Spiritual Marriage

A Ketubah in Aramaic, a Jewish marriage-contra...

Image via Wikipedia

What is spiritual marriage? I believe it is helpful to begin by defining marriage itself. According to Merriam Webster dictionary marriage is “a) the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex…in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law, b) the institution whereby individuals are joined in marriage, and c) an intimate or close union. (The photo to the right is a Ketubah in Aramaic, a Jewish marriage contract that outlines the duties of each partner)
The definition of marriage has been in the news concerning whether homosexual marriage should be made lawful. There is much more to marriage than meets the eye and controversy takes focus away from the Truth of holy matrimony and the deeper, spiritual meaning that is only discerned by communion with the Spirit of God.

Marriage, according to the Dictionary of Symbols by Chevalier & Gheerbrant, is the symbol of the loving coitus of man and woman, which in a mystical sense, is also that of Christ’s union with his Church, of God with his Chosen People and  of the soul with God. The marriage of the soul with God is reflected in a Rumi quote “you must marry your soul, that wedding is the way”. The bible says the greatest mystery is the two shall be made one. When the soul marries God, the two become one, and it is the end of a separate self.  In Jungian psychology, marriage symbolizes the union of the feminine principle of the unconscious with the male principle of the spirit. Chevalier & Gheerbrant also describe marriage as deriving from the rites of making life holy. To bring the transcendent God into the body is to make God immanent and present. This is the marriage of spirit and physical matter. It is the inner spiritual marriage that leads to a happy fulfilling outer marriage.

While marriage is thought to be mainly a legal contract or agreement to love, honor, and cherish until death do us part, spiritual marriage is much more complex. I believe that the problem with marriage today, and the reason for so many separations and divorces, is the absence of spiritual marriages. Romantic love was once defined as nature’s anesthesia for bringing two incompatible people together to heal their inner wounds. Unfortunately most people get married in unconscious ignorance and wake up to suffering and wondering “who is this person I find myself married to”. If children were taught about relationships and marriage early in life it would save a lot of heartbreak and mistakes later on.

 Two unconscious egos who transcend the ego in the blush of romantic love, wake up in marriage as strangers with a crowd of parental introjects and subpersonalities vying for attention and healing. If you understand spiritual marriage, you anticipate that this is going to happen and you allow whatever is unhealed within each of you come to the surface to be healed into wholeness through coming to Jesus the Christ, who heals each individual, the marriage, and brings us to the Father so the “bride” can marry the Bridegroom King of glory and live in a new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells; the promise of God to his born again children (John 3:3-21).

Instead of thinking something strange is going on or projecting blame onto your spouse for triggering your darkness, you recognize it for what it is and let it go by going directly to Jesus and casting it all upon the Holy One who is alive forevermore to take your burdens and give you rest for your soul so you can enter into the Love you were created in the image and likeness of: the Source of Love: God our Father. In spiritual marriage you invoke the wisdom and power of Holy Spirit to transform by delivering you from the darkness and transferring you into kingdom of the beloved Son, the light of God; from separation to complete in Christ and from fragmentation into wholeness with Christ in you.

The deep, sacred relationship of marriage brings up everything that is not love so you can open to deeper and deeper levels of Love of Christ that fills us with all the fullness of God who works in us to greater than we could ever ask or think. Marriage of this world is based on conditional love: I will love you if you make me happy; meet my needs. I will love you as long as I feel the same sexual attraction to you, I will love you if you stay exactly the same as my idea of you.

Spiritual marriage is based on the unconditional love of our God and Father. I choose to love you no matter what for I receive my love from the Source of Love; a continuous river from the Throne of GodI choose to recognize and use the uncomfortable things that arise in us both to fuel the growth of our souls to reunite with the Beloved on the higher level of the Spirit Realm while living in the natural realm on earth. Spiritual marriage is a commitment to grow through the trials of relationship for the goal of awakening and growth in Christ, maturing each person’s true spiritual self. Physical marriage is meant to be the training wheels for the real spiritual marriage of the soul to the Beloved. Spiritual marriage is the crucible of transformative love that is able to transform each partner into the divine complete self or anthropos; reuniting our soul with Christ the Beloved Bridegroom King of Glory; our completed self in union with God our Father.

There are many levels of marriage in the human psyche on a path to wholeness; but the Way of God is to die to the natural man with Christ and be born anew of the Water of Life and the Spirit of Life in Christ to be reunited with God our Father as bride of the King of Glory living in the Father of Glory’s Spiritual House on earth as it is in heaven, a new heaven and new earth for those with eyes to see and ears to hear and a redeemed heart to spiritually perceive what the Spirit is doing on earth.

Wedding Song (its all about Jesus!)

