Can There Be Freedom of Religion?

What is true Freedom in Christ? Love God and Love one another as ourselves, which is only possible when we encounter the Living God and experience the baptism of Love: the Holy Spirit and fire of God which is beyond religion, where we are TRANSFORMED from the inside out and endued with power and wisdom from Above, thus set FREE. Free in our God-given freedom, liberty and sovereign rights as a son of God led by the Spirit of God.

From Praying Medic: “A discussion about Ben Carson’s views on an Islamic presidential candidate and why Islam’s laws and the constitution are mutually exclusive.”

Source: Ben Carson on an Islamic President

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I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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32 Responses to Can There Be Freedom of Religion?

  1. Did Jesus say he came to bring a religion, or did he say he came to bring life and life more abundant? What has stolen your identity? What has killed your joy? What has destroyed your life? FIRST seek the kingdom within and Christ in you, then you will find the purpose and calling of your life and life abundant! Are you living your true potential? Do you know Christ in you??


  2. Felix Labinjo says:

    I am saddened that this beautiful blog has referenced the comments of this controversial and ignorant individual. Politics and spirituality should be kept separate.
    Those of us outside the United States cannot help wondering why there is little substance among some of those, including Ben Carson, who aspire to high office and in so doing indulge in cheap theatrics and divisive antics.


  3. Felix, are you talking about Praying Medic or Ben Carson? I couldn’t agree more “politics and spirituality should be kept separate” but the Pope has just addressed the US government and Sharia law is taking over countries and taking the God-given liberty of not only women but all who do not covert to Islam. Politics is mostly corrupt as is most religion and spirituality today, as the old that has passed away is being kept alive by those who do not know the ascended Jesus and have not received his pure, holy Spirit and fire. The US has a president who says he is a Christian, but is not acting like he has Christ in him at all; received a Nobel peace prize but there is no peace at all, only increasing division and is not speaking out against the killing of innocent Christians by ISIS in other parts of the world, protection of the unborn, or protection of the family. The NEW is here, but the old systems of religion, politics, business, education, media, entertainment and family is infiltrated with a dark virus. The answer is to rise above all the systems of the world, including religion and politics and BE who human beings were created to be: the image and likeness of God with Christ IN us; then and only then will we have the power and wisdom to BE the new heaven on a new earth! If Christ is our life, and it is, then without Christ there is no real life, only bondage to religion, politics, division, conflicts, war, confused identity and certain destruction. What do you think?


    • Felix Labinjo says:

      I am not in a position to know who is or is not acting under the influence of their Christ Light (and I do not confine that Light to Christians only).What I do know is that politics, religion and other transient systems are underscored by human beings who sooner or later act in accordance with the entropy law.

      Those who are using religion to justify Sharia Law are not, in my view, acting any differently from those who perpetrated similar atrocities during the Spanish Inquisition or used the Bible to justify the brutal enslavement of another.

      I agree that we should rise above all the systems of the world, including religions and politics. However, there is pain in the heart when those who call themselves Christians deny sanctuary and compassion to those fleeing war because they are Muslims. It hurts that it took a picture of a 3 year old who drowned off the shores of Turkey to make people wake up to their humanity.

      Where the past and the future meet is now and ‘Now’ calls for us to look within or “Healer heal thyself first”


  4. There is a major agenda to distract us with outer events and get people to change the outside world when the ONLY true change is INSIDE the human being; waking up and realizing Christ is within, yes the Son is not a religion, never WAS a religion or political stance nor left or right stance, but the true LIght that enlightens every human from the inside out starting by opening our eyes to SEE above religion, rhetoric, words, causes, social issues, environmental issues, political issues, religious issues and ALL issues because they flow OUT of the human heart and the ONLY answer is to transform the heart to true Light, true nonviolence, true Peace on the inside and the outside will follow suit! Human beings cannot do this themselves, that is why our Creator sent Jesus to accomplish the change on the earth and sent his Holy Spirit to accomplish the change on the inside of humans. ALL we have to do is believe it and receive it. The agenda of those in power and want to keep human souls enslaved is them not to know the Power and Kingdom and Glory and Wisdom we carry on the inside, Christ in us, the Spirit of God, no partiality, unconditional Love, unconditional acceptance that religion has made into conditions and sovereign city-state nations, and partiality and religionism, partisanship-ism, denomination-ism, scientism, every ism that creates a schism to divide and conquer us so they can stay in power and have nations and kings under their influence for greed of power, lust, and wealth. THIS is what Jesus came to earth to free us from and his Spirit that he sent every human being to free us from the inside out permanently so we could live on God’s earth with his higher Mind and Thoughts and Ways: the NHONE. Religion has co-opted and hijacked what was pure, true, holy and FOR ALL his creation…


