My Country, ‘Tis of Thee

“Righteousness exalts a nation” Proverbs 14:34

“My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring! My native country thee, land of the noble free, thy name I love. I love thy rocks and rills, thy woods and templed hills, my heart with rapture thrills, like that Above. Let music swell the breeze, and ring from all the trees, sweet freedom’s song. Let mortal tongues awake, let all that breathes partake, let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong. Our father’s God to Thee, Author of liberty, to Thee we sing. Long may the land be bright with freedom’s holy light, protect us by Thy Might, great God our KING!” ~Samuel Francis Smith, 1832

It is clear when we see what American once knew and was singing in the late 1800s, was slowly, methodically changed as the works of the devil (“sin is a reproach to any people” Proverbs 14:34) overshadowed the work of Jesus on the Cross, as people forgot God, and the church was infiltrated by satan, and education was changed as satan infiltrated the classrooms, the bible and prayer were removed, and the luciferian agenda for government and religion was implemented drip by drip so people would not notice, as the devil used bigger and bigger distractions, disasters, wars, cataclysmic events, causing great suffering to humanity, while the puppet masters behind the scenes pulled the strings of puppets, using them to create change away from God to the shadows and hidden darkness of the agenda of lucifer, masking and disguising darkness as light and servants of satan masked as servants of righteousness; their lust and greed and pride overruling the gospel of God they once knew for the corrupt, counterfeit, false idols of this world, exchanging the glory of God for images, worshiping the creation instead of the Creator, minds corrupted, hosting unclean spirits instead of hosting Christ, clothed in spotted human garments instead of being clothed by the powerful Spirit; rebellious, disobedient to God’s Design, Plans and Purposes, lawless under the law of sin, death and the devil; refusing to give up worldly powers and principalities that pervert, to come to Jesus and repent and reconcile with God our Father to receive of his Spirit, his Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, his Power and his Glory found in Christ and Christ in you. They forgot our First Love and passed down doctrines of man and demons; worldly wisdom that is earthly, unspiritual and devilish; settling for the tainted, corrupted, defiling, conditional love of this world system that is under the god of this world who blinds minds, twists thoughts, hardens hearts, perverts feeling and desires, takes innocence and purity, and gives shame, guilt and condemnation, regrets of the past, stealing hope, faith and true Love, killing pure joy found only in the Holy Spirit, destroying lives, families, churches, cities, states and nations who remain under the satanic tree of this world’s knowledge of good and evil (the fallen world tree wrapped in the Serpent) instead of following Jesus to the Tree of Life of God our Father that fruits Christ, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, the light of glory, and the fruit of the Spirit: pure holy love, perfect peace, fullness of joy, gentleness, goodness, kindness, patience, faithfulness and self-control. God did not give us the spirit of fear that is gripping and controlling so many today, taking drugs or using ungodly measures to take away the anxiety that demonic spirits on assignment put on people to keep them from coming to God our Father through Jesus by the Holy Spirit, who is God’s Spirit of Power and Love and a Sound Mind that renews the Mind of Christ in you to to TRANSFORM your spirit and soul and body and life as you learn to abide in Christ and Christ in you.

If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed! For Freedom Christ has set you free! Know the Word of Truth and the Truth will set you free! “We strive for you earnestly in prayer, that you may stand firm and mature in spiritual growth, convinced and fully assured in everything willed by God” Colossians 4:12 AMP Classic

Do not be deceived. Every good endowment and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights, without variation or shadow due to change. The Word of Truth, the Will of God, to make you a new kind of first-fruit creature, of the new creation in Christ, of the new covenant in Jesus’ Blood (James 1:16-18).

Behold the glory and be changed!

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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28 Responses to My Country, ‘Tis of Thee

  1. RJ Dawson says:

    Thank you Yvonne. America is now a different country. When one accesses works from 150 or so years ago, as you have done here, one perceives a totally different mindset in much of the population. The Christian influence was still powerful. It would take many years of sin and destruction to remove it, though it will never be removed entirely. I know, however, as you do as well, that all things are always possible with God regardless of any extraneous circumstances which might otherwise subvert it, and as long as righteous believers persist in serving the Lord the proper salt and light will always remain and be in effect.

    A Great awakening has already begun. Evil is being exposed. There is no determined end to this process other than full revelation. When greater amounts of the populace discover the truth and perceive the wickedness of the controllers and their evil plans there will be continued resistance and a greater possibility of victory. People in general are certainly waking up in part. Regarding those with great influence who profess to be on the side of right and righteousness, who portray themselves as agents of reform, we must continue to hold their feet to the fire and expose any compromising associations or possibly deceptive agendas. We trust no one fully except the Lord Jesus. As long as real Christians in America and We the People continue to put forth great effort in reform and returning to our roots, and keep tracking in covenant relationship, we will have that much more opportunity for success.

    Thank you, Blessings to you, and Onward.


