
I have never heard a minister preach on Melchizedek. He is described as having no mother, no father and no genealogy. He is called the king of peace (Salem) and the king of righteousness (Melchizedek). He is described as the priest of the Most High God.

melchizedek-tree of life-flower of life

Jesus is described in Hebrews as a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus had a mother, Mary, and a father, Holy Spirit, and a genealogy. When he died, resurrected, and ascended, he was Christ forever, as well as high priest forever.

Were Melchizedek and Christ the same person? Melchizedek the priest of God, the peace and righteousness of God, manifested on earth without being born of a human being. This means he was a divine being. Did Melchizedek plant the seed in human beings to return to their divinity which Jesus brought to fruition through dying to humanness in human beings so they could return to their divinity on earth?


Have you let your humanness die on the tree in Golgotha and let your true divine nature that was bought and paid for through great sacrifice rise to fruition within you? Have you woken up? You are either sleeping (dead to your true divine nature) or awake (alive to your real divine nature). Which one do you choose to carry forth into this day?


Are you a priest in the order of Melchizedek, or are you asleep to your true identity? Are you ordained by God: ordained means “to be with God” (Dan Mohler). Be with God in oneness, in consciousness, in awareness, in mind, in heart, and in body! Are you a little christ, or are you still getting your identity from outside yourself? Are you aware of your true identity, or are you still trying to find value outside yourself? Are you waking up to the Light within you, or are you still trying to find your way in the darkness? Are you looking outside yourself for acceptance, belonging, value and identity?

Arise, shine! The Sun is within you already. You will begin to see if you will just learn to see as Christ sees. The Sol is within you in your solar plexus. Unite your Sol/soul with your crown/connection with the Beloved and you will find your eye single and full of light! Three: the number of your Sol/soul, plus seven: the number of your crown/connection with the Beloved is ten: 10, which is 1+0=1. Be transformed by the renewal of your mind! Return to the 1! Return home to God within your heart, here on earth, within your being now. Reunite your soul and your spirit with the Spirit of God now!!!

heart of God in world-siriusnetwork.files

Stop looking outside yourself for what has already been given, already completed and finished within your being! The finished work of Christ, the finished work of the cross, is our divine being. It is already done! Already we are filled!!!

Our divine being, our divine nature, is the return to our original, divine blueprint of creation. We were made in the image and likeness of God. We forgot our source and the Source and believed the lie that we were unworthy, unloveable or not good enough. We believed the lie that we were sinful, without value, unaccepted, unwelcome, misunderstood, blamed and orphans. STOP! Turn! Remember! Return! Renew! Be who you already are! You have just been asleep (dead to your true divine nature)! Awake! Rise! Your light has come!

Ask Holy Spirit to help you remember: re-member: reconnect the members of your being: reconnect your body with Christ’s perfect body: reconnect your mind with the higher mind of God: reconnect your energy centers: reconnect your soul with your spirit, your spirit with the Spirit of God, and your fragmented being with your whole, perfect, complete, united divine being!

Tree of Life, gold filigree heart

Be! I Am!


“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light” Ephesians 5:14

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” Isaiah 60:1

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I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to Melchizedek

  1. Peter Ashley says:

    Thank you for putting this inspiration out there for people to see. You are helping Spirit.
    Love and Light


  2. Love and light to you Peter. We are living in extremely fascinating times! Let there be light!


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