  5. Felix Labinjo says:

    No agenda is more powerful or greater than the Light that shineth in darkness which the darkness comprehendeth not. We must be the example. We must remain steadfast. We must stand tall in the face of that which is illlusory. I AM THAT I AM.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Where do the issues of life come from? the heart of man and the outer world just reflects the inner heart. Only a heart transplant, spiritual heart surgery by the Spirit of Christ in our heart can change issues to streams of living water! Only change on the inside can effect real change on the outside, the issues that create chaos in the world. Those who wish to keep human souls asleep and in fear, burdened with cares of the world create the chaos, divisions and geo-engineer our weather and food and poison and pollute our water and blame it on humans and what we are doing to the world… then come in with a solution that takes more and more freedom and God-given sovereignty away…

      Where does our help come from? Not man-made solutions, not religion, not government or any of the seven mountains of influence…Our help comes from the Lord! He sent us Jesus, now Jesus has sent us his Holy Spirit, the highest POWER and Authority in all the heavens and earth…This pure, real POWER you can trust, unlike the powers of the world who are looking to alien technology and luciferic fallen light, occult, magic or dark powers of satan for wealth, success, fame, sex, and power to cause others to fall to use it against them and control them so they can lord over others…

      What did Jesus tell us to do to rise above the problems of the world? Cast all your cares of the world on him, come to Him, and find REST for your soul and let God work in and through you. Spirits need human bodies to work on earth and instead of letting astral entities use your body, get filled with the pure, holy Spirit of God and then God can work through you on the earth to effect real change and healing and transformation and creative powerful solutions to every social ill. But religion has distorted who God is and presented a power-less, religious spirit to keep you from the kingdom within, Christ in you, all the power and authority in heaven and earth IN YOU, the REAL LIVING ACTIVE NOW HERE JESUS that will only come into you if he is invited because of free will, meanwhile you have been deceived and fooled into accepting lesser spirits, mocking the real Holy Spirit of Christ, denying, rejecting and ignoring the ONE who LOVES you and wants a relationship with you…
      Jesus told us to not worry about anything, cast all our cares about the world on him, seek his kingdom and righteousness within you and then ask your REAL Father and you will receive.

      The battle without has already been won by Jesus; we have to conquer our own mind and the thoughts put in there by the seven mountains of influence taken over with the satanic virus, the real hidden culprit, the hidden capstone of mystery babylon and the luciferian agenda…

      The religious spirits want to keep us in the dark, creating chaos by creating tribulation scenarios from the bible, knowing most people don’t know what the bible really says, because it is only understandable with the transformed heart filled with the Holy Spirit to discern spiritual things. They want to keep human beings busy, anxious and in fear, or numbed and drugged, or distracted by looking for an external second coming, waiting for a Messiah who has already come and comes again within us, keeping us in bondage under the old covenant and religious laws and an external moral code instead of going inside to the kingdom of God and Christ’s righteousness in us and living from the power and authority given us by the Spirit of God on the inside…


  6. And now, I am tired of words because they cannot convey what an encounter with God, a touch of Jesus, an experience of his Presence, God calling your name or giving you a word, sending an angel to help you or save you from harm, opening a book to just the right page to solve a problem you have, overhearing a conversation that gives you the answer you have been seeking, lyrics of a song, signs in nature, divine appointments, angels disguised as normal people, or an experience of our Father pouring love in our hearts through his Holy Spirit, or the millions or godzillion ways God comforts, helps, counsels, gives answers, direction, love, peace, healing, joy, and power to go on in this world while of his Kingdom, where awe and wonder and amazement are the norm…
    I wish I had the words but words just seem to get in the way…
    and can’t convey what only the Spirit in us can convey……..powerfully……..


    • Felix Labinjo says:

      “Where do the issues of life come from?” That is a profound question which I am not able to answer.

