Disconnected and Broken Hearted


There is a hidden disconnect that is most often revealed through a heart-break or crisis in your life. The crisis in your personal life is revealing the hidden disconnect of your three prong electrical cord, your human self (body, soul, spirit), from the Power Source. The crisis contains both danger and opportunity. The danger is going into despair and desperation leading to fear that manifests as anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, drugs, alcohol; giving up and falling deeper and deeper into the darkness.

The opportunity, presented by suffering or pain in trials or tribulations, is the seed within that can crack open in the darkness to ignite growth up through the dark soil, breaking through into the Light to be bathed by Sun and the Water of Life and grow into a tree of life with abundant fruit and healing leaves. You become a blessing, a life-giving river, a Lighthouse to shine into the world of darkness; a hope and inspiration to others! All things are possible with God! Nothing is too hard; nothing is impossible with God!

Every human being living in the world has a cancer of the soul with mutated atoms. It may not have expressed yet, but this hidden mutation is in your body. It came from the lineage of Adam and Eve. The mutation was caused by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the world’s diet, which mutates the atoms in your body. But there is Good News!!!! The life and death diagnosis of having the genetics of Adam in your atoms, imperfect DNA, has a Perfect Treatment that NEVER fails! We turn to the Source of Life, the power that created heavens and earth, created the perfect human body made in the image and likeness of God, resurrected Jesus the Christ; the SAME POWER, the same Spirit and Fire that can remove all that God did not create in you, kill the cancer of the soul, destroy the mutant atoms,  resurrect the image and likeness of Christ in you, and ascend your Life to Life Abundant in him!


Dr. Jesus, the Christ, is not only the Great Physician, but also the medicine, and the perfect, guaranteed, personalized Treatment! “All who came to Jesus were healed of all disorders” Christ is the heart surgeon, the heart transplant expert; replacing your wounded, broken or hardened heart with his pure, open, Loving Heart! Only the Fire of God can remove all cancer atoms and replace with perfect Christ-like molecules that regenerate your body into a temple! Only the Holy Spirit knows the root of your difficulty or challenge or issue or crisis; only the Spirit and Fire can remove the root of a problem and plant the new seed to grow into the perfect, nondual tree of life with Christ in the center, rooted and grounded in Love!

Our Rx Prescription: 1) turn and acknowledge God* 2) acknowledge mistakes, go from blaming externals to take personal responsibility 3) change your mind; put off your old way of thinking; put on Christ’s Mind 4) allow and receive the Touch of Jesus to transform your heart 5) receive baptism of Water to die to old human being; rebirth into God’s child 6) take Name of God and his Lamb 7) receive the Fire of God to burn down the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (duality) 8) receive the Holy Spirit to wash and regenerate you into Christ-likeness and the image of God in 2015 (this is an 8 year of Victory, Success, Abundant Life, Fulfilled Promises, Manifested Promises)

*God did not steal, kill or destroy anything; God is not mad at you; God did not cause your problem but he does want to transform, heal, deliver, set free and make you whole! God Loves you with a passion and delight that you cannot comprehend!!!!


Open our hearts Lord God. Open the eyes of our heart. Purify, refine and transform our heart. Fill our hearts with your Spirit and Glory, and join our heart to your Heart, Father, that is our True Mother! Nurture, nourish, comfort, hold, rock, stroke, touch us with your Loving, unconditional, all-inviting, all-welcoming embrace, cherishing, loving, feeding and quenching our thirst in your River of Water of Life! You heal our broken hearts! You are the Comforter! You are the medicine, treatment and Doctor of the heart!

“Suck and be satisfied with Her consoling breasts (El Shaddai: the many breasted One); that you may drink deeply with delight from the abundance of her Glory” Isaiah 66:11

“Behold I will extend prosperity to her like a River, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing Stream; and you shall suck, you shall be carried upon Her hip, and dangled upon Her knees. As one whom his Mother comforts, so I will comfort you…you shall see, and your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall flourish like the grass; and it shall be known that the hand of the Lord is with his people…for behold, the Lord will come with Fire” Isaiah 66:12-15

Baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit

Baptism of Fire and the Holy Spirit

The result of the Fire and Spirit in your body temple is the new heavens and the new earth made in you, and your new name in God will remain forever in Christ in Love (Isaiah 66:22).

Refined Gold of Heart

Refined Gold of Heart




About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to Disconnected and Broken Hearted

  1. Inspirational and hope-giving. Thank you, Yvonne.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isabella Rose! So good to hear from you Izzy! What the world needs now is hope sweet hope…and Love! So sweet to have you visit, my talented friend!

      Liked by 1 person

      • You awaken something deep in my heart, dear Yvonne, with your wondefully inspirational articles, a deep yearning for something once known and understood. Bless you. ♥

        Liked by 1 person

        • That hidden treasure within each of us was placed there by our First Love before the foundation of the world; the greatest Gift we can acknowledge and open! The Spirit and Fire of God quickens or ignites or gives life to what is already within! The kingdom of God is within! Every treasure of riches, abundance, prosperity, wealth of Life, the River, is in the hidden Wisdom, Daily Delight! She is a treasure who gives us the Treasure! The Power and Wisdom are both Christ and Christ is hidden within us and we wake up into his body and start to stretch and grow and this Love is ever expanding into the heights, depth, length and breadth of our infinite Source of Life! God bless you sweet one!

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