Lavish Love


Lavish Love is lavish Light that exposes all hidden darkness and dissolves it into the light of Love! Christ Jesus, pour your Light into every dark place; expose all hidden darkness. Dissolve every dark spot in our body! Dissolve every dark spot in our world with your Light! You are the Light of the world!  Lavish this pure Love upon us now! Pour Love- Light into our hearts, minds, souls and bodies like rushing water leaving only Your pure, holy Love! You are the deepest and highest Water of Life!

Lavish Love keep our eyes in You! Christ is the True Light that enlightens every human being! Enlighten the eyes of our hearts to see Lavish Love, be lavish love, live in Lavish Love and give lavish love!!! God is Light without darkness. God is Love without opposite! God is Lavish Love-Light!!! Keep our eyes on You!

Lavish Love, bring your Light into all darkness. Dissolve into Light! Let there be Light! Darkness is merely the absence of Light. The only power darkness has is in the absence of Light. So let your Light shine everywhere and in every one! Light is Awareness and Presence of God! Cleanse your mirror so you can reflect the purest Light of God! Be a clear reflection of Light! Transform into the same image, the same likeness, as the purest Light: the reflection of perfect Light in the visible as in the Invisible Presence of God! Lavish Love!!!


Put on the armor of Light! Put on Christ Jesus! Be clothed in beauty! Be clothed in the garment of Joy! Be clothed with Lavish Love!


How much goodness can you stand? There is an upper limits issue: we need God’s help to overcome the gravity of the old world to enter into the Lavish Love of God! Overcome the physical laws by entering into God’s Spiritual Laws of Lavish Love! How much Light can you stand? When the Perfected Light of Christ’s Spirit first enters you, it will reveal the hidden darkness. Do not despair! Don’t panic! Do not think something strange is happening! Breathe, focus on the area in your body that is triggered: let tears fall, feel your feelings, don’t resist the Holy Spirit as it works, and allow the Presence of Light to dissolve the issue. Face and see whatever comes up; see what is revealed, no matter how unpleasant and give it to God. God is Light without darkness! We are children of Light! Don’t hide your darkness; give it to God and let Lavish Love dissolve it! Light dissolves darkness! Let Lavish Love shatter darkness!


Get beyond your old flesh and blood by getting the Presence of God in your body! Christ Jesus said we could be one with God as he is one: perfectly one! Christ Jesus is my CJ! “In that day you will know that CJ is in his Father and I am in CJ and CJ is in me” (John 14:20 personalized). The reception of the Holy Spirit allows us to become one with our Maker; one with our Source; the creation to be reunited and reconciled with our Creator: perfectly one on earth as it is in heaven! Get beyond yourself by getting to know God in us! Get beyond the old flesh and blood to be transfigured in Light to a new creation: spirit and the pure, royal blood-line of Christ Jesus!


Become aware of God’s Presence and Power in you by and through the Holy Spirit! Become aware of the Lavish Love! Become aware of the Lavish Light! Let it pour in! Be one with God as CJ and Abba are one! Let the risen, ascended Life of CJ manifest in you! Our full potential as a human being is ascension destiny: return to the image and likeness of God, just as Christ Jesus went from marred beyond recognition to perfected, light-filled, ascended, glorified body that even his closest disciples couldn’t recognize at first! From death to Life, old to new, human to divine, marred to perfect, flesh and blood to perfect spirit and royal DNA: total transformation, transmutation and transfiguration that becomes increasingly permanent! The risen, ascended Life of CJ is our destiny! CJ’s testimony is our prophesy!!!


Our mind can be in heaven with Christ: one with Abba = new heavens. Our heart is heaven on earth when full of the Holy Spirit. Our body one with Christ Jesus on earth is the new earth! New heavens on earth!!! Human beings are the connection between heaven and earth: we either reject the connection and live a life in darkness and separation, adding to the darkness of the world; or we consciously accept our destiny and reconnect with the Living One! We accept the Lavish Love and the Lavish Light and allow ourself to die to the past, be resurrected into spirit and the royal blood line of Christ, and ascend in consciousness with CJ to be seated in heavenly places while our body is rooted and grounded in Love on the new earth! The Holy Spirit is the fullness of God, the Lavish Life of God, that can be poured into you and me! Let it pour!!!


We can be filled with Love! We can be filled with Light! We can be filled with Spirit! We can be filled with the resurrected, ascended Life of Christ!!! Our foundation is meant to be the ascended Life of Christ: perfect Love that casts out all fear, perfect peace that surpasses all understanding, complete fullness of Joy, and abundant Life!!! Christ is the Vine, we are the branches, and God is the Vinedresser! Get on the Vine and start bearing lavish fruit!!!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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