About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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114 Responses to Spiritual Marriage

  1. joecorpen79 says:

    thank you so much…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Spiritual Husband and Wife are for real and not just some mere fantasy there are wicked demonic spiritual wives and husband that torment physically marriages and especially distract people`s life,this demonic spiritual husband and wives also known as succubus and incubus are very sensitive and can be dangerous on their victims,these demons illegally and spiritually comes to have intercourse with it`s victims whenever asleep making the victim thinks it was just some kind of a mere dreams and a fantasy but this is no joke because this sexual spiritual demons are for real and can torment life miserably but there is a greater POWER under Heaven which is the Holy POWER of our only Savior and Lord Christ Jess which can only SET us Free from any darkness bondage of the darkness forces.
    Please Do Visit This link : ” http://www.wix.com/spiritualwelfare/demonicspiritualmarriage” To know more about the facts about spiritual marriage Succubus and Incubus and also to receive a special DELIVERANCE to set you FREE from any captivity of such spiritual darkness forces, as it was said according to John 8:36 ““If The Son of God therefore will set you free, You are indeed set FREE!”

    VISIT: http://www.wix.com/spiritualwelfare/demonicspiritualmarriage

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is always important to have the discernment of spirits. I am speaking of the One Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit! There are also seven spirits at the throne of God (Revelation 1:4). “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God” 1 John 4:1

      Liked by 1 person

    • Rai says:

      And don’t you think that calling YOURSELF reverend is also TOTALLY UNBIBLICAL? You SHAMELESS HYPOCRITE! Find Me a verse in Scripture where the prophets, disciples and apostles addressed themselves REVEREND! Where was it that Isaiah, Peter and Paul were called Reverend Isaiah, Peter and Paul? ONLY GOD IS REVEREND! Holy and Reverend is HIS Name! (Psalms 111:19) You’re definitely ADDING to the Word of GOD and because of this, GOD will add on you plagues that are written, NOT according to Me BUT according to Revelations 22:18. Yes, in the Scriptures, angels and demons are mentioned BUT what Book in The Bible can you find the words incubus and succubi? REPENT!


      • I can feel your intense passion in your response to Rev Immanuel, Rai. I welcome all sharing and I ask that we maintain “unity of spirit in the bond of peace” and extend mercy, grace, lovingkindness and forgiveness for those who have different opinions. May the Holy Spirit make all things clear and help us to discern the spirits. We all want to be united with the Spirit of Truth and not the spirit of error. May we all worship God in Spirit and Truth; and allow the unconditional Love from our Father’s Heart to pour into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

        Liked by 1 person

    • https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/12/08/woman-claims-shes-had-sex-with-20-ghosts-and-prefers-them-to-men/23301541/

      Do not be deceived; this is extremely dangerous and an abomination to have sex with an unclean or evil spirit; it pollutes your body that is made only to be the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. Truth is stranger than fiction: a long time ago I joined a Sufi group and a spirit came in the night and tried to have sex with me. I renounced and repented and had Jesus close the door to religious spirits, unclean spirits or evil spirits and fill me with the Holy Spirit of God. Come to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit and only have sex within biblical holy matrimony.
      “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, ‘the two shall become one flesh.’ But those who join to the Lord becomes one Spirit with Him” 1 Cor 6:144-17 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God?”


  3. brendamarroy says:

    This reminds me of something Sondra Ray said, “Love brings up everything unlike itself for the purpose of healing.” This is a good post. I appreciate your words and your understandable explanations.


  4. NickAndrea19 says:

    WoW! What a great post!.

    I started saying that in my early 20’s. It’s good to hear it again.

    So profound and succinct.

    The Gospel of Thomas, verse 22 says, “… Jesus said to them, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female…then will you enter [the Kingdom].”


    • Nick, I love the Gospel of Thomas verse that you quoted!!! Now is the time for integration! Now is the time for union! Now is the time to be the highest version of ourselves; be the new creation made in the image and likeness of God; be the higher version in our relationships; and be the change we want to see in the world! Thank you so much for sharing!


    • This is one of the most beautiful passages, thanks for adding so much to her beautiful article. It is refreshing to bring such a sacred topic in to the glorious light.
      Thank you so much.


  5. Wow wow wow Nick!!! I am so happy for you and your girlfriend!!! Thank you for adding to the Light of the world! May your love radiate out to touch everyone; to uplift, make whole and inspire others to love and be spiritually married!!! “Now to the Beloved who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or imagine, to Christ be the glory” Ephesians 3:20. May your marriage be blessed and abundantly rich in Love!!!!


  6. Pingback: Sex and the spiritual quest – 2 | Cornelius Agrippa

  7. sanora1 says:

    hey, you have my vote.