      I agree that only change on the inside can effect real change on the outside. That is already happening worldwide as Light flushes to the surface that which has remained hidden in the subconscious.for aeons

      We need to be mindful not to invest energy in what the adversary does or tries to do as such detracts from the important work that is needed which is: to embody the immovable and unshakable part in each and every one of us, or as you put “… let God work in and through you..” and “..conquer our own mind and the thoughts”

      The Spirit of Christ in our heart is, has always been and will forever be Present. Has it not been prophesied “…But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken it.” (Micah 4.4)

      Did the Spirit of Christ not say, “ I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”? (Matthew 10:16)

      I feel your heart in your second post:


      • The issues of life come from the heart as in Proverbs 4:10-27 (Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are LIFE to those who find them, and healing to all his flesh. Keep your heart with all vigilance; for from it flow all the issues of life” We know a heart filled with Christ’s pure Spirit from which flows healing, deliverance and setting free, in contrast to a heart that contains the spirit of the world which flows the issues, disorders, chaos, confusion, conflict division, etc. of one void of the Spirit of God. The fruit of which spirit is within the heart is revealed by what comes out of the mouth: words blaming human beings for what satan is doing in the world, creating chaos and wars and tribulation and enacting laws, governmental and religious to restrict and oppress human beings into poverty and suffering OR is the Spirit of God flowing from our heart and mouth uplifting, encouraging, raising the spirits of human beings by telling them the TRUTH of who they are: the image and likeness of God, sons, kings, priests, brides of God with royal DNA and spirits made perfect in Christ, Christ in them…
        If people don’t know the cause of the world’s problems: satan, the spirit of the world and the tricks he uses and how he uses people, then we can’t be wise as serpents, innocent as doves. If we are just innocent as doves, the sea gull and raven that attacked the first dove let out the window at the Vatican, attacks us and we blame ourselves, climate change (external circumstances), religion or even blame God for what satan is doing on the “down low” “under cover” “hidden in plain sight”


  7. From Canadian Free Press: “Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Here it is! The root of the entire plan. Climate Change. How many scientific reports do real scientists have to present to show this is the greatest scam ever devised to create a reason for government to control every aspect of our lives? Well, here, let the Global Warming scare mongers tell you their true purpose in their own words:

    “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony – climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart (former Canadian Minister of the Environment). Justice built on a lie? And here is another quote to make it clear. “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). The end justifies the means! Notice that Mr. Wirth is as concerned with the economy as he is with the environment.” And ”
    This means the re-boot of Agenda 21, because that was the original “global partnership.” This goal is a call for all of the treaties, plans and schemes devised in the massive UN meetings to be made the law of the globe. It is total global government and it is a sure highway to misery, destruction of human society, individual thought, motivation and dreams.

    “In 1992 they told us that Agenda 21 was just a suggestion. Today, after experiencing the “wrenching transformation” of our society that Al Gore called for, we know it was much more than that. And we have suffered the consequences as our economy has plummeted, as the middle class is disappearing, jobs are non-existent and the world is in turmoil.

    “Now the power elite which prey on the poor and helpless are determined to finish the job. They are fast moving toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states; controlling individual actions and wiping private property ownership from the face of the Earth. Their goal is to make us all “equal” in the same chains to assure none of us can disrupt their well ordered utopian nightmare.

    “Well, now our time machine has brought us back from 1992 to the present. As we disembark, one voice should be ringing in our ears. In clear and concise words we were warned of what Agenda 21 was designed to do. “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it out responsibility to bring that about?” The voice belonged to Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Chairman of the Earth Summit as he delivered an official statement.

    “But here in 2015, the same forces are about to introduce the 2030 Agenda. We have the advantage of knowing what is intended. The 2030 Agenda to “Transform the World” is to be built on the ruins and desolation of a thousand such schemes for control over human life. Each time they have failed to achieve their lofty goals but have brought about a slow decline in liberty and self sufficiency. “And each time they have come back with a new “plan.” The 2030 Agenda is Agenda 21 re-booted. But this time you and I don’t have an excuse to ignore it. We know what it is from the start. Now we have a new opportunity and the obligation to stop it dead in its tracks. We’ve been given a second chance. Let’s not waste it.”


    • Felix Labinjo says:

      If Lucifer’s Fall was not accidental, then Satan’s work is predictable as Jesus showed. If Satan needed God’s permission to test Job, then the victorious outcome is a certainty.


