetrated upon the world, of the world system from the father of lies, the enemy who comes to steal, kill and DESTROY America and “we the people” and the whole earth. We pray for the knowledge of the glory of Christ cover the whole earth like water covers the sea. Christ Jesus is the only one who can give us the glory he received from finishing the work of the cross; he suffered for the JOY when he resurrected, ascended back to his Father and God, and was GLORIFIED so we could share in HIS GLORY, His LIGHT, His Love, His Holy Spirit on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Turn back to God and be healed. The one hope for America, “we the people” and the whole earth is Christ in you, the hope of glory!


  11. greater discernment is needed


  12. great discernment is needed


  13. “Example: when I was a child, if my earthly father saw a cut on my hand he would have taken care of it. Untended it could become infected, creating a bigger problem. If my earthly father took care of the cut but ignored the splinters next to it, we might think him negligent. Likewise, though my most critical heart wounds may be healed there are splinters in my heart that do not belong. I can’t tell you what all of them are. I possess an alarming lack of clarity when it comes to the state of my heart. God will tell me at the appointed time, when some action is necessary.


    I heard a great analogy. Imagine washing your hands. Most of us use water and soap, right? Depending on how dirty our hands are, perhaps we spend a little extra time on the washing. Now imagine a surgeon washing his hands. Quite a contrast, isn’t it?

    The Great Physician wants my heart to be clean. “Operating room” clean. The stuff that doesn’t belong in my heart is not good for me, my neighbor, or my relationship with God. If it’s envy or lust or greed or hate, it’s not going to get better until it’s addressed. My Father knows this, and He cares enough for me to remove the splinters.

    A Jesus-follower is going to go through a spiritual uncovering process. God is going to expose things that need attention. The splinters gotta go.

    But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 ESV

    … I also see a promise in “the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin”. If I walk in the light, things are going to be exposed, and cleansed…What is important is that my heart is exposed to God. There is a peace that comes from being wholly accepted “as-is” by my Creator… secret wounds will begin to heal.

    Most of the time, being in the light is not scary. It is comforting. It is healing. It is the path of the spiritual sojourner.”


  14. When emotions come up to overwhelm you like a tsunami or flood; and the Truth of forgiveness, for others, for yourself, for blaming God, others or yourself, for the earth. Peace on earth good will toward men starts with the man in the mirror!


  15. “Sometimes it takes a STORM to know we need a shelter; sometimes it takes a STORM to find our hiding place”


  16. VERY interesting warning:

    continue to keep your eyes, ears and hearts open and tuned to the Holy Spirit. Spirit of Truth lead us into all Truth. Light of Christ expose all hidden darkness and hidden agendas of the evil one. Reveal your Truth to all in Jesus’ Name above all names! Amen. Thank you Father! We love you! We trust in you! Thank you for sending the Messiah, who is Trustworthy, Faithful and True, King of kings and Lord of lords!


  17. Keep asking for greater and greater discernment. Father I thank you for exposing all hidden darkness with the pure Light of Christ. Thank you for exposing all hidden evil agendas. Thank you for REVEALING your Truth so all can discern it! Spirit of Truth lead us into all Truth.


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