  8. TNguyen says:

    What a beautiful post! Thank you so much. Nowadays, materialism has blinded many people not able to see this side of marriage, the spiritual side, or the core of any everlasting marriage. It’s just sad that divorce rate is higher by days.
    I have one question to ask, would a man and a woman consider to be “married” in spiritual sense? They’ve never had an oath before the law, and they don’t have intimate act either. However, they have deep compassionate to each other, and have same determination and compassion to achieve a goal. In a sense, they become one soul. The very example of this relationship is Mrs. Elvsted and Eilert Lovborg in the play “Hedda Gabler” by Henrik Ibsen. What do you think?
    Again, thank you very much for such a thoughtful and truly beautiful post.


  9. Brook says:

    the Rumi quote…”you must marry your soul…that marriage is the way.” Very helpful.


  10. james says:

    I think that the whole homosexual issue is just one of complete spiritual confusion in relation to this symbol of marriage in the fullness of the spirit. Just can’t see Gods creation in that confusion. It’s great to get to a point with your spouse where you can let those egos go and just flow with the divine plan. We really do need a “spiritual” marriage with our created counterpart to grow in the wisdom of Gods plan. It is the time for the divine feminine to awaken in all of us, men and women. Remember Mathew 13:33? The woman is the leven, and it is the third day now if you can see it~


    • I am starting to think there are spirits of homosexuality, spirits of transgenderism, pedophile spirits, perverted spirits, orphan spirits, widow spirits, religious spirits, a spirit of atheism, spirits of transhumanism: unclean and/or evil spirits that confuse our identity, sexuality, gender, religion, spirituality or lack thereof, from the image and likeness of God, what Christ Jesus came to earth to restore as he reconciles us with all things in heaven and on earth and his Father.

      Thank you for adding your wisdom James! Yes, now is the time! Thank you for your comment and adding to the Light of the world!
      We ask God our Father for His Holy Spirit alone to fill us and lead us.


  11. markrcmw says:

    Thank you, loved your post! Blessings!


  12. glane8029 says:

    I copied to post so I could print it out and study, some more, the divorce rate among Christians has always bugged me, I like how you dug down into the spiritual side of Marriage, I must admit, I have not given it much thought. Thanks again for the Post


    • Your welcome Greg! I am committed to ending the ripping of hearts, the heart breaking wounds of the heart that pass from generation to generation. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and bring heaven to earth so we could rise above the social issues like divorce on earth. Now is the time!


  13. pdjhudonblog says:

    I want to say that your article is very poignant and your explanation is quite clear yet there is one part of the act which is the coupling act, it signifies the total union of the spirit in man with the total union of the HOLY SPIRIT LIFE SOURCE, I have written on this subject a lot and the it is the crux of my BLOG, it is the only way to walk totally in the spirit, there is no other way.


    • Forgive me for this late response! I don’t know how I missed it. Thank you so much for your comment. I’m not sure what “coupling” you are referring to but I know that our human spirit reunited with the Holy Spirit of God is the Ultimate Coupling! Everything else is secondary!


  14. Pami Perry says:

    What are the step in the marriage. And what music is played.


    • I am sorry I am so late in responding to these comments. I value you and all questions. I am not sure what specifically you are referring to but the “answers” that came to my reading your questions were: One step! which is to turn and reconnect with our Maker, Most High God! The music is the music of the spheres, the new song that is sung by the redeemed of the Lord!!! Bless you Pami!


  15. Terry says:

    Every Day! Every Day! Every Day!
    Thank You!!!


  16. Cat says:

    I want to know of any ceremonies for a spiritual marriage that celebrate and bind one soulmate to the other rather than the everyday kind if marriage that every body else does?? My partner and I cannot marry on paper for certain reasons but are soul mates and I want to marry him in another sense, a celebration of our souls meeting and being together forever. Can anyone recommend anything or point me in the right direction ???


    • Cat, I feel that it is really important to pursue The Ultimate Relationship on the spiritual level first, especially when there are obstacles on the physical level as you said, “My partner and I cannot marry on paper for certain reasons” Instead of pushing the river or trying to swim upstream, I would like to invite you to open to receive the wooing and romancing of our Maker who said, “Your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name” Isaiah 54:5 and “As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall I rejoice over you” Isa 62:2-5 and “In that day you will call me, ‘My husband'” Hosea 2:16. Until you are safely in a new covenant relationship with God, until you are solid in your identity as a son of God and a bride of Christ, it is impossible to know with certainty what the highest intention God has for your life. First get into right relationship with our Maker, then receive all the Higher Love into your heart that is beyond romantic love, beyond any concept of love or soul mates. Be filled with all the fullness of God and his amazing unconditional Love before you make any decisions on the physical plane. I wish I had someone to tell me this before I made romantic choices long ago; it would have saved me from much heart ache and broken hearts! Be filled with the Love of Our Father and then let that ultimate Love guide you in spirit and truth! I wish you the very best! God bless you!