      • under the old covenant and law, he needed God’s permission, but it seems to me that under the new covenant, the finished work of the cross, the “last enemy” being death, which Jesus defeated, that the only way satan can be working in the world over which he has no legal right is if he tricks or deceives human beings into it; manipulates and controls people to do his bidding in return for promised wealth, sex, power, fame, authority or whatever…therefore these individuals are deliberately creating chaos and tribulation and trying to convince people that Jesus hasn’t returned and we still have to live under the old coven rules, laws and religious doctrines of demons…when the truth is all we have to do is wake up and receive Christ’s light and be, live and walk in the Light as Jesus walked in it: knowing Christ is in us…


        • Felix Labinjo says:

          Mmmm legal right?
          My view remains that we should concentrate on the Lone Star during the darkest night rather than on the darkness itself. Afterall, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil….”


          • Legal rights as in Colossians: Jesus cancelled the bond for us, including its legal requirements…disarming the powers and principalities of darkness” Our bond is cancelled; satan and his fallen angels and those who follow him are still under the curse and have no legal right to touch us…
            “God is light and in him is no darkness at all” so…..if we are in Christ there is no valley of the shadow of death to walk in…..we are of the kingdom of the beloved Son, not of the world……..Jesus says to all, “Come to Me” not to a star, not to religion, not to gods/goddessses, trees of the knowledge of good and evil… not to any darkness at all…


  8. Felix Labinjo says:

    Are you saying that you are fully in Christ?


    • Felix Labinjo says:

      PS The Lone Star that I was referring to is the Christ Light.


    • I’m saying that Jesus said that he was the light of the world and he said we are the light of the world. He said we are a city set on a hill. Jesus said we could do everything he did and even greater works. He said if our eye is sound and filled with light, our whole body is full of light. Jesus is the true light that enlightens every man; the true light is already shining. Jesus said he and his Father would come and live in us. He said he was sending his Spirit to live in us forever. “I will NEVER leave you” Jesus said, “Come to Me and I will give you rest…take my yoke” “There is ONE body and ONE Spirit” “God is above all and through all and IN ALL” “Those who are joined to the Lord are one Spirit with him” Jesus said to believe, ask and you will receive. “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is” “As He is in the world, so are we” We are called to believe the Word and not deny Jesus’ name…


    • “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” 1 John 4


      • If we are dead in Jesus and alive in Christ, the new creation…If the old has passed away and the new has come, then what do you think? Isn’t the ONLY thing we have to conquer to take our God-given place seated in heavenly places with Christ (Ephesians 2; Rev 3) the doubting mind…


  9. Felix Labinjo says:

    I agree that Jesus said all as you have just stated.

    However, you have not answered my question which was based on your response “…if we are in Christ there is no valley of the shadow of death to walk in…..” a response that appears to run contrary to Psalm 23.4.


    • In the old covenant yes; in the new covenant as of 70 AD no…
      Jesus’ message proclaimed by those who walked with him: “God is light and in him is NO darkness at all” 1 John 1
      Jesus defeated the LAST enemy, Death, and I can attest, witness, that when my earthly dad transitioned in November 2014, Death DID NOT come to get him, but rather the Spirit of God came and it was so POWERFUL when God’s Presence came into the room that I had to grab my brother’s arm to not be lifted up, caught up in the air, my whole body was in rapturous, heightened aliveness and vibration, trembling with joy (there really are no words to describe it adequately or express what it was like) and I heard the audible words “Glory Divine” and in the middle of the night the same words only in context with a song “Blessed Assurance” that speaks of “foretastes of Glory Divine” and I believe that is what I experienced and what God was showing me! To God be the Glory!!!!!!!!


  10. Examine yourself
    Test it out
    Prove it to yourself
    “Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you?
    unless you fail to meet the test
    end of Romans, I think?


  11. Either we believe the Word and the Word made flesh, walk in the light as Jesus walked in the light, no doubts (sin of unbelief = no power and wisdom of Christ), no wavering because wavering is like the waves of the sea and we receive nothing of God (James I think?) or we are moved from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of the Beloved Son or we stay in the sin kingdom, the world ruled by satan…

    Because of free will, we all get to choose for ourselves; no group or church or religion can save us…we have to choose to come to Jesus and yoke with him, forsaking all others, and he reconciles us body,soul and spirit to his Father and God and everything in heaven and on earth as it is in heaven. We have to choose to die with Jesus and resurrect with Christ and conquer our mind to be raised with Christ to his throne (Rev 3)


    • Felix Labinjo says:

      I have found this exchange of opinions very revealing; I don’t think I have anything further to add. Hence, I thank you for the insights afforded.. .