  2. Roger Culwell says:

    didn’t post again, Beautiful word sis I Love your preaching words that helped form this nation and us, are so important and we need to hear and say them again, people need to know what this country was founded on, and established under, and we serve the one true living God Yahweh and Jesus Christ, and they need a relationship with him, and kill those religious spirits, I grew up under religion, and the Lord said Roger religion holds me back and I want to be let go, and I said show me and teach me Lord, and I was a Deacon, on the Finance Comm, of the L.A. of the FWB and I walked away to clean bathrooms at a full gospel to learn more about the Lord, we need relationship and spend time in his presence. God Bless sis


    • thank you Roger! I love what you said, “We need relationship and spending time in HIS presence”, for to know Jesus is to love God and his righteousness! apart from Christ is just a downward spiral into further and further darkness. Thank God for the finished work of the Cross of Jesus that saves, redeems, delivers us from the dominion of darkness, and transfers us into the kingdom of the beloved Son! the kingdom is ruled and reigned by the King of kings and Lord of lords, and leaders who choose The Way, The Truth, and The Life will come under the King of Glory to be governed by Christ under God, as our real republic is under God our Father! we will never accept anything less! the highest and best for all human beings; we do not live by “bread” alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. ALL life, whether born or not yet born, and all lives matter in Christ of God the King of kings and Lord of lords where there is NO racism, sexism, age-ism, satanism, atheism, socialism, communism or any “ism”. Knowing God and his glory of Christ is eternal life, now and is to come, in Christ, from whose fullness is grace upon grace and glory to glory; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit! all glory to God our Eternal Father!


      • Roger Culwell says:

        amen and thank you sis, I am sure not the best at words, I just say it the best I can, even the spelling and punks, were taken by an Aneurism leak in the 80’s and the Morris Code, but everything else comes out pretty good, LOL but the Punks and spelling give me a headache, but Jesus has kept me around doing his work for all these years, and if we had more of him in the world today, instead of mans ways and his system, The Church of Jesus Christ would never have been taken prisoner, man taking over control by other spirits and allowing sin has caused this, we stood proud and tall for this country, and said the pledge, and would have still would give our lives for what they want to take away, for it is our way of life and our God, and now the Church of Jesus Christ, and thats worth fighting for, you are such a blessing. God Bless


        • thank you for being a blessing to the Body of Christ! God is above all and through all and in all in Christ and Christ in us! glory to God our Father far above the highest heavens!


          • Roger Culwell says:

            Thank you, I don’t think to many see me that way, but if we don’t preach truth and stand and do as he says as the Apostle’s did, what good are we, if we lead people astray, and do not preach as the Holy Spirit says, then we are not giving fresh bread, and we have way to much stale bread today, you can’t even say your of this country the way it was established, without someone screaming your full of pride, there is a difference, but lack of understanding, keeps us from seeing a lot, and what we don’t honor we will let someone take from us, so much we can learn if we just get close enough to the master.


            • yes, “fresh bread” to eat, and the fresh River of water of life to drink! pure and crystal clear Spirit of Life and the meat of the Word to strengthen! our daily Bread!


              • Roger Culwell says:

                You can go a few days without fresh bread or with no bread, but that living water is a must every day and we can’t live near as long with out it. we need the bread too, but oh that living water.


                • amen! thank you Roger
                  I just heard a really good fact in a sermon, “If you are under religion you will never feel good enough” and it struck me that those under religion instead of in a close, personal relationship with Jesus, never will feel good enough, can never do enough, but when you come to know God as your Father, in intimate relationship with the Son, you know you are accepted as a beloved Family member; knowing you belong, are accepted, adopted into the Royal Family of God, you spend your days delighting in the Lord, in thanks, honor, praise, worship, glory, and blessing, choosing to be a blessing! It is only through the Son that God is our Father; only through the Son who gives life and life abundant; and to those who have the Son more is given, to those who have not the Son, even what they have is taken from them.

                  Those who get their identity through their skin color, or gender or politics or job or social status or fame or fictional characters, or anything other than God our Father, will never be satisfied or fulfilled, and will blame those they see as “other”.


                  • Thats for sure sis and we can’t be good enough it’s through him, and we have to know him, thats what made me seek more, was trying to do it in my own strength, and I couldn’t do that any more, I needed the holy Spirit and a personal relationship with him, thats why I left a high position to clean bathrooms where they got in his presence and man was I happy to finaly have a God I could feel and we could have followship with, oh what joy then flooded my soul, you are a blessing for sure


                    • praising God for his mercy, grace and goodness!


                    • amen great big shout to that


                    • How can we know the one we love, unless we have touched with intimate love, and how can we love the one we know, unless they have touched our hearts and soul, and how can we worship and give our all, unless we know upon whom we call, and how can we live in that most Holy place, until we have seen and touched his precious face, and how can we go unless first called, and we lay down our lives and give him our all. RDC 8/30/20


                    • Roger Culwell says:

                      That poem was meant in the sense of being in his presence is seeing his face, I know I have seen him, but didn’t mean that they way it sounded, being in his presence is as seeing his face sorry. I don’t explain things to good some times.


    • Roger Culwell says:

      pretty much says it all, and a lot are backing them, I am seeing more and more darkness with in the Church, some I sure didn’t figure on, boy has the Church being deceived big time.


    • Roger Culwell says:

      amen for sure all lives matter to him, and some of us, we have to break Gods heart so bad at times!