      • ERICA THOMAS says:


        Liked by 1 person

    • moragrows says:

      Cat: please read the entire series: http://ringingcedars.com/ A most beautiful spiritual ceremony and understanding of marriage eventually are disclosed to the readers. Also, by learning of the main characters’ journey, one is inspired to forgive, and to always rise in constant love of the “other”, self, and God. I hope this helps! And to the author of this post: THANK YOU! Beautiful message – it could carry us all through the darkest hours of earthly love. Bless you!


  17. Greg, I don’t know why there is no way for me to reply to your second comment above, but I want to say congratulations on your 43 years of marriage to your “one wife for life”. I salute you! I honor you and your true commitment! Thank you for being a man of God!


  18. Someone says:

    Thank you for this post. My husband and I are undergoing tremendous inner transformations. After 7 years of marriage, I experienced spiritual awakening and that came out of sheer darkness. If I had clung to the notions of ‘my spouse should make me happy’, it probably would not have happened so I am grateful for this. Soon after that my husband’s real spiritual journey began as well. It has not been easy but like you said, if you understand this is a spiritual marriage then you let the imbalances bubble up and heal. The ego of course is never satisfied and likes to play mind games. Thus, your post was helpful. Thanks.


    • Thank you for sharing! May your marriage be blessed! May your spiritual Marriage to God in your spirit, reconnect your soul (mind, emotions and will) to your spirit and your body to your soul until you are whole, complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4) “Count it all joy when you meet with various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” Focus on God and not the problem and you will soon realize the “problem” is gone! All we have to do is Love God and Love one another and the rest will take care of itself, or dissolve into the nothingness from which it came. We just wake up to the realization that God is Love and when we let God fill us with unconditional love and acceptance, encounter or experience this Love in our body, we are transformed in Love! Let the River of Living Water pour into your being and overflow with Love!


  19. gmichaud1017 says:

    teht yud kat


  20. Margaret says:

    Thank you for the clarity on spiritual marriage” the way you put it feels right”


  21. I agree with all you say and think marriage is a sacrament. Namaste, Ellen


  22. I’m married and can testify to the beauty and sanctity of a soul relationship based on mutual growth. I married my best friend and soul mate and our marriage is an awesome vehicle for having your ego magnified so you can see it and deal with it. There’s nowhere to hide. For some this might be very scary, but my beloved and I have learned to laugh at our egos and return again and again to the purity and holiness of recognition that we are made of God’s love. When we disagree or fall out (which will happen to everyone) we say ‘wow, do you see what I did there?!’ and we are thankful that all the subtle shades of the ego are slowly being revealed. Blessings to all!


    • Thank you so much for sharing your testimony! Relationships are the place where our “ego is magnified” as you said. Well put! Learning to take ourselves lightly, laugh, and return again and again to what is true, right, pure, beautiful, our inner Christ, our inner connection to God, our perfect oneness with Love, makes Life a Joy! Thank you for stating so beautifully what we all long for: the revealing of pure being, pure awareness of God unfolding within us; the Light of Christ in our inner being expanding, increasing and multiplying until it fills our whole body temple and begins to shine into the world to share the Love and Light of God for all! God bless you!


  23. Thanks so much for enabling reblogging. My tweet says it all – https://twitter.com/earthpages/status/584023697096192000 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Fred acquaye says:

    Verse for spiritual marriage


    • “Come to me and I will give you rest; take my yoke (marriage) and you will find rest for your souls” Matthew 11:28-29 paraphrase “In that day you will know that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you” John 14:20 “The two shall become one flesh. This mystery is a profound one” Ephesians 5:31-32 “Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27″ “Christ is all, and in all” Colo 3:11 “For you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28 “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” Gal 2:20 “He who raised Christ from the dead will give Life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit who dwells in you” Romans 8:11 “For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of the commandments and ordinances, that he might create IN HIMSELF one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and reconcile us BOTH to God IN ONE BODY” Ephesians 2:14-16 Romans 8:11 “The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one…that they may become perfectly one” John 17:22-23 The two become one: the church (his body) and Christ AND the human being and Christ Jesus: one new being, the new creation, our body, soul (heart, mind, will), and human spirit reunited with our Father and the Lamb and their Holy Spirit: one new creation spiritually married/yoked to God, our soul at rest in Him! “We are one body and one Spirit” Ephesians 4:4
      God bless you Fred!


  25. Gary Bertnick says:

    Yes, true marriage is a spiritual covenant. Only God can give two the gift of Heaven’s touch and make a man and woman one. It reflects the oneness of Messiah with His true Church. It is the work of God from beginning to the end. Each day on earth is filled with troubles as the Lord warned. We all have a ruthless enemy. But His peace, His Spirit Presence carries us both closer to Him, our Savior.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing Gary! I love “Heaven’s touch,” what a Gift!!!! Yes, marriage is designed to reflect Christ Jesus as the Bridegroom who is one flesh and one Spirit with his bride, the wife of the Lamb (Rev 21:9), the city that comes out of heaven from God, the city set on a hill, the bride filled with the Light of God, his glory, and the lamp, the Lamb of God! We are filled with his Holy Spirit and we let the Bridegroom shine forth through us to a dark world and the thick darkness covering the people (Isaiah 60:1-2). May God bless you!


