Seek Jesus

fall tree

Seek Jesus.

He will shake everything until there is only that left which cannot be shaken

He will use the sword until there is only peace left

He will purify, refine, cleanse, wash, and remove obstacles until only righteousness is left

He will take your fears, doubts, worries, sadness, regrets, loss, sorrows and mourning until only joy is left.

Seek the kingdom where it can be found


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life of God

who is seeking you

drawing you into His rest…

“My peace I give you, not as the world gives you do I give you”

“In the world you will have tribulation, but do not fear, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for in Me you will have peace”


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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9 Responses to Seek Jesus

  1. There is nowhere you can go that is away from his Presence (Ps 139:7-10). He is above the highest heavens; he is below the deepest hell. He is in the most elevated state; he is there in the lowest moment. He will never leave nor forsake you; He is with you always even when you are dead or asleep to his Presence.

    Seek Jesus in the midst of a contentious election. Seek Jesus in the government; he handed me a note in the post office the other day. Seek Jesus in businesses; he lowered his voice and whispered to me at the cash register. Seek Jesus in religion; sometimes he is the most hidden there! Seek Jesus in education, entertainment, arts, and sports; when we whole-heartedly seek his face we find it! Seek Jesus in nature; he is often most easily found there! Seek Jesus in families; sometimes there is only one in a city or two in a family. Seek Jesus in every individual you encounter. Be Jesus in your sphere of influence; let people find Him in you until they have an encounter with the Father of glory who sent the King of glory who sent us the Holy Spirit who sends us to be glory light in the world!

    The Father sent Jesus the Messiah for ALL of us. The Christ sent the Holy Spirit for all who would believe and receive. The Holy Spirit sends us! The Father of glory sent the King of glory. The King of kings and Lord of lords sent the Holy Spirit to make sons of glory and brides of glory! NO ONE need be an orphan or widow; receive sonship and bride-hood in Christ, the Christ in you! Welcome Home, says our Father! There are myriad of paths to Jesus; Christ Jesus is the direct way to our Father and God! Seek Jesus and he will FIND YOU! When he knocks on the door of your heart, let Him in! Your relationship will transform everything! Intimacy with the Bridegroom is heaven for our souls!

    Find the kingdom of God within and live from there in the world! Make the invisible visible! Be the light of the world until glory covers the earth like water covers the sea!

    “O beautiful, for spacious skies…America, America, God shed his GRACE on thee; and CROWN thy GOOD with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!”
    Let God’s mercy, grace and glory cover the earth! Let there be light! Light be! Seek his Face and find glory that transforms everything!!!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “I’ll lift your Name higher and higher…Your Love goes deeper and deeper, You reign for ever and ever! You’re the God of everlasting wonder, your Love outlasts the end of days!”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Only King Forever

    “Our God a firm foundation
    Our rock, the only solid ground
    As nations rise and fall
    Kingdoms once strong now shaken
    But we trust forever in Your Name
    The Name of Jesus
    We trust the Name of Jesus

    You are the only King forever
    Almighty God we lift You higher
    You are the only King forever
    Forevermore, You are victorious
    You are the only King forever
    Almighty God we lift You higher
    You are the only King forever
    Forevermore, You are victorious

    Unmatched in all Your wisdom
    In love and justice You will reign
    And every knee will bow
    We bring our expectations
    Our hope is anchored in Your Name
    The Name of Jesus
    Oh, we trust the Name of Jesus

    You are the only King forever
    Almighty God we lift You higher
    You are the only King forever
    Forevermore, You are victorious!”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. America! rise up! arise and shine! for the sake of the world rise up and see glory from sea to shining sea! the time has come! transfer from the dominion of darkness to the brightness of Christ’s shining glory! see the glory of Christ’s rising and be transformed!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Kristi Ann says:

    Amen Sister in Christ Jesus ( Yeshua )!! God Bless You and Your Family and Friends!!

    May our True God the Father who art in Heaven Above Bless All my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus ( Yeshua ) and Your Families and Friends!!

    “But seek ye First the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” ( Matthew 6:33 KJV )!!

    Love Always and Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

    Liked by 2 people

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