Infinite Potential Unlimited Possibilities

In Christ, one body and one Spirit, all things are possible. With God all things are possible. Apart from God you can do nothing. Yoked with Christ, you rest in God and he does the work in and through you. Those led by the Spirit are the sons of God. Eat the Word; drink the Spirit!

Lose your life and gain His!

Awake O sleeper from the dead and Christ will give you light!

“Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things are given to you”

I am forever thankful. The revealing of the mystery, hidden for ages and generations, changes everything. I am off to do new things! The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different result. May you know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free! For Freedom Christ has set you free! If the Son sets you free you are free indeed! Spirit of Truth, thank you for leading us into your Truth!

Fear is false evidence appearing real; don’t receive it. Cast your cares on Christ for he cares and carried all burdens. By his stripes we are healed; by his chastisement we are made whole. Put on the whole armor of God and stand; put on the armor of Light and shine; put on the Lord Jesus Christ and do the works he did and even greater things.

The Free Gift is given to all; receive it, open it, and use it! God bless you all. Christ is the answer to your question.

Abba Father, we love you because you first loved us! We return to our First Love! We thank you and give you the glory! Thank you for Christ Jesus who changed everything and made all things possible for us! Thank you for the Holy Spirit and fire baptism of Jesus; the fire that comes down and consumes all but Christ in us! Thank you for the finished work of the cross, an open heaven so we can be walking Spirit Rivers and let Christ flow from our bellies! Christ did it all so we could have it all and freely give what we have freely received! To God be the glory now and forever and ever Amen. Hallelujah!

May God bless you richly as you continue to receive his Son in body and Spirit! May you receive the substance of His Love; may you receive the revelation of His Spirit.

“The Spirit and Bride say, ‘Come!'”

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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12 Responses to Infinite Potential Unlimited Possibilities

  1. ginovat says:

    During your journey of seeking and finding completeness,wholeness,peace,freedom and genuine agape love in Yeshua; how long did the process take from being baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire to becoming a partaker of the Tree of Life and the River of Life?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Each journey with God is unique and only our Father knows what we need to experience and the unique expression of him we were created to be. Every day we have a choice to live in conscious communion and from the heavenly places with Christ, honoring, magnifying and glorifying what he did for us in deep gratitude and appreciation…giving him the love and respect he first gave us even when we didn’t deserve it.

      After profound experiences, we find and confirm them in the Word and as they unfold, deepen, heighten, lengthen, broaden, we become more and more of who we were created to be…we are sensitized to the promptings of the Holy Spirit…begin to notice more, pay attention, stay alert, watchful for what the Spirit is doing so God can use our arms to be as our Father’s, hands to be as Christ, mouth to put his Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God in, etc.

      Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Father! Let it be done in and through us in the Name above all names, Christ Jesus!

      Liked by 2 people

      • ourkairosnow1017 says:

        Amen and Amen


      • Christophe says:

        I put a pizza in the oven yesterday and thought to myself I would set the temperature a bit lower than advised because I prefer slow cooking so the food doesn’t get dry and expresses all its taste and texture. Then I started walking around wondering why my awakening process was taking so long. It’s been 6 months now since I felt His presence rise into my heart and heal pains I had been holding in the chest area since childhood and during the months before that I had noticed my behavior had softened, but since September nothing else happened and in fact my mind has gotten crazier than ever with the most stupid thoughts arising all the time. I assume my head is the last part of me that must be conquered by God and Satan is trying hard as he might to derail the process, even though the fight is already lost, I guess. So then it hit me, slow cooking! It must be what God is doing with me, to make me as tasty and mellow as possible! Thirty years of anguish and confusion but it’ll probably be worth it in the end!

        Liked by 1 person

    • ourkairosnow1017 says:

      The answer to that question depends on where your looking at it from.
      Jesus, He was, is and is to come.
      Jesus is the Alpha and the omega
      A piece of the puzzle for you my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ginovat says:

    The moment I began to read your reply I sensed the undeniable presence of Holy Spirit resting upon me. Even though I haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I oftentimes sense the presence of the “Comforter”. My journey has been a long one and there appears to be one last step that Father wants me to deal with before taking this next step of Baptism by Fire. He has shown me repeatedly (sometimes daily) what is standing in the way but the means of how to deal with it are somewhat unclear. It’s not directly related to surrendering anything to Him. I willingly submit to Father,Yeshua and Holy Spirit perfect will,plans and purposes for my life on a daily basis and give them permission to do whatever they have to in order to conform me into His image. (It’s something that He wants me to take authority over but I am unsure of how to do it yet).

    He has so transformed my life that I am overwhelmed at how great His mercy has been towards me and how He has used many people (including you) to reach me as an extension of His grace. I love to read your accounts of what you’ve experienced in your journey and walk with Yeshua.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Christophe says:

    Infinite possibilities, yes, all things are possible, yes, but not all things are desirable, which is why we must absolutely seek His wisdom first and foremost so that He guides us directly to our highest good avoiding pitfalls and further embarrasments.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ttomeny1 says:


    I really love you and your thoughts. One of my own?


    I now believe the only way to know evil is to know Jesus. To know evil by knowing Jesus is pretty much the complete opposite of eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is your judgement. As long as you eat this fruit, you are and are becoming this fruit. With you as the judge, the distinction of true good or true evil is utterly lost, as are you.

    Instead turn to know Jesus, the true good, and you will know true evil. For Jesus is good, pure unadulterated good, and the absence of Him, the good, is always readily apparent as evil for those who know Him.

    I know Jesus. Jesus knows me. Unassailable truth, from my perspective and the perspective of those who truly know me.

    So when I read something like an opening line from a well known “Facebook prophet” like, “Isn’t it just crazy that these guys don’t understand the love of God?”, I instantly recognize evil.

    Some name this sin, something like haughtiness or othering, while others just know it is evil. Do you see the evil immediately? If you don’t, please follow my friend Jesus, as even a short time of truly following Him will allow His Holy Spirit to displace your spirit.

    Do as he did. Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, comfort the afflicted, and forgive all. One on one, without intermediaries. To have a truly personal relationship with Him, have truly personal relationships with those whom He puts in your path. As you do as He did, you will know true good, that He does because you do.

    On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 3:38 PM, New Heaven on Earth! wrote:

    > NewHeavenOnEarth posted: “In Christ, one body and one Spirit, all things > are possible. With God all things are possible. Apart from God you can do > nothing. Yoked with Christ, you rest in God and he does the work in and > through you. Those led by the Spirit are the sons of God. Eat ” >


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