  26. Anonymous says:

    To be married its nice, but also be carefull when looking.for spiritul & physical wife or husband. need to seek for God direction men & Wemen are everywhere but they be not of you. Ony when you seek God you will find who is fo you


  27. I have a spiritual marriage so please how can I get rid of that?


    • What do you mean by get rid of your spiritual marriage? Could you elaborate?


      • Kristi says:

        I have a feeling this person is talking about the dark kind of spiritual marriage. Some cultures such as shamans and things of that nature do spiritual marriages that are not of God. Then those nasty incubus and succubus demons come in. If this is the case, and the matter in what this person is speaking of, then of course the only way to get rid of it is through prayer and seek the Lord and let him break this. That is the ONLY way, only God has the power to loosen that.


        • Kristi – YOU must be [edited] OBVIOUSLY you [edited] you are heading [edited] Prayer to JESUS will cure [edited] Nick in Canada

          [please note that all comments are welcome and encouraged, and all can speak their truth about themselves, but when responding to others who post, it must be helpful, civil, compassionate, encouraging, edifying, for the building up the Body of Christ. Only judgment from our Father is righteous as he can see our hearts; his Holy Spirit convicts our conscience when we veer left or right; a public forum is not for rebuking or correcting others. If you have issue with someone who comments, please contact them privately. Thank you all for taking the time to comment! ~Yvonne]


  28. Thank you for checking out my site in advance. I do resonate with what you are saying, too. Bless you abundantly.


  29. It would be not only wise but imperative for any couple that enter into marriage believe in the principles which you point out ! Firstly remember that there must THREE in the marriage from day ONE : Jusus Christ, your soul-mate and you ! Sub-personalities show their snarly little faces every now and then even with this one special partner – work around them and squeeze them well into the background, rarely to be seen again ! Almost all marriages based merely on sexual attraction and the “tinglies” will not last as others even more tingly always seem to appear on the scene ! My special honey and I were married when she was 17 and I was 19 and are in Maui today for 2 fabulous reasons: our grand-daughter’s wedding , also our 51st anniversary ! May GOD HIMSELF always bless your for your wise and inspiration thoughts !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy Anniversary!! Oh what a great day! and celebrating a grand-daughter’s wedding too! May God bless your marriage more than you could ever ask or think or imagine! To God be the glory!! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and the Wisdom of God!!!!!!!! ~Yvonne


  30. Special blessings for YOU and Family ! Easy to see that GOD created you in HIS own image, Yvonne ! Warmest thoughts, Nick Slezinski Calgary, Canada

    Liked by 1 person

  31. paule says:

    Truly this article is very important in transforming people by choosing rightly their marriage partners. i love this due to absence of spiritual marriage there’s a lot of divorce and separation in the world today? that is absolutely one hundred percent correct. people do not consult the holy spirit of God to choose for them a right person for marriage, but they just use their heart imaginations, physical appearances, education and money to go in marriage.. woe to those who have rejected the guidance of God, you will marry a snake? God bless you for such a nice Article sister.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Beautiful to read for sure ! GOD Blesses us in so many ways, this I am able to attest to time and again ! My honey and I recently celebrated our 51st anniversary on the island of Maui ! She was 17 and I was 18 . Many people have been asking us for the past while: “How do you stay together for so long – what is the secret or magic ?’ Always rather easy and pleasant for me to respond to : ” GOD is the reason and Love is the way !” The converse is also very fitting: ” Love is the reason and GOD is the way!” I believe that love can be defined by believing in HIM first, creating an auora around you and your partner which is much like a guardian “air-bag” – always there but even though we might forget about from time to time, it IS always there ! A comforting and warm envelopment much like being in a tub of warm, fragrant, sudsy water ! A mechanical air-bay might fail but GOD will never fail you ! The second is to have Full and Ultimate respect for your life’s partner, so much that you will always WANT to have them come First in your life, second only to GOD HIMSELF ! By this constant and undying respect you want to do anything and everything that is not illegal or fattening (ha !) to make life more enjoyable and pleasant for that person, FIRSTLY ! I always place myself a distant second . Ultimate respect is never to cause intentional hurt , whether intended or perceived, and to deflect such hurt with your own earthly body, if and when required , Personally, I would walk over broken glass in bare feet, trying my best to smile through-out the journey if it would or could make my wife’s journey on this earth more pleasant . I feel that GOD gave me a much better pain threshold just for this purpose . In turn, GOD has provided each and every one of us with Guardian Angels to guide us and protect us from harm every day ! These Angels work overtime in many spectacular ways. Who amongst us has not had more than one “close call ” of injury or likely death in our lives, when we missed an injury or demise by a mere “second or two” ? These are Guardian Angels at work who are an extension of GOD HIMSELF ! HE is everywhere ! The secret to a successful marriage or any “union” is not really a secret at all ! Honest Belief in JESUS, GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT warms and tenderizes every heart and mellows any ego – All Glory Goes To GOD ! When I wake up each morning, even before I say good morning to my honey, I acknowledge THEM and say: “Good Morning GOD, Good Morning Jesus, Good Morning Holy Spirit” – I feel and know they are there with us in a comforting and enveloping way ! GOD is not meant to only be worshipped in a “church building” ! My whole world is my “place of worship”, my office, my vehicle, our home – HE is present with me always ! Religion was created by man, Spirituality was created by GOD ! Marriage or any union will not ever be “easy” or a “cakewalk” , however, with my personal life mantra: ” GOD is the reason and Love is the way!” – our marriage surely feels it was created in Heaven, blissful and encompassing without any major ripples in our buoyant, warm waters ! I ask that GOD bless each and every one of us today and every single day ! Amen !