      • I pray that Christ Jesus is revealed in your heart and mind; the eyes of your heart opened and enlightened; your understanding opened by the Spirit of Christ and that your heart is filled with the Father’s Love, pouring in through the Holy Spirit! May you know the Truth and the Truth set you free!! May God bless you richly, greater than you could ever think, ask or imagine! Love and blessings, Yvonne


        • Felix Labinjo says:

          Thank you Yvonne for your kind words.

          I have learnt the importance of learning how to listen to, rather than hear, what the other person is saying – which is based on their unique perspective and lived experience – and first seek clarification when I do not understand their choice or use of words.

          God bless you, Yvonne.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Felix! I thank you for our exchange of WORDS, as it is an awakening to the cause of misunderstandings from the division of words that causes human suffering; when we ALL in our heart of hearts know we are one race: the new creation of God; one religion: Love God and Love one another as ourselves; one nation under God: Christ In Us!!!! We all are the light of the world, as Jesus taught, and we can all drop to the source of our words and receive the true Light that enlightens every heart and come to our shared responsibility to be God’s image and likeness on the new earth with the shared higher Mind of God: his Christ Mind and be one body and one Spirit, and be who we were created to be and do our unique soul calling! God bless you Felix!!!!


  12. Scott says:

    Ever since the 9/11 attacks (which were not in keeping with the teachings of the Qur’an at all)–there has been an epidemic of misinformation about Islam in America. Anti-Muslims, filled with nothing but hatred and bigotry, and certainly not in keeping with the teachings of Jesus at all, have been infiltrating churches all over this country, spreading their lies in Sunday school classes. These anti-Muslims claim to be experts on Islam–but they are not. And sadly, most Christian ministers don’t even bother to check their credentials–they just let them incite hatred and bigotry in their congregations. Ben Carson may not be one of these anti-Muslims, but he is certainly no expert on Islam.

    The primary problem with Christians today is that most of them hardly follow Jesus at all. In fact, my observation of this is just one of the things that led me to question my Christian faith, and to realize that Christianity was no different from any other organized religion. Christian doctrine maintains that only Christianity is legitimate–that followers of any other religion, not to mention followers of no particular religion, are going to Hell. But Christian doctrine does not maintain that those who are not Christian should be despised, ostracized, persecuted, and/or killed. And certainly Jesus would not condone this evil in the hearts of his followers.

    Would Jesus despise Muslims for their beliefs? Absolutely not. Would Jesus ostracize Muslims for their beliefs? Absolutely not. Would Jesus persecute Muslims for their beliefs? Absolutely not. Would Jesus kill Muslims for their beliefs. Absolutely not.

    The reason Christianity has more blood on its hands than any other religion in history is that so many Christians have failed to truly follow Jesus. It is not enough to believe in Christ; Christians must also follow Jesus. And they can start by stopping this bigotry toward Muslims.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beliefs Scott. I really appreciate you sharing so deeply. I hear what you are saying and I couldn’t agree more that religion has hurt people. In fact, ALL world religions are from the old world that is ruled by satan’s tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They ALL have some good and some evil associated with them. THAT is why Jesus came to earth to reconcile ALL things in heaven and on earth and give human beings back their birthright: made in the image and likeness of God and co-heirs with Jesus the Christ. That is why I followed him to God and received his pure Love in direct encounters. Our Father pours his pure Love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit and it is the only way we can Love God and Love one another. We can’t do it apart from the Christ of God, the manifest Presence of the invisible Presence of God. Jesus alone was the EXACT representation of the unseen Father: only Light, only Goodness and Gentleness: he did NO HARM to anyone or anything and he is our example. Religion has harmed many!!!!!!!! Jesus brought the NEW awareness that God is our real Father and we ALL are his divine children and the only code to live by is to Love God and love one another as ourselves. The pope is not a follower of Christ, he is the head of a city-state nation and head of a religion with good and evil; nor are many who call themselves “christian” followers of Jesus. The TREE is known by the fruit! If it is the tree of life, the fruit is all light with no darkness at all; all good without harm or evil associated. We can trust Jesus implicitly and we cannot trust religion to save us from suffering or evil in the world. All the evil done in the name of religion, christian, jew, muslim, buddhist, hindu, etc. etc. is satanic fruit of the tree of good AND evil. All who come out of religion and into the Loving, welcoming arms of our Father, are made not only sons of God, but kings, priests, brides and co-heirs of the Kingdom of God: heaven on earth. That is why Rev 18 says “Come out of her” come out of religion, ALL religions, and into intimate relationship with God our all-Loving Father!!!!!!!! Thanks again for sharing! God bless you!!


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