

God you are so Good! so Awesome! so Loving! so Powerful! so Amazing!!!

Love, Higher Love, or Love Without an Opposite is the greatest gift that human beings have ever been given, now or ever! We are Love itself; we are that very amazing Love! If you are breathing right now, you are Loved beyond measure! If you are still breathing, you are filled with the Whole Spirit of God!!! Nothing can separate you from the Awesome Love of God!


Why then does anyone despair, feel unloved, unworthy or bad about themselves, or their circumstances, or relationships, or anything in their life?

The first paragraph I wrote is True and a Sure Thing, and Guaranteed (Ephesians 1:14), BUT you must recognize and acknowledge the Truth for it to set you free. We must become AWARE of the Truth for it to manifest in our life. For it to appear from the spiritual realm within us, to the physical realm in us, we must first acknowledge it, recognize it is the truth, and become aware of it for it to come into physical existence. The AWARENESS of the Truth will set you free!!!


It is simple and natural; as easy as breathing!!! When you become aware that every breath you take, with awareness and knowledge of the Truth of the Spirit of God as our very breath, life becomes romance!!! Each breath, taken with awareness of the Truth, caresses your body, fills you with Love, and refreshes you with NEW LIFE FORCE with every breath!


BREAKTHROUGH is as easy as taking your next breath!!! Just Do It!!! Just do it with new awareness and your life WILL CHANGE!!!! I am sorry that I keep shouting words at you, but I am so excited by the simplicity, natural-supernatural POWER, of the most basic function of being a living human being that with AWARENESS of the Spirit of the Living God as our very breath, can fundamentally change, transform, transfigure and make completely NEW our entire being!!!


Wake up and BREATHE!!! Awaken to the truth of who you are: spirits of God who are breathed by the  Whole Spirit of God!!! Every breath is a new beginning!!! Each exhale is the death of the old human being, Jesus in us (the last Adam/last old-human atom) and each inhalation, or inspiration (in spirit), is the resurrection and ascension of Christ in US, and the refilling of our body with the Holy Spirit, the HaKodesh, Ruach, the Shekinah of God’s Glory indwelling in our very body. “Christ is all, and in all” Colossians 3:11b


WOW! Just BREATHE!!!!! Just breathe with the awareness of the Truth of the Living God entering your body with every breath. Every inspiration of the breath is the Breath of God, the Wholeness of God, the Fullness of God entering your body, renewing your mind, renewing your heart, renewing your cells, giving you fresh manna, fresh life force, fresh vitality, fresh inspiration, fresh creativity, fresh beauty, fresh rejuvenation, fresh life, fresh building blocks of regeneration, and fresh power to overcome any problem in your life. NOW BREATHE!!!! Receive!!!!!! Ignite!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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7 Responses to Breakthrough!!!

  1. james says:

    Please keep shouting at us, we need it!


    • Laughing!!! And as I laugh I feel the “ha ha ha ha ha” as rapid fire exhalations to prepare the body for a big, huge inhale or inspiration of new Life, followed by a big “ah”
      Healing breath! Laughing is the best medicine!


      • “A cheerful heart has a continual feast” Proverbs 15:15b “A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken” Prov 15:13 “A merry, joyful, cheerful heart is good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones” Prov 17:22.
        Here’s to laughter!!!


  2. AAA Jack says:

    Beautiful pictures. Thanks.


    • you are welcome! the Beauty of God’s natural world is super-naturally beautiful; i thank God for those who capture it!
      the Light of God illuminates beauty in everything, even things the world would not think beautiful.
      Thank you God for your beauty as it washes the world with radiance!!!


  3. Pingback: Third Day | New Heaven on Earth!

  4. Pingback: Day Now! | New Heaven on Earth!

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