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nick, you said, ““Good Morning GOD, Good Morning Jesus, Good Morning Holy Spirit” – I feel and know they are there with us in a comforting and enveloping way ! GOD is not meant to only be worshipped in a “church building” !”
        So true! thank you for sharing! Yes, may God bless each and every one of us!


    • Paule, thank you for your comment! Thank God for Holy Spirit guidance! God bless you!


  32. eddie says:

    need help with my marriage


    • Jesus is the answer; Jesus is where your help comes from. Right now, we thank you Father for help for Eddie’s marriage. Heal what is wrong and bring wholeness, peace and joy to both of them! Be healed and be made whole marriage; be crowned by our Lord Jesus Christ and watch the marriage be restored! Thank you Jesus!! Amen. Hallelujah!!


  33. Kristi says:

    I am so torn right now. I don’t know what to think and believe right now. I am intensely seeking God and his will in my life right now. I have been tormented for sometime by the enemy and I’m just started to see truth in things. I have a son who was born out of wedlock. My ex-husband and I married for that very reason. I said I do, when in my heart I didn’t because I did not love in that way, but I married out of fear he would take my child away from me if I didn’t. He said I do, when in his heart he didn’t but felt obligated to take care of me because I was the mother of his child. I was miserable in this marriage. He belittled me, made me feel like I was crazy because of the way I believe. He proclaimed to believ in God and Jesus but I’m certain he never really gave his heart away to God, because it was all I could do to get him to go to church with my son and myself. I would even sacrifice going to Sunday school so he would join us.I knew when I went into the marriage we were enevenly yoked. My father had to tug my arm a few times before I actually took a step to walk down the aisle, yet I did it anyway. Now we have been divorced for about 6 years now. I read in the book of Matthew where Jesus spoke on divorce. What I read and interpreted was that I’m not allowed to re marry, if I do I will be committing adultery, which of course I don’t want to do because I have re-dedicated my life to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. So I want to please him and not do anything ungodly and that is out of his will. Of course I am still human and flesh and I would love to have a Godly husband in my life who can help me grow and that we grow together in Christ and to help me with my son. Some Christians have told me there is exceptions to this what I have read in the book of Matthew. Obviously I have not read the bible in its entirety because I am serious confused. I’m hoping you can give me some clarity on this. Of course I seek the Lord Jesus, but I am conflicted. Please help!


    • Oh Kristi, my heart goes out to you. Father I thank you for Kristi and I ask that you bring clarity, comfort, help and peace to her situation, in Jesus’ name above all names. Amen.
      When we are confused or torn we can know that the evil one is involved so it is time to press in to God. Only the Holy Spirit can guide you. Do you have a church home? Do you have a trusted pastor? Keep in the Word and spend time with our Father; be still and know; ask for wisdom and increased discernment.
      Father, give Kristi eyes to see and ears to hear what your Holy Spirit is saying. Amen.
      A great resource for you is https://www.rejoiceministries.org with a daily devotional you can get by email and a plethora of resources and powerful prayer warriors for marriage restoration. God bless you Kristi!


