Tree of Love


Love never fails. Love covers every offense. Love lifts us up to where we belong. Love is what we came forth from. God is Love. God means the Source. Our Source is Love! The Father is Love. The Father means what we came forth from. We came forth from Love, therefore we are Love! Our Source is Love and we came forth from Love, therefore we are Love!

“My prayer is that Love may abound more and more with knowledge [that we are Love, coming from Love] and discernment so we may approve what is excellent [Love] and be pure [see Love] and blameless [act as and be only Love} filled with the fruits of righteousness [Love fruit from Love tree, full of Love seeds to make more Love trees] which come through Jesus [Son of Love] to the glory and praise of God [Love]” Philippians 1:9-11

burning heart

“I will show you a still more excellent way [than earnestly desiring the HIGHER gifts]” 1 Cor 12:31

The more excellent way, higher than the highest gifts of God, is Love! “The transfiguring element is Love” Oswald Chambers 12-12. What is Love? The highest light, highest vibration, highest energy, highest power, highest value, highest identity, and highest attribute that ALL else flows from. Love is the most excellent way! God is Love, the Son of God is Love, and the sons of the Living God are all Love. The inheritance of Love is Love.

The Source of all trees is Love. A tree of Love can only produce Love fruit. Love fruit can only be filled with seeds of Love. Seeds of Love can only reproduce more trees of Love! Anything that is not Love is illusory and must be cut down. “Cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God [Love]” 2 Cor 10:5. Cast down anything, imagination or thought that is not Love. “Bring into captivity every thought [that is not Love]” 2 Cor 10:5.


I am committed to Love’s view of God, the world, human beings and myself. Love can only see Love. The view of everything and everyone from the heights of Love is only Goodness, Beauty, Truth, and Love! I am being transformed, transfigured and transmuted by the renewal of my mind in Love! I do not conform to the mind of the world, the antilove (the antichrist). I place all my attention and intention to the renewal of my mind: to conquer through self-control, self-discipline, and self-mastery. The battle is only in my own mind: anti-love versus Love [truth and knowledge of God/Love]. The only real enemy is in my own mind [battling the lie/deception that I am anything other than the truth: I am Love, the son of Love, with Love as my Father and Love as my Source/God].


I conquer my own mind by renewing my mind in Love! I put on the mind of Christ [Love]. I set my mind on the things above [Love]. I think of these things: whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, excellence, and worthy of praise! “The transfiguring element is Love” Oswald Chambers.


“Rejoice for the King, the Lord your God is in your midst. He will renew you with his Love. He will exalt over you with loud singing. He will remove disaster from you and deal with your oppressors [anything other than Love]. Love will change your shame into praise. Love will bring you home to your true Self: Love. God will make you renowned and praised. God will restore you fortunes [Love] before your eyes” Zephaniah 3:14-20

Love never fails! Love is the more excellent way! Love is the way! Love is the way, the truth and the life! Love is the way back to the Father [what we came forth from]. Love, the manifested Love, the incarnated Love (1 John 4:9), the Son of Love, is the answer to every question. Love is the answer to every problem! Love is the Solution!!!


The mystery of the gospel is: Christ is in us!!! The mystery of the gospel is: Love is in us!!! Christ in us is the hope of glory. Love in us is the glory! Our purpose on earth is to love God with our whole being. Our purpose on earth is to love others as ourself. If I don’t know who I am, how can I love God, love others and love myself? We love with the Love of God only and because God, who is Love, loves us first. “We love, because he first loved us” 1 John 4:19. God is love…love is perfected in us…perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:16-19).


The only thing we need to KNOW and BELIEVE is the Love God has for us. We become a tree of Love. We are rooted and grounded in Love. We upbuild in Love. Our branches are in Love. We bear the fruit of Love. Our fruit of Love is full of seeds of Love. Each seed of Love contains a myriad of trees of Love. Our fruit seeds can only reproduce other trees of Love. Love is the only answer to every question!!!

The secret knowledge of God is Love. God is Love. We are Love. There is only Love! Everything else is illusion and can be cast down. Illusions, delusions are like a mist that the Sun of Presence dissolves. The knowledge of the Truth of Love melts all that is not Love. We no longer need to battle the darkness [everything that is not Love]. We only need to turn on the Light of Love! Simple, natural and extraordinary. The supernatural is now natural!!!


If we never acknowledge the Truth that God is Love, but believe the lies of the world and conform to the world’s mind-set, we don’t receive the Love that starts the chain-reaction. God is Love. We receive God’s unconditional Love. We seek to know God as Loving Father. We learn we are a son of the Living Most High God. We learn our identity is Love because our Father is Love. We give who we are to others: LOVE! Love can only give Love. Love can only reproduce Love.


Love trees, in the garden of Love, reproduced from Love, watered by Love, rooted and grounded in Love, can only reproduce other trees of Love, through seeds of Love in the fruits of Love!!! Love trees only produce Love fruit. Love fruit only contain seeds of Love. Every seed of Love reproduces the likeness of the Love fruit, the likeness of the original tree: Love!!! Love seed only grows into Love trees, producing Love fruit! There are no more seasons in the new heaven on earth now (NHOEN). The Love trees produce Love fruit 24/7, 365 days of the year! And so it is! Amen!!!

p.s. all redundancy was intentional! Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love x 12 x 12! 12-12-12 The beginning of Love’s rule in every heart, mind, body, soul and spirit! Amen!


About NewHeavenOnEarth

I am my Beloved's and He calls me His own!
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6 Responses to Tree of Love

  1. Pingback: Like A Virgin Touched For The First Time | New Heaven on Earth!

  2. Brook says:

    No…I wouldn’t let a thief into my house, so why let fear into my mind and heart. Such magnificent pictures too! *Thank you.*


  3. Pingback: New Town | New Heaven on Earth!

  4. p3p3p3p3 says:

    how do I unsubscribe to stop the email messages?


  5. Pingback: Gospel Truth | New Heaven on Earth!

  6. Pingback: Source of Love | New Heaven on Earth!

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