Do you Mind?

Do you mind, take offense,

or do you heart, give grace?

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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13 Responses to Do you Mind?

  1. Not sure what the question is, but I say give grace.


  2. Francis Philip says:

    I try to maintain self awareness and understand.


  3. ourkairosnow1017 says:

    Yes, Offences will come. It is navigating the path that unfolds before us using observation, reflection, faith and determination to get through.
    I personally have a feeling at times that I am being thrown under the bus so to speak. However, the point of victory is realizing that, in fact there is no bus, so the reality is its only me rolling over myself.
    let Go and let God He has it all under control.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We let go and let God have His Way in us so instead of taking offense we can take the waters of grace and glory that Jesus freely gives us to “love our enemies, pray for those who persecute us, bless those who hurt or curse us, and do good to those who hate us” Luke 6:27; Matthew 5:43
      We forgive those who trespass against us as we know we have been forgiven in Christ. We give grace because we know we were once asleep, deceived and ignorant before we knew God and his glory of Christ; before we knew all things are possible with God.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this!! Thank you!! 💜💜


  5. Getting offended is a sure sign post that you think you have the responsibility to perform for God. That’s why the Pharisees were always so offended with Jesus….they were trying so very hard to please God…..whereas Jesus and we also, start from a place of ALREADY BEING pleasing God. aaahhh rest.


    • so true.
      I thank God for Jesus giving us his grace and glory so we can be one and live free with our Abba Father. I thank God for the Way, Truth and Life of rest in the Father and letting His Holy Spirit work in and through us; the Way of Christ instead of the ways of the world.
      I so agree Dennis, “aaahhh rest” spacious, glorious breath of life resting in our Abba Father.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Grace always and forever!


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