      • Kristi says:

        Thank you. I appreciate all the prayers I can get. I just found a new church I started attending last Sunday. My life has been like a Stephen King movie since 2014. Something horrible happened and I’ve been fighting off this and that ever since. Now today I am reading the bible more than I use to and praying more because I know that is the only to break free from the clutches that try to get ahold of me. I could write a book about what has happened, all kinds of nonsense. I have several enemies, as we all do when we choose to follow after Christ. People will hate you for any reason. As for marriage restoration my heart has no interest in restoring things with my ex husband, unless that is what God wants to happen. I never loved that man in the sense as being “in love” nor did he love me in that way. It was a toxic relationship. If I knew then what I know now. As I mentioned we got the cart before the horse and this is why we got married. Sometimes he acts like he hates the ground I walk on, because I am not the kind of woman he wanted, or wants. We have been divorced since 2010. Now he has a woman living with him right now that he is engaged to marry in March. Neither one of them go to church, which breaks my heart, because as a believer in Christ I want to see everyone except the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, even those who have wronged me. I even made one last attempt about 2 years after our divorce and said if he didn’t want to give it one more try, I was going to move on with my life. Again when I suggested this it had nothing to do with the fact that I want to be with him or be his wife, but because of what I have always been told about once you marry you can not remarry, and I thought this is the only thing that would be acceptable in Gods eyes. To marry another would mean spending an eternity in hell, and I certainly don’t want that. Naturally I want to have a husband for myself. A Godly man who will pray and grow with me in Christ. One who will help lift me up when I’m down. One who wants to dry my tears, not kick me when I’m down or cause me to have more just because he wants what he wants his way all the time. When I was with my ex-husband he just called me crazy when I told him God was showing me things. Even when I passed a caution along to him about something I felt was going to happen and it did happen, even after that he still did not believe me and blamed it on a sickness in my head. Blah… God was preparing me for something that was about to take place and my husband didn’t want to listen because he doesn’t believe in that kind of stuff. He believes as long as you ain’t stealing and killing you will go to heaven. Oh how I pray God changes this mans heart! I’m even more torn about it all now, because I have met someone. I finally meet someone who understands me and has such a beautiful heart and soul. He puts my needs before his own desires and I have never had that from anyone, and I mean anyone. What little time I have known this person we have both grown so much in our spirit together learning from one another. Of course my Heavenly Father is my ultimate marriage and relationship and I am his before I am anyone else’s. This man I have met has asked me to be his wife, and I would love to be, because I want to be not because I feel I have to, and I just don’t know what to do. I feel like this would be such a beautiful thing to happen in my life, but I don’t want to do something if it’s not the will of God. I’ve made that mistake too many times! I’m so sick of this torment. Maybe I should just give it up. Give up the thought of having a husband, become a nun who has no virginty so to speak. If that’s what it’s going to take to be pleasing in God’s eyes then so be it.


        • Father, we thank you for speaking clearly to Kristi through your Holy Spirit. Pour your love into her heart and let your Word come alive in her mind and heart. Kristi, pay attention, stay alert, watchful for what the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding you to do in this new year, what our Father is doing and saying in your life. Amen.


  34. Kristi says:

    I am so glad I found this blog. I want to thank you for sharing what God has shown you to orthers. For there has been many lead astray by false doctrines and teaching. So many wolves walking around in sheep clothing. Thank God for belivers and doers of the word, such as you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank God for God! Thank you Father for the finished work of the cross of Jesus and sending us another Counselor, Comforter, Helper, Guide, Teacher and Leader who is with us and in us, the Holy Spirit! God bless you Kristi!


  35. Jonathan R says:

    Is their anywhere to get married unoficially?


  36. lynn says:

    That was amazing and very thorough




    • Elisabeth, I ask you gently and kindly and compassionately to give up all other spirits and come to our Father through our Messiah, the Christ our Father sent us, his Son, our Father’s exact likeness and image, the Word made flesh, and ask for the Holy Spirit and fire baptism of Jesus. We cannot mix good and evil for it is the fruit of lies from satan’s tree of the knowledge of good AND evil; mixed fruit, mixed wine, mixed covenants = deceived by lying spirits and seducing spirits, wearing patches of the new garment that tears our human garment. We need new wineskins for the new wine of Christ; we need Christ’s pure, holy, righteous white garment alone, no patches or spots of darkness.
      The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, Holiness, and Righteousness will lead you into all truth of the Son, the Messiah, who came ~0 AD, changed time by fulfilling time, brought the kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven, preached the good news (gospel of God our Father) and asked us to repent: change our mind that has become like the father of lies, with conditioned twisted thoughts, and turn and be healed by our Father; our eyes opened to see as Christ sees, our ears opened to hear as Christ hears only our Father’s Voice, and open our heart to receive a new, clean heart and a right spirit put within us that is one with Holy Spirit of our Father and his Lamb! We die with Jesus, we resurrect with Christ, we unite with his Holy Spirit and we are lifted up with him to be seated in heavenly places. Other spirits keep you in the astral realm where good and evil, angels and demons masquerade as angels of light, deceive, fool, trick, lie, manipulate, condition and control you. Do not give consent or legal right to be manipulated; come to our Lord Jesus the Christ alone for he is above the highest heaven with his Father and God and they will send you their Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth and remembrance of what the real Jesus the Christ taught.
      Father, thank you for Elisabeth, lead her into all Truth! Amen.