  3. “The communist politically correct rhetoric ran in complete contravention of reality, but we all had to pretend that it was true. Most people did not believe it, but there were some who did or wanted to. That something like this could take place in real life may seem unbelievable to reasonable people now, but lies of similar depth and magnitude are quite commonplace in many Western circles today.

    Consider this politically correct lie: Western societies are oppressive toward women. This is about as obviously absurd a statement as the claim that the Soviet Union was a free country. To everyone with the eyes to see it is quite plain that women are not oppressed in Western democracies. On the other hand, women are almost invariably oppressed in non-Western societies. This truth, however, is not allowed to be articulated and most attempts to do so are met with severe consequences, especially for those involved in public institutions such as media, universities, government and even many corporations.

    Here is another politically correct lie: In Western democracies minorities are oppressed. To every reasonable person the falsity of this is immediately evident. Rather than being oppressed, racial minorities in the United States and most western countries enjoy more protections and privileges than the majority. This is exactly the reason why minorities from non-western societies are so eager to come and live in western societies. So much so that we have to expand considerable efforts and resources to keep them out for fear of being overrun. Conversely, we do not see minorities living in Western democracies running away from their oppression to live in those wonderful non-Western cultures and societies of which multiculturalists are so fond. Why do you think this is? The reality of the situation and the behavior of people themselves completely disprove the official PC narrative. Any intimations of the obvious, however, immediately draws the ire of the politically correct organs and can result in prompt cancellation.

    The cancel culture is the executory arm of political correctness. Things have become so extreme in recent months that people are now being cancelled for making even the most innocuous comments. The forms that cancellation can take at this time range from being publicly shamed through removal from platforms of public discourse and having one’s reputation destroyed to being dismissed from employment. Because of its nature, today’s social justice movement must inevitably position itself as an irreconcilable enemy of free speech. The social warriors’ position has its roots in a deep illiberal impulse that goes directly against the best principles of Western culture.

    Suppression of free expression has been invariably practiced by totalitarians and tyrants of all ranks and species, whether they emerged from the West or from other civilizational streams. Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un were all sworn enemies of free speech exactly as are today’s anti-racism activists. All these tyrants instituted their own kind of political correctness and cancel culture. Today’s social justice warriors are thus firmly rooted in the tradition of those Leaders. The politically-correct, cancel-happy progressives who march through the streets of Western cities and lord it over the social medial platforms are the true heirs of these Leaders’ intolerant, illiberal impulse, which is deeply anti-Western in nature. Needless to say, all the Great Leaders mentioned above have thoroughly ruined their societies and left a deep trail of misery and corpses in their wake.

    Free expression and free speech are, of course, not the only core Western values that have come under attack from the progressives. Others include the concept of private property, the idea of equal rights and equality before the law among others. Like their tyrannical predecessors, social justice warriors of today are not interested in constructively addressing the real problems in the society in which they live. Carried along by a destructive instinct, they want to bring down their society. Most of them have no clear conception of what should replace it. What they know, however, is that they want nothing to do with the principles of free speech, tolerance of dissent, respect for private property, etc., on which free and affluent societies are built. The main problem with this approach is that societies not based on these values are not good places to live. Just ask the people of Stalin’s Soviet Union, Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Kim’s North Korea, Castro’s Cuba or Pol Pot’s Cambodia.” ~The Best of Vasko Kohlmayer


    • Roger Culwell says:

      Some need to and live there for a while and just see how free they are, I can see how women are treated here by some me and it bothers me badly, they think there eight hour job is something and they come in and flop down in the recliner, and grab the remote and a beer, and the women is still going at 11 at night, shes got there bf, the kids, got them off to school and work, then does the dishes, laundry, take the kids to dentist, Dr. ball practice, ban, and then cooks dinner, picks kids up, and is still going until very lait, but I say thats even better than other countries, who tell you everything you can and can’t do, and say, as they are trying here, shoot they want me dead, been trying for a while, if you don’t go along with them, they want you canceled, EVEN THE CHURCH NOW, THEY HAVE BLACK BALLED ME, they don’t really want the Jesus of the bible, and live free as he says we can, they made up there own Jesus who acceots sin and evil, and we need the one who doesn’t, great job sis as usual. God Bless


    • Roger Culwell says:

      I got two post of that last night and posted on fb, but it would not let me post either on Twitter, so I copied and pasted just the writing, tried many times and it would not let me on T. so I copied and pasted, the Lord told me to tell the people the next day, they screameed all this, tell the people its not what they say it is and not as bad. proof now God was right as always lol Dumb people don’t ever leave our God out of anything.


    • Roger Culwell says:

      Oh yeah and we were raised being taught this, and it should have kept on being taught, this is why we love this country, there is no other like it, and it tares me apart to see congress and other treat her like they are, I folded that flag every day in the fifth grade after running it up the flag pole every day in school, and I would not let her touch the ground, folded just like they do in the service, it was a great honor to me, and I love this country the way it was established by our fore fathers, and we must not let evil take her over, even if it was to cost our lives, this country belongs to God Yahweh, agree with him 200 percent sis.


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