      • Elisabeth Boyer says:

        Hi, Now it’s a dedicated marriage of Sonic Angel & pals I said only good no evil. See they excersize e me from evil devils and malicious spirits worked better then a cross to scare them away. I’m psychic can hear them talk to me and give Angel Jesus readings. No trick they hate demons. I’m able to get out of bed earlier without spirits barly harming me. I’m not protected with out them. Put HOLEY water on them excoriated them, sent them to church blessing item Orthodox Church prayers. No evil spirit bother me any more. They sometimes still try! I contact good Angels talked to God and Devil about it. They spoke back to me. Don’t worry! My life is saved baptized perfect life. God Bless! Wished you bless me in name of Jesus Christ & understand animals scare demons away. -Jesus Christ!


        • Elisabeth, angels do not marry (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25). Where do you live Elisabeth? I would like to refer you to a ministry if you are open. Our Father loves you very much and wants you to receive the whole truth, not a mixture of truth and lies from the astral realm of spirits.


      • Arc Angel says:

        Hi, God Bless your dedication! May you continue your devout religious path with God and the Lord he’s son with your holey “marriage” unto Christ he’s Angels following Gods foot-steps using your Angelic connection to help animals and save peoples lives. May God’s Sonic energy poor out unto you touching everyone’s lives. -Jesus Christ -Amen!


  38. Kathi says:

    This is so precious! Believing that nothing is “accidental,” I would love to correspond more on the subject of our beautiful young people but can’t find your email address. If you’re actually interested, my email is kathrynwarmstrong (at) gmail.com. Blessings! Kathi


  39. Elisabeth Boyer says:

    Its actually a dedication Marriage! God Bless! You can Bless me, but I shall hear no more judgment from you!


  40. jhamblogcom says:

    Last year, on Tuesday night, after we have conversation with the Lord. While I’m slept the Lord sliced my heart(physical) and it was so painful I can’t breathe and I can’t sleep properly but then the Holy Spirit closed my eyes. I asked Him, why did He sliced my heart? He said to me it is God’s command. I saw my vision that the Cloud of Heaven is open and the angels were assisting to Him. After that, the angels delivered my one-half heart to God, and the Lord told me that I’m not the only one that my heart is half but also a guy who become my husband. The Lord took his heart and I can’t believe it of what the Lord spoken to me, and He told me that our one-half will become a book called “Love”. I thought He will write about of love story but it’s not, He want to write about His Son, Jesus Christ, I saw His Hand writing “John 3:16”. He told me I will not doubt on Him, and He showed to me a vision about my future husband and a future son just to proved that He is not lied to me. I shared to my guest preacher in my church and he told me that I experienced a Spiritual Marriage and I did not expected of I heard from him and I did not expected that I married to the Lord. God want me to experience a holy family because He promised to us that we will have a perfect peace even though the outside is full of darkness.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for sharing your experience of “Spiritual Marriage” with us; we hold it with great tenderness, gentleness and in his perfect Love! The holy angels ascend to heaven from His human beings (our Creator) and descend with God’s holy gifts to give us every good endowment and every perfect gift (James 1:17). The bible mentions “books” so thank you for sharing about the “book of love” Things we didn’t know were possible are now possible with God! We are surnamed by God, we take our new married Name as our soul is united to his pure, holy Spirit! To God be the glory, honor, dominion, thanksgiving, praise and worship now and forever and ever Amen!

      Liked by 1 person

  41. Aditya Nayak says:

    The depth of this article is beautiful. You have actually investigated yourself. 🙂 thank you for this lovely article..

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog page, I like your posts, very inspirational. keep up the good work.
    God bless


    • God bless you!
      Grace and Peace to you


    • Thank you, very much . In my personal view and opinion there is no marriage is it is not Spiritual and therefore Blessed by GOD, JESUS and THE HOLY SPIRIT ! Some will beg to differ of course which they are free to do . Other than a heterosexual marriage – all others should be called or referred to as an “association or partnership” – NOT a Marriage at all as this blasphemes the word in itself ! [edited] My wife and I will celebrate our 53rd anniversary this November ! With blessings, Nick in Calgary, Canada


  43. Just found a great quote as an example of why we forsake worldly wisdom, traditions, philosophies, psychologies, cleverly devised myths, and elemental spirits of the universe that keep human beings in bondage: “Heinz Kohut, the founder of Self-Psychology, once remarked, ‘The secret to a good marriage is having only one person go crazy at a time.’ ”
    Come to Christ, both the Wisdom and Power of God, and find freedom, healing, deliverance, and rest for your soul and your marriage.


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